Reviews from

in the past

Jogo da minha infância. Já zerei umas 5 vezes. 3 no Pc, 2 no Xbox. Vale muito. História MUUUITO envolvente e mistériosa. E me deu medo REAL em certas partes, Hehe.

One of my favorite games ever in terms of pure atmosphere. The whole game is accompanied by a feeling of dread, as you drive your train through the apocalypse, and attempt to piece the story together through the tidpits you find, with nice and fitting soundtrack, as well as mesmerizing background visuals.

Sadly, it gets dragged down in its gameplay which, while mostly servicable, could have used a lot more work (although a lot of the issues were addressed in its amazing DLC). The train maintenance is fine, but the way its set up effectively prevents you from learning more of the story as the dialogue between passengers continues regardless whether you're able to read it or not (I get the idea but it's just annoying).

Overall a fine experience for its atmosphere, and relatively short runtime of around 6-7 hours.

Repetitive, but a great story and atmosphere. The level building was superb.

Pensa num jogo com AQUELA vibe misteriosa, bons tempos...

Um bom jogo indie com um gameplay um pouco repetitiva, mas a história conseguiu me cativar.

É aquele tipo de jogo que tu tem que ler e prestar a atenção em tudo, se não acaba perdendo muitos detalhes da mundo.

Fun game with a cool ending, but doesn't fully deliver on the ideas it is playing with.

La nota es para el juego sin el DLC.
El DLC decepción.
El juego base JUEGARDO

Neat survival horror-ish game with an interesting premise and atmosphere, that feels like it just sorta gave up halfway through

This game blends platformer action with adventure narrative, situated in a dystopic world where you, as the driver of the government's experimental train, serve as a cog in the whole narrative machinery involving science, conspiracies, zombies and... aliens? With that in mind, the whole story only gives hints to the events of the story without fully giving itself away, leaving you to fit the pieces together as you play through it. I also just played through the DLC, which views the storyline from a different perspective and I am (yet) both dumbfounded and amazed at best. I recommend this if you want to pick up some action adventure with a mystery plot that cautiously unfolds itself.

Also, I like trains.

La boucle de gameplay de ce jeu est unique, je n'ai jamais joué à un jeu similaire. Le jeu est une sorte de jeu d'action horreur en 2D avec un aspect gestion de ressources. On parcours des zones dans lesquels on affronte parfois des ennemis, on collecte des ressources et ramène des survivants, et on tente surtout de comprendre ce qu'il se passe dans le monde on prend place l'action. Le storytelling environnemental marche assez bien et l'atmosphère est réussie. L'action est peu profonde et pas vraiment intéressante. Le gros point fort du jeu est son atmosphère et le mystère qui l'entoure, ainsi que sa boucle de gameplay unique. Si le lore m'a plu je dois avouer que la conclusion de l'histoire m'a un peu déçu mais ça n'enlève en rien à l'affection particulière que j'ai pour ce jeu, c'est une petite pépite à mes yeux !

Estás solo con los pocos recursos que puedas conseguir, un grupo de supervivientes, y un desolado planeta. ¿Tu objetivo? Que el tren siga avanzando. ¿En contra? Todo menos tu fiel pistola.

A brutal and sad world overun by zombies. And the brutality and sadness is shown in the world of Final Station, deciding you gets fed and doesn't, who you pick up and leave behind. A rich history can the be discovered by listening to passengers and figuring out how this happened. Great stuff

A neat atmospheric survival'ish game.

I looked forward to the train aspect of the game as that has a lot of potential for immersive storytelling. Sadly, that turned out to be the weakest link of The Final Station. The tedious resource management train parts I went through while juggling passenger gauges made me miss out on a lot of passenger dialogue and worldbuilding to make sense of their stories and how the situation keeps developing.

The few times I was actually able to distract myself from them were actually very enjoyable, oh well.

The fighting/looting combat is pretty simple and clear. Looting feels good and areas are planned out well enough. Melee is too strong and makes wasting ammo on more fragile enemies seem very pointless, especially once I realized how easy melee-kiting most of them is, didn't feel very natural.

The final act of the game I found to be a standout, as it abandons a lot of the parts that brought it down before, while focusing on the good much more.

Por fazer bastante tempo que joguei, talvez não me lembre de muitas coisas ruins, apenas que eu amei jogar esse jogo na época, a ambientação, cada parada do trem era um mundo novo, e as estruturas que você via durante as viagens eram de se admirar, o sistema de suprimentos e controle do trem e dos sobreviventes/passageiros me fazia pensar bastante, a luta por recursos e o combate também era divertidos, um bom jogo, espero que algum dia encontre algo parecido

Another game I got in the Tiny Build bundle that I bought solely because the trailer looked cool, and another game that really didn't disappoint. It's a weird thematic story combined with a weird mish-mash of gameplay mechanics, but it's fun and it just all kinda works. It took me about 4 hours, and I got just about all the achievements.

So the theme/story to me felt a bit like Evangelion but if it were about zombies from space, but even that is REALLY inaccurate to the actual plot. Apparently it's based off of the work of a famous pair of Russian brothers (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky), given that there's a statue honoring them in one side-area of the game and it's by two Russian devs, but having never heard of them before that realization meant nothing to me Xp . Regardless, the narrative is interesting and engaging, even if at the end of the day it's all a bit too vague for any really obvious message about the human condition to be discussed around it. The main thing that hurts the story is the game's pretty bad translation. MANY places in the game, in both side and main dialogue, characters will confuse "has" for "had" and also drop articles and identifiers ("a" and "the") for words and it makes the dialogue read confusingly. It's not EVERYWHERE, but it's often enough that it's jarring when it happens. Given that no localization element is credited in the credits, I can only assume they did it themselves.

The gameplay is like a 2D action/adventure survival horror game intermixed with a train maintenance sim, which sounds insane as well but I can explain. The game is mostly the former, intermixed with the latter. You're a train driver (perhaps not the best, but you ARE the last) going from stop to stop in a zombie-ish (it's very complicated) apocalypse. You go from stop to stop going out to collect the code to allow you to progress the train, and to do this you need to shoot and punch enemies you encounter as you try to find cash, materials, ammo, medkits, food, and survivors. The aiming is done with the mouse, but the game is on Xbox as well apparently, so you can also use a controller (although I used a mouse). There are basically 4 types of enemies, with two of them having stronger versions you eventually meet, but the environments are varied enough that fighting them never really gets boring with how relatively short the game is.

You collect all that stuff to use during the other part of when you drive the train. Now the driving of the train is automated, but the maintenance isn't. As you drive, at one of 2-4 systems in the train will need you to do a very simple mini-game (like holding down the mouse, or timing mouse clicks correctly) to keep the train from super-dying. Your survivors you've collected don't take care of themselves either, as they'll need food and medkits accordingly when their bars run out. They'll have pretty interesting text conversations to one another during the train ride, but their conversations all happen in real-time. If you're doing something like working on maintaining the front of the train or getting a medkit so the one with the head injury doesn't bleed out on the floor, you won't "hear" what they're saying because you aren't in the passenger compartment. There's more than just achievements at stake for saving them too, as each one gives you a cash reward as well as possibly some more ammo, materials, or even a weapon upgrade at the time they reach their destination. It's a really neat mechanic, and even though when you really look at it the train bit is not that brilliant as far as gameplay, it really works well to even out the pacing of the more tense action sequences (as the game itself really isn't THAT hard, as even I didn't need to use a single medkit while playing).

The game actually does a really good job of building a tense and mysterious sci-fi atmosphere between the two gameplay types. Talking to people in the town segments (the non-train bits with no combat in), overhearing survivors on the train, reading notes as you explore for access codes and supplies. Rough localization aside, They all add up to create a pretty tense feeling and slowly reveal to you (or not) what may or may not be actually happening in the world to cause all this madness.

Verdict: Highly Recommended. If you enjoyed a modern take on indie survival horror like Lone Survivor, you will probably have a lot to enjoy about The Final Station. It's not quite as polished as that game, but it's also not as derivative. I'd hesitate to call it an indie Resident Evil, but I also don't think that's too off the mark. Where Party Hard made me kinda question the original MSRP of $15, I think The Final Station is unique enough and engaging enough to quite fairly justify that price tag, and if you can get it for $3 on sale like I did then it's an absolute no-brainer if you like 2D action games with survival horror elements

For getting it for Games With Gold, it was pretty good! A game I would definitely replay on PC to properly rate it

Interesante juego de zombies, plataformas y gestión de recursos.
Me gustó, pero no me voló la cabeza.

Você é um maquinista em um mundo repleto de mistérios a beira do fim, será que você conseguirá chegar na última estação?

A scary and unnerving experience, really enjoyed it.

Eu amo jogo com um certo terror "cósmico", esse estilo onde você esta em um lugar totalmente hostil e tem que explorar em cada canto.
Algo mais apocalíptico pra ser mais específico.

The final station is okay at what it tries to do. At first it looked something like it was about a cult, at least that is what if looked like in the first sequence. Then it seemed to be about aliens or about humans creating monsters. And precisely the problem with the game is the story what it's more focused about. It's trying to tell us a lot of stories at the same time, almost feels like it's told like a souls game, but without really commiting to something. We don't even get a fullfiling ending about us or the black things or the establisments around the world. World building is lazy, characters are not interesting nor charming at all, and it's quite forgettable, but in the end it becomes memorable because of how sadly empty the story feels. Gameplay is dull and boring. The game is not bad but it tries too many things in a short span of time, could've off been better but as I've been saying, tried too much.

Cool premise that doesn’t really go anywhere with a pretty bad ending

One I put down and picked up several times. I finally committed and it was worth it, the story is interesting and tough at times. I like the style and the exploration is fun.

The Final Station es un juego de acción y supervivencia donde debemos hacer frente al apocalipsis mientras tratamos de llevar la última esperanza de la humanidad en forma de tren a destino.

La historia nos transporta a un mundo postapocalíptico donde una plaga esta transformando a los seres humanos en una especie de muertos vivientes. Aquí interpretamos a un maquinista a cargo de el último tren en funcionamiento y que tiene la misión de llevar las piezas de un proyecto a destino para salvar a la especie humana. ¿Lo lograremos?

Acción, explorar, y mucha violencia en este juego tan entretenido. Cada fase es una parada del tren donde debemos encontrar la clave para que el tren pueda salir de la estación. En esta busqueda deberemos enfrentarnos a muchos enemigos y sobrevivir a la vez que saqueamos todo lo posible.

Al terminar la fase llegamos al tren donde debemos mantener operativos los distintos sistemas y mantener a salvo a los distintos pasajeros que hemos ido rescatando en las fases.

Es oscuro y tiene una magnifica ambientación que crea angustia, los escenarios y gráficos están muy bien elegidos. Y los sonidos suman un plus a la ambientación. ¡Gran apartado artístico!

En conclusión, The Final Station es muy recomendable y te hará disfrutar unas 4 horas para terminarlo.

compelling atmosphere and world-building, great pacing and enjoyable gameplay makes this an good time.

the storyline is a bit barebones thanks to some awfully written dialogue, the management mechanics inside the train is a bit flat and doens't go anywhere after 2 or 3 rides, it's an cool concept but I was only invested in the exploration portions the most, it was an solid 2D shooter in those sections that I would easily recommend who likes this style of gameplay.

The atmosphere alone speaks for this simplistic yet intriguing indie title. It is compellingly mysterious and the worldbuilding, although not easy to understand is magnificent.

É um jogo 2d bem simples e curto sobre ser um maquinista num mundo pós apocalíptico dominado por monstros. O final faz valer o jogo todo, que é bem fácil.

Does a whole lot with very little means. Impressively atmospheric and well paced.