Reviews from

in the past

Watching in abject horror as the Professor - who is a college educated man - climbs several tetrominoes to wedge his greasy little body between an L piece and a descending ceiling of spikes. He's dead! The Professor is dead and I couldn't stop it!!

Those who know me outside of this site understand how much I love Tetris, because I've subjected all of them to an absolute throttling in Tetris Battle Gaiden at least once. We simply can't be friends until I've copied a well full of blown apart junk, faxed it to you, and established Total Tetris Domination. Recounting my ill-deeds may not be enough to convince anyone passing by this review of my qualifications, but those of you who've been placed under the heel of Ninja Kid will hopefully trust me when I say Tetris Plus is kind of a crummy game.

Tetris Plus' main attraction is its puzzle mode, which presents the player with partially filled well that must be cleared so the Professor can escape. The Professor is under constant threat of a collapsing ceiling that progressively restricts the play space, and seeing as he has a tendency to climb blocks in front of him, the player needs to be mindful of how high up they're building their tetromino to ensure he doesn't get crushed while factoring what pieces are needed to open a path to the bottom of the well.

Despite being billed as a puzzle mode, the random nature of tetromino drops makes it more of a scramble to do the best with what you have, which I could deal with if not for the fact that Tetris Plus leans towards the GameBoy end of the spectrum and frequently puts the player into block droughts. You can't hold pieces either, so you might find yourself stuck stacking tetrominoes straight up to burn pieces and hoping to hell the Professor doesn't shimmy up them towards oblivion. Basic tetromino movement and spinning also feels clunky, and feedback when connecting pieces and clearing lines is just a little too limp to be satisfying.

Sure, the basic Tetris mode is perfectly serviceable, but there's so many better Tetris games out there that I see little reason to pick up Tetris Plus unless you want to dive into its more unique features, which I feel are poorly executed. If someone tells you that you should play Tetris Plus, watch out, it's probably the Professor and he wants to die.

im down bad for the tetris plus assistant lady

sometimes i want the professor to die

The rotation system feels clunky and the puzzle mode would benefit from modern mechanics like hold and better L J and T spin support. More often than not you might find yourself grinding pieces at the top of the screen to get the one you want. The levels are interesting though and it has some charm that is missing from most other tetris games. Personally, I prefer the Gameboy version because the rotation system feels a little better than on PS1.

i really wish this came out after the hold function became common in Tetris games (specifically for the puzzle mode). in any case, this might be my go-to version of classic Tetris.

My brother got me this game as a gift and i made him play it with me until he realized why it was bad (1 level)

Eh game. Puzzle mode was fine I guess. Way better Tetris games everywhere else.

Well it is certainly Tetris plus something else.

This is a really unique take on Tetris. I actually really like it.
Some of the puzzle levels are pretty terrible though. But it's got some great graphics and music, and it was a pretty fun time.

A solid tetris variation, I like guiding the little guy. Excellent music too.

as we head backwards into the past, i'm increasingly taken with how tetris plus and its sequel really nailed the "tetris, but" genre. color matching stackers are exploding in creativity, but the closed design of tetris hasn't lead to a longevity of tetris-likes. we'll discuss that phenomenon later once we get to the "tetris-like" boom of the late 90s and early 80s. but this half-decade hasn't brought us a lot of them -- the closest might be Cleopatra Fortune, honestly. (TGM is doing its own thing.) the Tetris Plus puzzle mode is genuinely brilliant. i'd be repeating my Tetris Plus 2 review to say more, so in short: pleasant, meaningfully distinct, very cute, rng-game-as-in-party-mode not rng-game-as-in-unfair, shame about the grave robbing but we will entomb them for their sins

piss poor tetris. for shame

Focused on Puzzle/Challenge mode for this playthrough.

Interesting modifier for Tetris, turning it into a weird escort mission. You've lost the purity of Tetris, instead turning it into a series of puzzle stages that happen to feature tetrominoes, but what you have in its place isn't bad. The professor's AI makes for interesting timing challenges on whether or not to quickly drop blocks.

Cute, but just worse Tetris with a story.

Have some nostalgia for this one. Archaeologist dude walking around is cool.

Unfortunately ahead of its time. The archeologist puzzle mode is a pretty neat idea, and the rules are intuitive enough to grasp quickly, but the game came out before the Hold function and the super rotation system were common to Tetris; the hold function alone would have made a world of difference, given how many puzzles feel dependent on having a certain piece once an opening is cleared. I think they should bring the headline mode from Tetris Plus back in a modern entry. Hopefully the rights aren't tied up with Jaleco or something like that. Heck, bring back the Professor and his assistant in the next Puyo Tetris, them and puzzle mode would be a more welcome addition than the RPG boss mode PPT2 had.

"You'll hate our grandpa more than your own or your money back guaranteed!" - The devs of this game, probably

fuck you you piece of shit idiot grandpa