Reviews from

in the past

My brain isn't made for thinking games so after the first couple chapters I kept getting stuck on where to go next, shame as I really liked the macabre world building and the story in season 1 however I lost interest in season 2

One of the best games i have ever played.

"Vrány nejsou tím, čím se zdají být." Čistě jako adventura to žádný zvláštní zázrak není; krátké (čtyři kapitoly, každá cca na hodinu) a díky přímočarosti jasně nalajnovavé "co kdy a kde udělat, koho zpovídat, co za předměty zkombinovat". Žádný zásek, žádné namáhání mozkových závitů. Jenže tady prim hraje děj a především podmanivá znepokojivá atmosféra gotického horroru. Sychravá blata, v mlze utopená rozlehlá zatuchlá panství a v nich nemluvné charaktery, které mají co skrývat... V tomto ohledu není co vyčíst a zvolená na první pohled nevzhledná stylizace tomu pomáhá. Nemluvě o fenomenálním soundtracku či (nejen) aluzí na Lynche.

Celé rozkrývání tajemné minulosti je proto zábavné a díky zmíněné přímočarosti to má i parádní tah na branku. Jen to prostě až tak moc nefunguje jako hra, ale spíše jako interaktivní literární horrorová povídka. Holt něco za něco a zde byly herně adventurní prvky obětovány na oltář zážitku. Pokud druhá sezóna zvládne udržet dějovou laťku i působivost atmosféry a zároveň zapracovat na větším podílu adventurních prvků a alespoň nějaké hráčské výzvě, tak půjde o žánrový skvost. Ovšem i takto je to více než dobré, to zase ne že ne.

Pep's Season of Spooks - Game 1
A fun little point and click horror game with simple puzzling and a spooky atmosphere. Received as a Steam gift years ago and thought it was a nice way to kick off the Halloween season.
Scary Rating: 4/10 - Overall Rating: 7/10

There's unfortunately not as much to say about The Last Door as I wanted to. Having finished it 100% with all achievements, I have to say it is a quite nice and interesting experience over 3ish hours but unfortunately falls short in many aspects. The story, while initially captivating, falls short in its need for the Lovecraftian theme which ends up being more confusing than terrifying.

a solid little episodic horror point and click series. the stellar pixel art stands miles above the rest of what the game has to offer but there's nothing awful or anything.

the puzzling was pleasant enough adventure game fare without getting overly frustrating other than one hang up. in one of the last episodes one of the interactable spots became difficult to find due to the darkness and it not showing up when using the button that shows interactive spots. i eventually found it through some pixel hunting though it gave me bad memories of bad point and click adventure games. i'm glad that wasn't the norm here.

if Season 2 keeps the stellar aesthetics and improves elsewhere it could be something special. i guess i'll see really soon.

Really excellent spooky point n' click, first reared its head in the Flash days. My friend and I love this series, they strike a great tone.

A fun, challenging eldritch horror game that relies on atmosphere (and a few well placed jumpscares) for horror rather than relying on high end gory graphics. Excited to take on Season 2!

Just finished up The Last Door. Really enjoyed my time with this creepy little point and click adventure. Love a good Cult Vibe.
-Artwork: 4/5
-Music: 3/5
-Characters: 3/5
-Story: 5/5
-Gameplay: 4/5
-Overall: 4/5

An interesting story driven pixel point and click. Following the main character you run into situations that scream "something is definitely wrong." The game does open up to a suicide taking place and there's mention of murder and gore. So if that's not your thing, avoid it. The atmosphere is done well for a pixel game. I had a sense of dread and certain areas I felt I was being watched.

The soundtrack is A++. The lovely instrumental music tracks fit the era and the eerie sounds when necessary. The sound effects and music was the strongest point in the game.

I do wish there was a save option instead of replaying an entire chapter for achievements. I just didn't have it in me. It was a dark ride but I did enjoy the game.

Siempre me interesaron las historias de H.P. Lovecraft, jugar a este juego es como meterte en su mundo desde la perspectiva de una persona normal.

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked. A horror-themed point-and-click adventure, The Last Door plays out over four chapters, with an increasingly psychological focus. There's some decent puzzle design here and a storyline that takes an interesting path if this is a genre that you enjoy, but I found the very retro aesthetic to be detrimental to the overall experience - the large 'pixels' go beyond being charming, to the extent that it's often difficult to make out what certain key interactable objects are, or in some cases that they even exist. Still a worthwhile experience, but not what it could have been.

The Last Door es muy recomendable. Los amantes de la niebla londinense y de las historias oscuras de Poe y Lovecraft, encontrarán en este juego una pequeña joya a descubrir. Lo de utilizar parajes reales, es un puntazo para el juego. Una invitación que nos dan para googlear en esos barrios londinenses y descubrir su historia. Resumiendo, el juego me ha recordado a cuando leía esos relatos oscuros de Lovecraft, llenos de cosas que quieres descubrir, pero a la vez te aterrorizaría descubrirlas.

El gran fallo para mí es su duración. Es demasiado corto, apenas 4 horas con extras y todo. La historia da para muchísimo más y te deja con una sensación de que han cortado cosas. Quizás para meterla en más juegos (The Last Door 2). Otro fallo es que siendo un juego español, tenga algún que otro error gramatical en sus diálogos. En definitiva, que no os eche para atrás la sangre pixelada, la simpleza de sus escenarios o su corta duración. The last door, ofrece una experiencia maravillosa. Es una aventura que ha de ser jugada una vez en la vida. Para saber más os dejo con mi artículo para DeVuego →