Reviews from

in the past

sinceramente... que jogo RUIM! essa mecânica de começar tudo do zero quando morre nesse jogo me fez perder a vontade de continuar jogando, acho que se não fosse isso eu teria conseguido continuar jogando, parece ser legal mas não tenho paciência não.

I actually like the way you get weapons and upgrade but I'm not really into it enough to want to finish this rogue-like.

If it wasn't VR, I would've never played it.

It doesn’t feel fair rating a game when I only spent an hour with it. From what I experienced it’s a ugly VR that came out during the nascent VR scene for consoles. It’s ambitious for being a rouge-like horror game, which is commendable. Unfortunately it all just felt pretty stale and devoid of character. Exploring the bland and homogenous corridors of this corrupted spaceship is dull beyond belief.

A good variety of weapons and upgrades but the enemies felt pretty easy. So no real motivation to upgrade anything. I’m not sure why people rave about this one and I don’t intend to find out.

a real PSN+ surprise, a roguelike with and interesting gameplay, it lacks enemy variety and it's really short, but I enjoyed it so much that I even did the platinum, so worth it

It's not the worst thing I played. Admittedly its probably more fun in VR but I don't see much point finishing this, its not interesting enough and far too sluggish control wise for me. That being said I could definitely see how someone, especially a VR user could get some enjoyment out of this

A short survival-horror roguelike that has a lot of interesting things, although I did not play it in vr (Maybe someday) I still had a lot of fun and the game is pretty challenging. Give it a shot, you never know

The Persistence (2018): Tiene una idea súper original para el juego cooperativo, dónde los demás jugadores, desde el móvil, ayudan (o putean) al jugador principal. Lo demás es bastante pocho: repetitivo, breve, monótono...con potencial, pero desaprovechado (4,70)

this game is honestly a pleasant surprise! i dont see myself playing anymore in the future, but i implore you to give it a shot yourself!

I had never heard of this game when it showed up as one of the "free" PS+ games, and at first I kind of hated how slowly the game moves, but that passed quickly as I familiarized myself more with the game's blend of light immersive sim and semi-roguelite, and I ended up having a bit of a romance with this game.

The atmosphere is nearly perfect, with the echoes of tortured screams filling the halls of the dilapidated ship, which further decays as you progress and achieve access to higher floors. The gameplay feels stale and slow at first, but only until you realize that you're meant to teleport around rather than walk, and that the game is rather generous with how easily you can target enemies with your stem cell extractor and just in general how dumb the enemies are. You start out feeling underpowered and frustrated, but by the end, you're dancing around hordes of the toughest enemies, as it should be in a roguelite-type game like this. The journey there is full of little moments that show that the developers cared and thought about as many aspects of the game as they could. One neat little example is how the Grav Hook weapon is also your best friend for looting, since it can vacuum pick-ups from any distance, but the game never tells you that the item can do that and it allows for a neat sense of discovery when you accidently do it and realize that you now want to have a Grav Hook on you at all times.

Now I actually slightly regret having played the non-VR version, as this may have been the game to get me more interested in VR otherwise. I really enjoyed this one!