Reviews from

in the past

The idea is cool but the context is weak, the gameplay is minimal, and the puzzles get to a point where they aren't really interesting, they're just kind of a pain to do. The idea is really neat though, just wished they leaned in more and kept it more mind-bending level after level.

Idk what it is about this game, but I just don't like it and I have no idea why. I really like the drawn artstyle, the gravity mechanics are all very cool to use, and the atmosphere ties it all together. But something about it makes me not enjoy playing. Maybe I'm just not smart enough to fully enjoy it even though I finished all the normal levels.

A challenging game that broke my brain in a few parts. Was short and sweet but awfully slow for some reason, the art was nice though.

A incredibly difficult puzzle game involving manipulating the gravity and spinning the area as if you would spin a painting. There is a rewind button, much like how the Prince of Persia games had it where you could undo a mistake or realise if you moved a certain orientation faster or slower or even start from the beginning to try a different path.

This game is incredibly difficult and I'd only recommend it for those who are great at puzzle games and enjoy them thoroughly. I found it very difficult and once stopped I couldn't do anything without a guide as they are incredibly difficult.

Finally got around to this after sitting in my library for a decade..... only to realize I had already "got around to it" a long time ago. (semi-forgettable)
I mean that. The Bridge has bounced around with me through various consoles since the 360 era - intriguing enough to keep reclaiming but not enough to ever play.... or so I thought (but not enough to remember I guess)

I feel like I really only have a couple big thoughts:

- The Bridge is the quintessential early 2010s indie-ass indie puzzle game. Part of the "first wave" of the mainstream indie scene along with the likes of Limbo and Braid et al, almost everything notable about it is quaint by todays standards. It might be hard to picture, but 10 years ago there werent alot of games like this. It has classic puzzles and avaguely evocative but very in vogue at the time Alice in Wonderland "madness" atmosphere and not much else going on (par for the course circa 2013)

- Having said that tho, I think The Bridge has aged very well. Credit where credit is due, I feel like the game steadily incremented the difficulty by introducing interesting lil twists to the puzzles. Mindblowing? No. Sneaky? Cheeky? Yes. Someone on the team knew what they were doing.

- BUT. There are a handful of times where the game BREAKS its own rules (even if only in some subtle ways) and I take this as the designer admitting defeat. I dont think anyone can fully respect puzzles with arbitrary parameters, no one feels outsmarted by that.

Small thoughts:
- I actually felt the story was kinda cute
- Everyone agrees: game move slow

Interesting art style paired with some very simple controls. While it’s short and sweet, the movement is so slow that most of the puzzles end up feeling too unsatisfying or just outright frustrating to solve.

I feel like this game could be very good, sometimes it is, but the puzzles can just be too confusing and I felt stuck a lot.

Innovative, clever, and beautiful.

The game allows you to play puzzle games by using the nintendo switch's tilt functions to control gravity. This is the first time I've played a game with tilt controls that actually feels natural and fun. The graphics, along with the music, is incredibly immersive despite having almost no dialogue at all.

It isn't a long game, especially not if you're naturally good at puzzles, but you can still get a good few hours out of it. It often goes on sale on the nintendo switch e-shop so I highly recommend downloading it!

always sucks to neg an indie game that clearly had passion and effort put into it, but it did not translate well in the finished product. it's a physics based puzzle game that fails to be fun or stimulating. i'd say a good third of the puzzles i was able to figure out by accident via trial-and-error, so i didn't really feel like i got much out of actually solving them. the music is completely unremarkable at best (they're thanking kevin macleod in the credits lol), there's an obligatory cryptic story that's told through diary entries that every indie game at the time had to have, and the art direction doesn't do anything really noteworthy. this whole game just feels like standard indie-core. i'm a decade late, but how did this win awards? who felt passionate about this and was not involved in its creation? what emotion does this game inspire besides boredom?

Desculpa, mas não lembro muito sobre.

This game is far too slow to control, both your movement and the speed at which you rotate the levels. It makes the game feel ponderous. Oftentimes its easy to see what you need to do you just have to sit and wait as you rotate the level back and forth to achieve that goal.

It doesn't help that movement and rotation are pretty much the only ways to interact with the world. The levels rarely feel complex enough to engage with.

Empieza muy bien pero ya por el final los puzzles se vuelven un poco pesados. Y ni siquiera es tan bueno. Buena estética

I felt that 90% of the levels were easy, and some 10% were difficult. Despite the difficulty level, I did not enjoy the gameplay as everything felt bland.
At first, I enjoyed the art style, but as I continued playing, the music, the art style and the gameplay felt "basic" with nothing to spice it up. The biggest crime is the gameplay which made the game feel awfully slow and the game's purpose felt like it was to walk around in weird gravity, rather than solve puzzles.

If you still want to play the game after reading so far: look at 10-20 minutes of gameplay. If you imagine the whole game to be the same as what you have seen and the game won't evolve (either in music or in harder & interesting puzzles) then don't buy the game.

I just dont like puzzle games man

Nádherná černobílá "tužková" stylizace v logické hře, která je tak trochu 2D digitální verzí takových těch 3D maze ball, co jich jsou plná hračkářství. Úvodní princip naklánění je ve své nekomplikované čistotě stejně tak vynikající jako i nosný nápad. Problém je, že postupem úrovní se navalují další a další prvky, které však hru ani tak neobohacují jako spíše zbytečně překombinovávájí a znepřehledňují. A to až do té míry, kdy se ona nekomplikovaná (myšleno mechanismy a nikoli obtížností) čistota vytrácí ty tam. Postupem času už je to takový maglajz výjimek ve výjimkách potvrzující výjimku, že to již ani není zábavné. A je to škoda, protože mnohé úrovně se tu řadí mezi to nejlepší, co se v poslední době v žánru objevilo.

Nice puzzle game with Escher style illusions.
Although there are many games with this kind of puzzles this one pairs them with a nice art direction.
The game is short and kind of easy except the final puzzle which is pretty tricky.

I am far too dumb for this man to walk this slow

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked. This is a puzzle game heavily inspired by the works of M.C. Escher, with distinctive hand-drawn level geometry featuring 'impossible' objects, reflections and symmetries. The objective of each level is to navigate the protagonist to the level's exit door, usually after first collecting one or more keys needed to unlock it. The key puzzle dynamic is while the protagonist is unable to jump (movement is limited to just walking left or right), you also have the ability to rotate the entire level freely, while retaining downwards gravity, so that what was once up becomes down, left, right or any angle in between.

While puzzles start off fairly simple, the difficulty level ramps up rapidly, alongside the addition of new puzzle elements within each chapter to increase further complication - these range from vortices which trap the protagonist or other objects if they come too close, to the introduction of objects of opposite 'polarity', accessible only after passing through fixed 'inversion' points. Solving the trickier puzzles certainly brings a sense of satisfaction, though by the end these were becoming somewhat too complex for my taste and and as a result could tend towards feeling like trial and error could be almost as effective an approach as truly understanding an efficient solution. With that proviso aside, though, the game gets my overall recommendation.

Un pasejero juego de puzles inspirado en los entornos imposibles de M. C. Escher, como Monument Valley, aunque por detrás de este en cuanto a calidad y resolución. Se deja jugar y en ocasiones resulta desafiante por lo que se trata de un título interesante.

The speed at which the player character moves and the stages rotate are very slow - a problem I think could've been fixed with a fast-forward feature. The game's only 3-4 hours long, but I had to split those hours over five non-consecutive days because it didn't hold my attention. The puzzles are visually mesmerising - I adore the art style - but the game is more satisfying to look at than it is to play.

Painfully slow. No new ideas gameplay wise, and not much in the way of story either.
The art style is nice, and the soundtrack isn't bad either, but they can't possibly do enough to pull up the entire rest of the game.

A physics based puzzle game that has you tilting the world in order to help move yourself and objects to where they need to go. Good music and great penciled art style in an Escher style world. Puzzles are satisfying and, while some might require trial and error, are never overly difficult. Each chapter introduces new elements to the puzzle or changes things, such as areas that have different gravity, switches that need to be held down, or a vortex that can trap you or objects. The game has very slow character movement and tilting which can become annoying, more so when you get to certain puzzles that require you to walk around the area for the correct solutions. Ability to rewind is helpful to undo some mistakes but like the rotations and character movements is also slow enough where it will often be faster to just reset the puzzle if you need to go back far. A mirrored mode increased the difficulties of the puzzles once the game has been finished for those looking for a greater challenge.

Braid but with anything good about it removed.

Mal aprovecha mucho potencial como juego de puzzles que además se toma prestadas ideas de "Braid", el problema es que no es tan complejo ni tan pulido como este último, único punto a su favor es el apartado visual por lo demás cae estrepitosamente.

I'm just not smart enough for this.