Reviews from

in the past

i should give this another shot

Pensaba que iba a ser diferente, pero al final lo que me ha echado es que es bastante frustrante pelearte con las decisiones sin sentido, como el ángulo de cámara, los controles o tener que usar un bumerán... no me parece interesante.

Damn. What a disappointment. This was a game I was really looking forward to. The concept of "Zelda, but a 3d platformer" was an absolutely amazing idea and again had me really excited!

But wow, this game showed a lot of flashes of brilliance but it fell apart at the seams. The game actually had decent level design and really really good music. But some fundamental design flaws and bad performance issues really ruined my experience. The first issue is that the levels are pretty long with no hint of a checkpoint system. You die, you start over. So especially when a lot of my deaths felt cheap and not my fault, this game drove me absolutely crazy. While the camera can be freely rotated around the y axis, it's locked at the same height and angle on the other two angles, making depth perception really tough and caused me to miss a lot of jumps that should've been makeable. Combat feels really jank even without bugs but add in that enemies would randomly glitch into you and damage you it was frustrating. But the thing that ultimately drove me to my breaking point was the ice levels. The ice physics in this game are horrible, such that when you're on ice and have very little friction, but then jump, you don't regain control, but keep the ice constraints until you touch solid ground again. During one of the ice levels, i died far into the level with multiple hearts remaining and no explanation as to why, and this just made me quit and not want to finish the game. I still gave it a decent score for the game that's in here and that I was enjoying when I was being barrage by these problems, and for the bangin soundtrack, but buyers beware on this one

Don't give him his jacket.

[Verse 1]
Welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn.
Linkara's gonna teach you all a lesson you won't learn.
Brodsky, you're not the smartest.
Liefeld, you're not an artist.
Anyone who's had a bad comic published, it could be your turn!

[Chorus 1]
He is a man! PUNCH! Wears a purdy hat.
He has a magic gun; where'd he purchase that?
Coins, robots, Amazons and trucks.

[Verse 2]
Linkara sits down nonetheless, and forces himself through it;
A poorly-written, ugly mess, but someone's gotta do it.
And it's right about time he did;
They made Watchmen without the slimy squid!
And he'll have you know that that's pretty low,
But not quite like the standards of the '90s Kid.
Setting ablaze crossovers, one-shots and tie-ins,
Linkara stands, in reality-defiance,
Atop the Fourth Wall, lookin' down on us all;
"Of course! Don't you know anything about science?"
There would be better books on this show,
But Quesada sold them to Mephisto,
And now there's nothing left to do
But share the scrapings at the bottom of the barrel with you!
[Chorus 2]
He is a man! PUNCH! What's that on his arm?
Can't seem to fix the Continuity Alarm,
Rock 'n roll, Insano, some feller in a tux,

Run around collecting cubes. Throw a boomerang. Wait for moving platforms. Listen to corny rhyming dialogue.
Played a demo. That's enough for me.