Reviews from

in the past

Rlly don’t get why people hate it so much

Muito bom, o combate é meio fácil, mas ainda é muito divertido.
A história e muito boa e os templos são bem dificinho
só no final que tem umas 2 áreas chatinhas mas o jogo é muito bom.

Played it for 15h and shelved it for now. You constantly have to re-calibrate the motion controls (at least on Switch, never played the Wii version) and that just throws you off. The bad pacing on top kills it for me. A shame, because I really liked what I saw of the big dungeons, but the overall package is just insufferable at times. Might pick it up again at a later point.

Lo jugué en su momento en la Wii y me resultó muy molesto por los controles, así que cuando salió para switch decidí probarlo de nuevo usando los joysticks y fue una experiencia totalmente distinta. Probablemente el Zelda en el que más personalidad tengan tanto Link como Zelda, con muchos personajes secundarios carismáticos, una buena historia y mecánicas muy divertidas. Los pocos fallos que tiene es que a veces es algo repetitivo, los propios controles de la wii y que el mae de nubes esté tan vacío, porque habría sido increíble ver un mundo abierto a lomos de un pájaro gigante con muchos secretos que descubrir.

Driving the bird was boring af, but generally it was good

Repetitivo, historia decente, personajes olvidables, mecánicas absurdas y mal construidas, la construcción del mundo es plana, lineal y extremadamente soporífera, los menús están mal hechos al punto de ser frustrantes de utilizar, los controles son toscos a más no poder, el soundtrack no transmite mucho que digamos, y la paleta de colores es meh. A pesar de todo esto, se arriesgó a innovar en muchos aspectos, a diferencia de otro Zelda más reciente, y eso se valora.

Absolutely underrated. Once you look past the fact this game is more linear, you realise that this game is actually extremely well designed. I think the art style is super pretty, the story was super fun to see unfold and the music was surprisingly good. The only issue I see is that going between the same 3 places can be lame initially (and I will admit there is some padding), but nearly every time you return the gameplay only gets expanded and more interesting than before. Please play this it is good

Great game overall. the added controls for people who don't like motion controls is great, besides the amiibo shit, its great. But damn do you return to the same area multiple gets so boring. Dungeons are amazing like always

This review contains spoilers

This game is surprisingly good! I think it really needed a re-release so people could appreciate it for what it was and not judge for what it wasn't.
Linearity wasn't a problem imo, probably affects replay value but i don't really think all games should be replayable, thats absolutely fine. But what REALLY bothered me is how the game felt dragged on after it's first half even with a lot of variety in its gameplay. For instance the imprisioned fight is THE WORST THING about the game and the fact that we have to do it multiple times felt like an insult to me.

man how is fire sanctuary the only good dungeon theme here (okay ancient cistern was cool too)
Items were pretty fun, wish there was more to the map though, it felt frustrating going back places sometimes
The mining facility was a pretty cool dungeon! I'm mainly thinking of that big open room

Primera experiencia con este título, sin factor "nostalgia" (¿para un juego de 2011 se puede decir nostalgia?) ni conocimiento previo de los acontecimientos que atañen a Skyward Sword salvo por que es el primero en la cronología. Aclarado esto...

Voy a empezar fuerte, sus controles son jodidamente PÉSIMOS. Al menos para mi teniendo en cuenta que es un port y poco mas de Wii a Switch. He pasado olímpicamente de los controles por movimiento que se diseñaron en su día para la Wii optando por tirar del Mando Pro y he de decir que lo que mas he echado en falta es poder controlar la cámara libremente como han hecho la inmensa mayoría de videojuegos desde... DOOM? Bueno igual exagero pero entendéis lo que quiero decir. Algunos enfrentamientos contra mobs menores han sido un tanto frustrantes, especialmente los Bokoblins con la cara de perros que me traen que me dan tremendas ganas de sacudirles hasta arreglarles la cara a hostias. Irónicamente lo que has he disfrutado de este aspecto han sido los boses de mazmorra. Joder esa mierda si era satisfactoria.

Ahora que me he desahogado... si por algo ha merecido la pena sufrir las mecánicas jugables, sin duda y con permiso de la banda sonora (que también), el desarrollo argumental. Que si, el mal acecha y Link al rescate ooooooooootra vez, pero... Me ha molado mucho ver como se ha desarrollado su historia. Desde como Zelda descubre su propósito hasta como Link pasa de mero estudiante a convertirse en un héroe en mayúsculas y en negrita!

No me voy a explayar mucho mas. Puede que a este juego le de otra run en el futuro.

I think that I would love this game if I could enjoy playing it. The story seems to be one of the most interesting in the series and I love the sky stuff. But after hours of trying, I just can't push myself to keep doing this silly flick control combat. It's an awful gimmick and makes it miserable to play. So this one Zelda game will just have to be unfinished for me, sadly.

Actually not that bad. The weird giant avocado boss is trash though

4 stars for story, if I was rating based on controls it would be a 2

cant speak on the original version but people think this is drastically worse than majora or ocarina? this shit was lit i didnt like fighting the globby guy like 7 times but fuck it man this shti was heat idk bruh

Problems solved. Motion controls improved OR gone. You choose. Now it's perfect.

There is a 30% chance that this game is enjoyable, but that percentage can be increased to 90% if the conditions are just right.

This review will be on the HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, but it will also encompass my experience with the original Wii version I played over a decade ago. My feelings about the one cannot be present without my feelings about the other.

I’m pretty sure 2011’s The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the first game I ever preordered with my own money (I still have the golden Wii remote that was packaged with it). A high school friend of mine and I would talk at exhaustive lengths about what we thought was going to happen in the game based off of the teaser art that was revealed featuring a swordless Twilight Princess-y looking Link standing back to back with a Wind Waker-y Great Fairy looking girl. The 3DS remake of Ocarina of Time had official art of Skyward Sword’s Link hidden throughout the world, which only further amplified my already bristling anticipation. Besides the previously mentioned remake of an already perfect game, Zelda had put out a few duds. It was time for a return to form. It was time for something with no strings attached. It was time for the classic Zelda experience.

And then I got the game.

Let it be known that there were some things I liked about Skyward Sword. Fi’s design, everything about Zelda herself, and of course Groose, stand out the most. The music is great as always and I like Kina the Pumpkin girl.

But those controls, man. For a game putting into practice what the Wii Motion Plus controller was capable of, it sure is a shame it never fully did exactly what I wanted to. It felt more like I was playing some carnival attraction.

I do not like them, Sam I Am.

Skyward Sword was kind of the last straw for me for a little while. In my petulant teenage eyes, The Legend of Zelda was no longer the proud sibling series to Mario, it was now the stupid gimmick series where they find new ways to play a game to justify their underpowered toyetic consoles to the world.

This opinion would of course change, but I still felt that way for a good few years. And regardless of which Zelda games came out afterwards, Skyward Sword was always my least favorite.

And then even more years passed. The game that was made to commemorate The Legend of Zelda’s 25th anniversary was ten years old. And to commemorate that, Nintendo released a high definition remake of the game, with the ability for buttons only controls.

Buttons only controls! I had to write it again just to feel the pleasure of putting it into words once more.

I got Skyward Sword HD at basically half price, and more than ever that feels like a steal. Buttons only mode elevates this game far, far above the original. It feels like I’m playing a video game! Every clumsy and misaligned action that Link could do before is now streamlined and precise. And they even give you the option to go back to motion controls and remind yourself how dire the situation was.

No longer is Skyward Sword a good Zelda game that is held back by how you interact with the world, it’s just a Zelda game now. And Buttons Only Mode actually makes that initial idea of intense sword combat Nintendo’s been chasing since Zelda 2 interesting to play! Sure, a lot of the combat has that shooting gallery feeling from the original where the enemy runs up to you and waits to be killed, but later on you fight more aggressive enemies that punish a missed input. And now that you have an interface that doesn’t miss an input half the time, it becomes an enjoyable challenge!

The world map is still small but without the Wii Motion Plus mosquito buzzing in my ear, I was able to understand that its constant reuse of the main three areas was a means of adding depth and richness to each of them, rather than laziness. I’d still like a snow area though. Or a beach area. Or both.

Skyward Sword HD taught me how to love again, and I, at the very least, really like Skyward Sword.

The ending is still kind of dumb. Spoiler alert for a 10 year old game but it retroactively makes my man Ganondorf feel less special. That’s some dumb shit.

I’ve played and 100%-ed The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword twice, once on each version, and I only recommend the second version. Button Only Mode is truly a game changer. Now, hopefully you will be as lucky as me and get this game for 20 bucks, but in the event that you won’t or haven’t, I still think it’s worth the marked retail price. It’s a good game with an endearing story with loveable characters, and now, interesting controls.

Fi is less annoying in the remake too.

Esta guapa la historia y se ve muy bonito pero me cago en toda la puta familia del que se le ocurrió lo de mover la espada y no jugar normal

Part 5 of my father and son 3D Zelda playthroughs

Skyward sword has always been the most decisive entry to the series, but the last two times that I've played through it I've come to really appreciate a lot that the game has done.

The dungeon, boss and gameplay quality in SS is top notch, with many best in series contenders for both dungeons and bosses. I've seen many complaints about the pacing in SS, although I feel this game is very well paced with back to back quality sections throughout. I will say that the only thing that really messes with the pacing is the imprisioned refights. I think if you're gonna fight a boss three times it should be a much more interesting fight, and SS is certainly capable of making better fights than the annoying imprisioned.

My only real major complaint with SS is Fi herself. When comparing her directly to Midna she is such a massive downgrade, and it sucks because I can envision how Fi could have had a lot of potential. All she needed was an arc. A big reason that Fi is so terrible is because she acts like a robot the entire game. Her constant "There's a 99% chance that the object in front of you is a rock" quips are genuinely infuriating. I think the game should have started her out as cold and robotic, but over the course of the quest she should have grown to become genuinely emotional and should have shown that emotion. I feel that Fi was a missed opportunity, and she could have rivaled Midna as a fantastic companion character.

This was my first time playing the switch version of the game, and I really enjoyed the improvements. The major aspect for me of course being full button controls. I think the usage of the right stick for sword movements was ingenious, and I personally enjoyed it more than motion controls. I felt that the game retained the magic of sword combat even with these input adaptations. This port is certainly the definitive way to play.

My son really enjoyed this game, and although he doesn't like it as much as TP, he really enjoyed it. I took extra care to explain the lore and story implications of this game, and he loved forging the master sword and ultimately facing Demise and witnessing the origin of Ganondorf.

Nice of Nintendo to finally make a 60fps 3D Zelda, unfortunately, Star Fox Adventures beat them to that title. The QoL improvements are great, and playing it again made me realize how much I actually like the story and a lot of the writing and character in this game. The dungeons are generally pretty cool as well. Still lots of weird stuff though.

gets too much hate. ss link is superior

Uno Zelda un po' scialbo, comandi non sempre precisi

Great game although some moments felt really tedious. I'm not someone against backtracking but it got a little boring being in the same scenery

When I'm still making mistakes related to the controls 30 hours in, using the button control scheme, I feel it's safe to say it is not very intuitive. Too predictable with three visits to the same three areas. That lack of variety combined with the slow pace and late game padding wears down my enthusiasm for adventure. Characters and dungeons are a treat but I don't see myself revisiting this one.

La mejor historia de toda la saga de Zelda. Dungeons y jefes muy creativos, controles bastante divertidos, y el mejor ship de todos en conjunto de personajes secundarios memorables. A menos que seas zurdo o no hayas jugado el original no recomiendo volver a comprar el juego.