Reviews from

in the past

Wonderfully colorful visuals featuring an adorable protagonist. The platforming is solid, with a variety of upgrades and vehicles to ride around the levels as you dispatch baddies to the delightful music.

Good documentary about New Zealand

Feels like if Super Mario World was based on Super Mario Bros 2 and was also a scrolling single screen platformer and everyone had guns

Todavía esucho la música en mis pesadillas.

I will pretend this game is better than it actually is to push my Kiwi supremacy agenda.

This review contains spoilers


So many weapons, amazing sprites and things to ride on.
But without that cheat you ain't gonna see any of them!
Luckily they even gave it to you in a little envelope in the box...

Better Bubble Bobble but worse Liquid Kids

Oh, to be a small British Child playing this game on my amiga 500 after my parents bought me the Batman package.

Jokes aside, this game is incredibly fun. An incredibly solid platformer with very adorable visuals! It is extremely fucking difficult though.

Most versions are very good and worth a try!

cute aesthetics and it's possible to steal the animal vehicles from the enemies! but all game is very simple tho

Played as a kid.

Cute! Has the most terrifying pixel sprite ever created in the form of death coming to get you if you take too long.

Kind of shit unfortunately. Doesn't really have anything to it other than rather awful and unnatural stage layouts. The version I played also sounds like shit, which doesn't really help. It's a bit annoying because I remember hearing quite good things about this, at least the few times I heard about it at all.

Absolutely depraved level design.

Played the NES version. This is one of the most faithful arcade-to-NES conversions and is one of the better 2D shooter platform games on the system...provided you're only playing to have fun and you're not actually making a serious attempt to beat this game. The first 2/3rds of this game are delightful; the last 1/3rd of this game hates you and your family and will make this fact known with every spike and enemy placement.

I have some friends from New Zealand. They can confirm that what happens in this game is true.