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A truly catastrophic attempt to break into the AAA gaming space from a studio simply not equipped or qualified to build a game that can rival the likes of Monolith's Middle Earth games. This is the reason a number of games simply don't make it to the finish line and see the light of day. I honestly thought this was quietly cancelled several years ago and in-retrospect, maybe it should have been. I wish I were kidding when I state that this is modern gaming's closest equivalent to Superman 64.

I was about three hours into the game, deep into the very long first real chapter when the game began to fall apart. I suspected the real cracks of the game were about to appear, but then the game soft-locked by putting me in a death loop. I took it back to the library after that.
I really hate to give up on the game because despite everything I still was curious to see where it would go. There are glimpses of real creativity underneath the over-dark levels and awkward animations. The writing is poor, but there I think there is weird, PS2 platformer story in there somewhere.

I get it. This is a mid-to-low-tier, bargain bin PS2 game released on the 9th generation of consoles with a severe lack of technological polish and about two decades too late to cash in on the craze of the Peter Jackson trilogy. All stuff that is deeply unacceptable in this day and age. Yet, between the budget-caliber Prince of Persia​ knockoff platforming and surprisingly compelling moral decision-making, I remained invested enough to see the journey through to one of its possible conclusions and even have some fun with it despite the bugs, occasional infuriatingly designed segments, and at times remarkably unfinished graphics.

The real star of the show, though? Undoubtedly developer Daedelic Entertainment's rendition of Middle-earth. It carries just the right mix of the mature, dark tone and look of the Jackson films paired alongside hints of the more fantastical, whimsical nature found in the Rankin/Bass animated adaptations. It did a better job of recapturing the magic of this world that I've missed for me than the live-action Hobbit movies. They also got the titular character himself very right. Really encapsulating what a sad, tragic, pitiful, and strangely sympathetic creature he is. The tale itself, outside of getting a little outlandish even for this fantasy universe in its final act, is a neat little prequel expansion on the protagonist’s history prior to the books. Choosing between which of his two warring split personalities to side with at critical junctures doesn't radically alter where the adventure ends by the time the credits roll due to canonical lore reasons, but still adds some cool little personalized wrinkles to the path up to that point regardless that I really enjoyed seeing.

Having said all that, it nonetheless remains hard to recommend that people look past its incredibly negative reception and try it out for themselves, as only an extremely small portion of players of whom I just so happen to be able to count myself among will be able to look past the significant number of aspects that don't work like they should or were intended to, and find the traces of good buried underneath. One takeaway everyone will receive however, is that we need more Lord of the Rings games. We need more that explore unique characters or corners of the novels, and feature different gameplay styles than that of your usual hack 'n' slash or RTS efforts the way this tried to do. You see, the biggest disappointment of Gollum is that it exhibits truly good, intriguing ideas, but fails to capitalize on them in ways that are fully satisfying or completely functional.


Es war gar nicht so schlecht. Die Story war recht gut mit einem sehr interessanten Hauptcharakter. Das Gameplay ist ganz in Ordnung jump n run bzw Platforming wie man es kennt, wobei die Steuerung etwas hakelig ist. Die Umgebungen sind recht Atmosphärisch Jedoch sind die Charakter Modelle nicht gut Vorallem bei den Elben

(coughs) eh yeah go play the old ones

Mmm yes I love softlock in my video game

one of the worst games i have ever played, stealth doesn't really work, so many glitches and looks like shit for a modern game

playing through this game made me feel a strange synchronicity across spatial and even fictional lines. gollum, one of literature's greatest wretches, forced to toil as a slave in mordor and eat little worms, the devs at daedalic, a company known mainly for point and click adventure games, forced to work on a game that they almost certainly knew they weren't up to the task of, and me, a dumbass, forced to play bad game because born with shitty brain.

This game could've never happened and I would've been totally okay with that.

Greatest fucking game of all time if you disagree ur biased and a surface level player

Never played this and never will, but how in the world does the dev go from making the Deponia trilogy to this? It's rather sad to see, especially when this is why they won't be making games in-house anymore.

Wow, just wow... Lord of Ring: Gollum is truly, properly, actually, immensley EPIK and CELESTIAL in quality. First off, the optimization... WOW. It made me want to kill myse- I mean bust all over my computer with how many frames I was getting, I didn't know why the high framerate had a hyphen (-) before it though. I'm not a Lord of Ring fan since it's just a rip off of Harry Potter but this was made me realise that George RR Martin knows his stuf and is a great game designer.

As the great Dildo Baggin'''''s once said "I never truly ap'preciated art until I ha'd an argument will Gollum;;; of cour'se, Gollum won the argument.

I had a couple issues with stuttering, but that is not the reason I wouldn't recommend this game. The story was very lack luster, the game play could use some work, and it was overall very boring.

Check out the whole review here:

I don't know how Baldur's Gate can compete with this masterpiece for GOTY

This thing is a great insult to the legacy of J. R. R. Tolkien. It should be banned from sale and its developers should never be allowed to make another LOTR game.

The gaming industry meme to end all game industry memes.

I've always liked Lord of the Rings ever since I was a near adolescent kid, and to this day I still consider Gollum to be an extremely well written and compelling character, but this is a disgrace. Story is nonsensical, gameplay horrendous, and the only reason it isn't 1/10 is because it got the reputation that it deserved.

I loved climbing those wall cum lines.

being a lord of the rings product and Gollum being my favourite part of two towers this feels like my sleep paralysis demon.

Noioso, palloso, brutto, orribile. Non riesco ad esprimermi oltre con questo gioco. Platforming basico e fatto male, storia irrilevante, tecnicamente siamo ai livelli di un gioco scrauso del 2005 per ps2. Imbarazzante.

It baffles me that a game this terrible could be released today, with a IP such as The Lord of the Rings behind it. Astoundingly terrible

killing Gollum with fall damage literally never got old. it was funny the entire game

This game sucks, buggy, horrible protagonist, it’s boring and it makes me sad :(

Dogshit. Played 30 mins and refunded.

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Where to start? I was looking forward to playing this game but it was an absolute disappointment. To have the audacity of releasing a game like this and apologize 1 day after its release is crazy to me;
Story-wise, I found it boring. There were some parts I enjoyed but you spend most of the time as a prisoner. Most missions are useless and you feel like you are not making any progress;
AI is broken and stupid, and the way that GAME OVER appears when you die makes me laugh every time.
Characters are soulless, they all look the same and don't express any emotions.
Rating could and should be lower but I'm a LOTR fan and part of me feels bad for not enjoying the game