Reviews from

in the past

this hilariously difficult game is 5 stars if you watch a friend play it

an interesting decision to just completely blow their load in terms of difficulty in the second (and other earlyish) levels only for it to completely even out and become more manageable once Simba grows up for the latest ones.

Aladdin on SNES remains unbothered as the only Disney game that i give a shit about on the platform probs.

Something about the Gameboy port was unbearably depressing lol

Yeah this blows. The level design alternates between tedious and outright evil, the basics of jumping and climbing feel wonky and unreliable, half the obstacles blend into the background. Would have ripped my hair out without the rewind button on the modern ports.

Feels like they made a nice set of assets and then realized they only had 24 hours left to actually throw a game together.

It's better than the Sega Genesis' Aladdin, but it still has a lot of problems that really irritate

The lion King on snes is a nostalgia trip for me. The sprite work for simba and the enemies are great and the level areas at the start of the game are done well and the soundtrack adaptations for Can't wait to be king & and be prepared are dang catchy. The game looks good, sounds good, but plays horrible.

The level Can't wait to be king still gives me stress when i see it and that's the second level of the game. trying to aim Simba to grab the hippos tails is almost impossible, you either miss it or get the first one and miss the second. The riding on the bird part of the level is also a nightmare. even after all that and when simba grows up the hit box for attacking enemies is annoying. standing to close to the enemy and you'll miss every hit and the enemies of this game don't go down easily.

The lion king may look great but the unfair level designs and poor hit detection is not worth it. probably best to watch the animated movie.

Beautiful game with ridiculous and unfair level design.

The suffering really makes you feel like Simba.

Game is beautiful and matches the music and movie very well and can be really fun to play but the game is incredibly hard for it's target demographic and a lot of people never make it past stage 2. Can't say I ever beat it.
You could tell Disney was involved with the game like Aladdin. It's matches the movie as much as a genesis game could.

This sure is a 90's movie tie-in game.

A segunda fase sempre foi uma merda!

Hakuna Matata means no worries for the rest of your days, which is the exact opposite of what the game designers thought when designing this game's levels.

u gotta be freakin kidding me with some of this shit

i'm a weirdo who thought "Can't Wait to be King" wasn't that hard when i was a kid, fight me.

"Be Prepared" on the other hand...

nunca passei da terceira fase...

Christmas Morning '95! Played this for most of the year and never beat it. So much fun.

Another great game for another great film. It was my cousin's favourite game for his Megadrive.

Incredible graphics and animations, horrible level design, the later levels are just not fun, only pain.

Schöne, bunte Optik und toller Soundtrack, aber sack-schwer und als Kinderspiel vollkommen ungeeignet. War eins von 4 SNES Spielen die wir besaßen also mussten wir trotzdem durch. Sind aber nie weit gekommen.

I think this is the version of Lion King in Disney Classic Games on Switch so I'll mark it as Mega Drive/Genesis. I played on Switch though.

One of my top three favorite movies is the original Lion King. It's just beaten by Good the Bad and the Ugly and La La Land. The game is fun, but I don't think it's the perfect adaptation. Granted, it's a platformer, but I do think that there could've been more levels that were in the third act of the movie like a Can You Feel the Love Tonight level. I also thought the game didn't have enough spice to it. It had the characters and world I absolutely love, but the game itself didn't have much to it. While the levels are still fun, it's nothing great. This is pretty much an average, forgotten platformer polished in Lion King to make it more memorable and more fun. I enjoyed the game, but not as much as I had hoped. Aladdin is definitely better. I can't wait to get the new Classic Games bundle with Jungle Book.


Did remember beating this game vaguely. Screw log jumps.

Lembro que minha fita desse jogo queimou, mas de boa, foi depois de ter zerado bastante vezes.

Broken game, but broken in a way that beating parts makes you feel good

El primer nivel puede ser un poco frustrante pero es jugable, entonces llegas al segundo nivel y eres violado brutalmente. Es la curva de dificultad más extrema que haya visto en cualquier juego.

Como plataformas es muy divertido, las mecánicas funcionan bien y la música es pegadiza. Eso sí, es difícil como él solo, incluso para los estándares de la época.