Reviews from

in the past

The best flash game, hands down.

Esse é um brabo dos flashs :face_with_monocle:

This game has more features for an rpg build then most games do today
If they refined this and made it an actual fallout or similar open world kinda game it would sell a ton

Played as part of the Legacy Collection, the final (to my knowledge) of the Flash classics is a legitimate expansion in about every way to the original game. The RPG elements, while quite standard, make for a more rewarding experience. Unfortunately, since this is a Flash game (ported with even more issues from what I can tell), the unbearable lag that often presents itself made it impossible for me to want to finish. For what it is, I enjoyed what I could, but Union City needs a better engine to prove capable of being the game it desires.

Honestly pretty impressive that this was a free flash game. Remember having a blast with it back in the day.