Reviews from

in the past

review below me clearly never tried to beat the boss

this game went crazy in the walmart "gameplay" arcade previews

Lovely platformer. A crime that the U.S. has one of these games while Japan has FIVE.

Couldn't beat the final boss - thumbs not strong enough

If you fought the final boss, o7 to your thumbs

Kind of a skeleton of a platformer. The transformation mechanic isn’t nearly interesting enough to hold up the rest of the game, and the majority of the levels are only so-so. I have to wonder why this is the only title in the series to be localized.

Also, literally could not mash fast enough as a kid to beat the final boss.

white people when someone pulls out The Legendary Starfy before the premiere of the new turkey tom video

I loved this as a kid. No clue if it's actually good, but uhhh... yes.

It’s a cute game but just too easy and boring for an adult I guess so i dropped it

Last time I played it I was like 11 so my dumb lil poo poo brain didn't know what quality was so idk if this game is the next Katamari Damacy. But I remember liking it so its really good


I dunno if I would call it bad but it felt really boring :(

i played this game in therapy to do something with my hands as i talked about my gender dysphoria

Solid little platformer. It's a bit too easy, but it's a fun romp nonetheless. I'll check out the GBA games eventually.

When making a game for kids, don’t make your final boss reliant on mashing buttons, please. I spent so many months stuck on that final boss, but this game is cool.

7.8 - This game is MUCH too difficult for a soylent drinker like myself. Needed my musclemaxxed brother to help me defeat the final boss because I couldn’t tap fast enough.

was i the only one who like struggled really hard in the button mash sequence against the final boss. i had to look up a youtube video on how to optimally button mash (the trick was to rub the button instead of actually pressing it) and i was still fighting for my life. shoutout to like 10 year old me or something

also i liked the minigames and costume menu a lot.

Gordon Ramsay once asked me how I prepared my dish. I answered "Starfy" and he got pissed off. He knew it was raw.

Never played this before and I get a happy birthday message from the cutest characters ever when I load it up. I almost start to cry in public because that was the cutest fucking thing a game has ever said to me.

It's a bit easy and I wish it was a bit shorter, but this game kind of rules and you should play it.

Wasn't a big fan of this but it's a lil cute at least

13 years ago, in a family reunion, i got through the entire game in a rush, only being stopped by the final boss' mashing button attack sequence. in the following days, i asked for help from many people, and nobody could get through it. i ended up losing the flashcard where the game and its save was. starfy was left as a loose end in my life. each year i considered going back into the game, but it proved difficult as i had other things to do and other games to play.

today, july 30th 2023, i beat the final boss in a single try. and also 100% the game. it was fun!! i liked it and it was cute:)
note: i didn't do the 10th world, i'll do it some other time i think


this game permanently changed me as a human being they never shouldve gave me this shit in elementary its just who i am now I FUCKING LOVE STARFY

It says something about this game that I left it at literally the last level of the game for months before I finally finished it.