Reviews from

in the past

Me when dialogue is ostensibly fine, maybe a little "artsy fartsy", but god I wish I was clapping my hands to Borderlands or High on Life dialogue instead.

There's not much to say about this, it's a static adventure with puzzles best described as escape-room-esque. I just feel like there's not a real reason to play this, it's not memorable and doesn't have a real theme going on. I'd instead advise you to play the author's next game Discolored, which does have a strong theme and good interaction of the puzzles, which is quite enjoyable.

It's a really short game who doesn't overstays it's welcome.
For the trophy hunters, be awared: I had a problem with "Well Read". Just keep the voice acting on and let her read all the page entries, it solved the glitch.

A great choice of genre considering you must manually change your perspective and look at things from a different angle in order to find the right items to progress. Sadly that's probably unintentional because the message is conveyed through rather heavy handed narration otherwise.
Cool game though, very pretty and the soundtrack doesn't lag behind.

My only complaint that it was short. The lady who read me the notes had a nice voice, but she was slow :(

Nada demais, mas pelo menos a trilha sonora é boa.

beautiful art, very cool gameplay, but clumsy writing on a similarly clumsy text UI lets it down. worth checking out!

Short, but very artsy, with a lot of of deeper meaning and symbolism. The philosophical quotes make my brain hurt.

On the more negative side, it plays like a first-person puzzler, except instead of looking around freely, you have to click to enter different view-points like on Google Streetview. I can't tell if this restriction was an artistic decision or simply the programmer being inexperienced, but the end-result feels more like a Powerpoint Presentation than an actual game.

If you like weird narrative-driven stuff though, it's a pretty cool idea, and currently priced very cheaply on Steam. Thank you Karl Jung, very cool!