Reviews from

in the past

What a great way to honor not only Banjo and OoT, but also Nintendo games as a whole. It is as good as the original Banjo-Kazooie. This is by far the best hack I have ever played.

I loved this so much. The music is amazing. The stages are amazing. All the easter eggs are amazing. What a great way to experience Banjo in a different way.

Now, all the issues with the original Banjo-Kazooie remain. Some not great controls, some hard to judge jumps, note count resetting upon exit or death, and an even more infuriating version of the final boss. Kurko Mods somehow made it harder and more annoying. They must hate us.

This game rewards knowledge of not only Banjo but OoT. It hits different if you know both games. It is a love letter to both Banjo and Zelda.

On occasion, I did find it to be too sneaky with collectables. I had to look things up to progress many times. It's harder to collect everything, especially the notes. Sometimes things are just a bit too well hidden. I thought many times in my head, "How was I ever supposed to find that without a guide?"

I cannot express how great the music is. Zelda music done in Banjo's style. The easter eggs are exciting to find. The stages are well made. Some being straight up copies of OoT areas and others being inspired by an area. The humor is spot on too.

One of the late stages is by far my favorite Banjo stage ever. I cannot spoil it for you. But you will know when you get to it.

Play this if you need more Banjo and love OoT. It was my game I played in 2023. I have not smiled that much playing a game in such a long. It hit my nostalgia just right, but also being its own new experience. Kind of like FFVII Remake. I had the same weird feeling of nostalgia but it being a brand new experience. A great experience.

Note: It is easy enough to find online as well. Most places have it already patched. It is not hard to patch in though. You play it like any other rom. It's a pretty stable experience. I only had 1 or 2 crashes. I did have some graphical bugs and a bit of framerate issues but remember, it's a rom-hack. It won't ever be perfect. Nothing was game breaking. They were very minor complaints. And in all honesty, that could have been my fault due to my settings or PC.

A very impressive romhack that reignited mr love for Banjo Kazooie! Essentially a full new Banjo experience the game combines areas from Ocarina of Time and throws the Banjo-Kazooie cast into it for a super fun ride. The game even has a crazy amount of Easter eggs to other games which were always a delight to find.

Some jiggies I found quite tricky to find teetering on the point of unfair which if you didn’t need almost all of them to get to the final boss I wouldn’t of minded as much but that was the case in the original game so I won’t dock it too many points. I did also have a decent chunk of camera issues which did lead to some frustration.

If you have played the original game a ton like I have then definitely check this out! I plan to check out more of Kurkos mods in the future

Having owned and played the two games this romhack was inspired by, I appreciate a lot of the little details, and some of the more well designed areas. However, a lot of the design winds up being more frustrating or boring than it should be, definitely winding up as an inferior project to vanilla Banjo-Kazooie. Still, the work put on display here is insane, and kudos to Kurko and the team for managing to make beloved Zelda areas look distinct to the Banjo-Kazooie style, and incorporating new platforming challenges to compensate for Zelda spots that wouldn't be that fun to jump around in. Much love to the soundtrack too, but really only when the tracks are re-orchestrating Zelda songs to make them sound like they belong in Banjo.

Romhack de muita qualidade, recheada de fãservice pra agradar qualquer um que cresceu jogando jogos da Nintendo, especialmente n64.

O jogo ainda sofre dos mesmos problemas do Banjo-Kazooie original, como controles meio datados, a câmera que ATIVAMENTE JOGA CONTRA VOCÊ e algumas mecânicas um tanto frustrantes, como perder o progresso de notas ao sair da fase. Mas tudo isso é fácil de ignorar pela curiosidade de ver tudo que o dev conseguiu tirar dessa mistura maluca de OoT com BK. A trilha sonora também é um espetáculo a parte, alguns desses remixes e medleys são incríveis.

Quanto aos mundos, a maioria é super interessante e cheia de coisas divertidas pra se fazer. Em especial o Forest Temple é genial.

Definitivamente uma boa diversão, recomendado pra qualquer um que esteja com saudades tanto de Banjo-Kazooie quanto de Ocarina of Time.

This is a pretty high quality ROM hack. It just has that feeling of being somebody's passion project and it shows. There are some annoyances here and there like the camera getting stuck to walls too often.

The Forest Temple was pretty damn cool though.

This is one of the best ROM Hacks out there.
Level design, Music, everything here is of high quality.
A lot of love and Work, clearly went into this one. None of the Levels were just cheaply imported from OoT, instead they all got a coat of only the finest Banjo-Kazooie paint.
The Concept of the Forest Temple world could be a game on its own even.

a competent romhack that vastly outdoes most of its contemporaries. while it isnt outstanding in any way, and its content by its very nature is mostly unoriginal, the creativity in using that content is genuinely impressive. adding new areas and cutting ones not necessary for the levels to function was a very good move, and the writing is surprisingly amusing as well. still, without more custom programming, only so much could be done and there ultimately isnt anything in here thats mind-blowing, with the final boss being a particular let-down.

An overall extremly fun and well made fan hack!
This does still suffer from a bit of "ROM hack syndrome" here and there, but it's less pervasive then in many other mods, and it was just a joy to go through as a BK and OOT fan

This game is my favorite mod of Banjo Kazooie! It is complete, full of nods and references to Rareware games! I beat it at 100% ! Of course, it is a game for the nostalgic of the N64 Rareware games and Zelda OOT. If you never played these games, there's a few chances that you like the game.

Veredito: E se dois dos meus jogos favoritos tivessem um filho?

Primeira vez com um jogo feito por fãs, e não poderia ter começado melhor. É impossível não recomendar ele pra todos os fãs de Banjo-Kazooie e Zelda Ocarina of Time.

Tirando que a Nintendo jamais licenciaria isso, Jiggies of Time tem tudo pra ser um jogo oficial, por mais que seja só uma romhack. É um novo Banjo-Kazooie para todos os fins, que 'por acaso' é ambientado no mundo de Ocarina. 9 fases, 10 peças de quebra-cabeça e 100 notas musicais por fase. A 1ª é a Floresta Kokiri + Árvore Deku, a 2ª é o Castelo de Hyrule, depois Kakariko e assim por diante.

E tudo convence MUITO bem. As músicas de Ocarina foram refeitas pra parecerem músicas de BK, o visual dos lugares idem, a personalidade de Banjo e de Kazooie estão intocadas e, principalmente, sair caçando colecionáveis é tão divertido quanto sempre foi. É como se os criadores de BK fossem grandes fãs de Ocarina e resolvessem fazer uma enorme homenagem a ele. Infelizmente isso inclui todos os defeitos de BK, principalmente a câmera bosta e a obrigação de ter que pegar numa tacada só todas as notas em cada fase.

Fãservice de extrema qualidade. Toda a equipe do Kurko tá de parabéns.

Don't ever let them grumkle your scrunkies. That's what my father told me on his deathbed, as the last of the poop drained from his bowels and the infection completed the ravaging of his body. Around this time—I was five years old, maybe older—I played Banjo Kazooie for the first time. It was magical. I don't know how to describe it, and I don't think I have anything interesting or meaningful to say about it. Frankly, it was a little bland.

The first thing I think of when I think about video games are the colors. Hundreds of them. Like, high hundreds of them, even. Think something like three hundred. Maybe even a few more than that. It's a lot of colors. And Banjo Kazooie has more than most. Banjos are normally just kind of black and white I guess, so that's two colors. But then kazoos are made for little kids, so that's a whole bunch more. Anyway the game was colorful is what I'm saying. It looked nice.

It's perhaps my first meaningful memory of art: the deep, murky hues that the N64 was restricted to, pallete-wise; the uncanny lighting and camera angles. The deeply-felt sense of risk in moments of tight platforming and high-stakes combat, contrasted by safe areas and rest spots. Something about the acrobatic exploration of the world felt as a metaphor for the internal mental and physical, and even emotional, development I experienced in this tumultuous time. Each jump and somersault performed reflected some deeper and more meaningful somersault in my own life; adolescent yearnings and angst, anxiety over trajectory and status, personal style and flair; the more I aged and the further I went from the death of my dry-colon'd father the more the game felt like it was playing me than the other way around.

On that first, humid, meaningful summer, as I searched for squiblies with Banjo (and Kazooie, of course, in tow), the words of my shitless father echoed through my memory, and I think for the very first time I discovered something true about both myself and the world at large. But what was it really, is it still true? Would I trade that for a father, and would he trade that to finally get some shit in his ass once more? These questions, and more I found, if they were not answered by Banjo, Banjo provided a framework to discover their answers. And at the end of the day, all we have are our answers.

Well. As my father would have told you: our answers, and our scrunkies.

The best banjo-kazooie mod I've ever played until nostalgia 64 releases.

É praticamente um jogo novo com o tema Zelda Ocarina of Time, único percalço deste jogo é alguns bugs, como travar no limbo. Já maestrei em retroachievements 100% com tudo.

Cheio de referencias, outros Zelda, Mario Kart, Crash, Metroid, Markus Kurko fez um excelente trabalho e espero ver mais desse feito.
It's practically a new game with the Zelda Ocarina of Time theme, the only hitch of this game is some bugs, like crashing in limbo. I've mastered 100% retroachievements with everything.

Full of references, others Zelda, Mario Kart, Crash, Metroid, Markus Kurko did an excellent job and I hope to see more of this feat.