Reviews from

in the past

Tetris on the Game Boy is an instant classic and the ultimate puzzle game on the go. Its simple concept of aligning blocks is endlessly addictive, and the increasing speed keeps you on your toes. The iconic music and basic visuals may seem dated by today's standards, but the core gameplay is timeless. Whether you're aiming for high scores or just need a quick gaming fix, Tetris will keep you hooked for hours on end.

A very effective pack-in game, with catchy music and straightforward, no-frills Tetris gameplay. It probably won't blow you away or anything, but what's not to like?

By the way, what is up with those wonky Mario and Luigi sprites when you play PvP? Now those are some off-model Bros.

competitive tetris goes hard
so addicting that when im not playing tetris the pieces are literally falling inside my head (i think this is a medical condition send help)

Spinning in some directions while touching the walls doesn't work, the board is shorter than I would deem necessary (apparently the NES version is 2 rows taller), controls feel unresponsive at higher levels/speeds and you can't place pieces fast enough on the sides when the board starts filling up (could be the 3DS emulation, or the impossibility to comfortably hypertap on a 3DS). It's still classic tetris, so its core gameplay is good, but it shows its shortcomings the more you approach the skill ceiling

Absolutely insane skill-ceiling but, if you're only "kinda good" at Tetris and not improving, it gets boring honestly.

Fun for a 10 minute time burner or several years long grind, which I guess you really can't ask more of a puzzle game!

It’s Tetris, what do you expect?

The only reason I dislike this version of the game is the lack of a save feature. Sure, it’s incredibly replayable, but that just made it more and more frustrating to lose my high scores whenever I achieved them. (Yeah I could use save states, and I did for a bit, but that’s just not my thing for… reasons). Other than that, the few songs in here are iconic and its presentation fits the game boy’s screen like a glove. Might try out a mod to get saves if I can’t find a version that I like better… but as for the game as it released, I just can’t enjoy it with that one big flaw.

Retro Yearly List #15 [1989: Tetris]

Tetris may be a difficult game to rate, I mean, it's kind of a genre itself, and there are not many comparisons to make here, so thinking from the perspective of what a game has to be, this one delivers everything needed.
It was innovative like no other, with a gaming style that is addictive even those days, to the point to having it turned into a culture inside and outside the gaming niche, everybody knows Tetris nowadays (at least if you were not born last month).
The music, you probably already know the main one, the classical "Korobeiniki", based on a Russian tone, is simply a timeless and beautiful melody, I did not bother to have it on loop while trying to beat my own high scores. The second song also caught my attention, so was a nice surprise.
This version also has some diverse challenges other than the infinite high-score-based one, allowing you to play the Type-B games which are different levels with finite goals, you can also add to the difficulty selecting a level of "high" which will start your game with a pile of random trash that you need to overcome.
The game has some sky-rocket cutscenes that will appear depending on your score, which is a nice touch, I was not able to get them tho, since my maximum score was 37.000 only.
Tetris has everything you need to have FUN, and that's something that nobody can deny.

It's Tetris as you might expect it, but with a good bit more randomness to the tiles that makes it rather odd to play. You can end up with multiple tiles in a row you don't want, which isn't exactly ideal for a game like this. One thing I will give respect to is being able to choose what level you start at, as well as which song you want to play out of 3.

As timeless as a crossword or jigsaw puzzle.

A fantastic port of the NES version of Tetris complete with the wonderful music. For most people, this would have also been their first portable Tetris which saved countless hours of boredom in waiting rooms, public transport, and every other place kids got dragged by their parents.

Played the game just not this version.

inte lika bra som kalles

I've never really been into Tetris, but this game is obviously timeless.

I'm not a Tetris pro like some of my friends are, but I did enjoy a bit of this every once in a while on my 3DS.

Not quite the original, but the version many people came to know as the original. Played on my Game Boy in middle school, found it surprisingly addicting for a 1989 release. I haven't played much since, and will stick to the Switch version of Puyo Puyo Tetris, should I ever crave a little block-dropping goodness.

At the end of the day it's still Tetris, but this particular version is pretty lacking. It's especially hard to return to versions without the bag system in place, as they feel so much more random. There's also practically no lock delay which makes it very easy to end up with pieces in the wrong place, and don't even think about doing any kicks or spins.

I played this game on my TI-84 Plus CE