Reviews from

in the past

Gnarly medieval SPLATTERHOUSE-vibe brawler where the player is a normal-sized person controlling a giant barbarian^ by riding around on his back. You fight a truly horrifying menagerie of gross mythical beasts by punching them until their faces bleed and their heads pop off, or you can jump on their backs and just pound their whole shit in, too. The combat is simple (and quickly boring) and most of the variation comes from the interactive environments and using them to wipe out the sometimes overwhelming hordes of enemies. Screwing that stuff up means you can get snowed under pretty quick, and you only have two lives before continuing which, fatally, sends you back to a checkpoint rather that reviving you on the spot, making progressing through the game about ten times more annoying than it needs to be. And that's a shame, because this is definitely the type of game you want to keep playing to see what kind of goopy weirdo is around the next corner, and what it looks like when you ruin his entire situation until his head falls off.

^You can also switch to riding around on a tiger that throws a RYGAR-style chain-pizza but it's not as good. And also there's some super dragon form I couldn't figure out how to unlock. Twenty-foot tall barbarian was good enough.

The final boss is a big fat skin-colored Satan who you beat by deflating his giant pulsating nutsack that's resting on the floor and then doing gymnastics on one of his big horns until it explodes off. 2.5 stars.