Reviews from

in the past

el gameplay es muy entretenido, la estética y ambientación 10/10, lo más flojo el ritmo narrativo que se hace acelerado a veces, pero quizá pq es corto.

muy bueno, gran plot twist y personajes carismáticos, lo habría hecho un poco más largo

It was a little janky on switch, but very compelling. its ending was a little rough, but the lead up was an excellent mystery story with some weirdness thrown in. From the creators of the Invisible Hours, but from a slightly different angle. Extremely fun.

I love timeloop video games because they stress a resource more precious than health or money: time. Games like Dead Rising, Lightning's Returns and Ghost Trick have managed to create a meaningful gameplay loop entirely off of the thrill and friction of limited time. The Sexy Brutale attempts to do the same with a groundhog day-style series of murders you seek to prevent in its eponymous mansion. Rather than embrace the sandbox side of timeloop games, it is more so a series of mini loops in the form of linear puzzles a la Ghost Trick. Its a small indie game and so I have no problem with such a reduction in scope as long as the puzzle design benefits from a more linear and iterative approach like Ghost Trick but this is unfortunately not the case. The solution to saving each of the mansion's guests don't become anything more complex than "interact with one or maybe two specific object out of a bunch of red herrings at a specific time and win". You are always given more than enough time to carry out the intended sequence and so the 12 hour limit ends up being a percunctory feature, something that really disappointed me given how few of these games there are. There's no eureka moment of realising the solution and subsequent thrill of trying to complete it within the time limit. In spite of its fantastical "all bets are off" roaring 20s aesthetic, the only emotional high I ever achieved while playing this was 'mildly engaged'. The ending was the high point of the game but was this half-hearted timeloop structure really the best avenue to get there? This was the first game me and my friends played as part of our monthly game club and I'll derive more enjoyment from time spent discussing The Sexy Brutale than the time I spent playing it.

Again, I don't know why I abandoned it. The concept and the setting were actually very cool, and I also liked the style. But somehow it didn't seem to grab me enough in the first 30 minutes to make me want to keep playing. Maybe I'll make up for it again.

esse jogo é realmente bem estranho pq caralhos ele se passa em um loop temporal se nenhum dos puzzles usa o loop temporal?? podia ser so um retry que nao ia mudar simplesmente nada??? mas ele nao é ruim nao eu so acho estranho !

for what it is, the sexy brutale is a short, sweet puzzle game with an interesting environment that's fun to navigate and pleasing to look at. that being said, while i enjoyed figuring out how to solve each guest's murder and how to save them, i found it far too easy to miss the actual murder itself as well as brute force your way into saving somebody.

no spoilers, but the story was decent and served its purpose. nothing too special, but the way it wraps up is interesting.

i'm not sure if it's possible, but i think it would be fun to be able to save every guest within one loop. it might be tight, even impossible, but i thought that's what we were building up to, honestly.

Lafcadio is sure pretty sexy

Short and sweet. A good premise, but lacks a bit on execution. It's too easy to bruteforce/accidentally complete many of these puzzles

I bought this game because I was itching for something similar to the Outer Wilds. In many ways it is similar, but in other ways it is different. The story portion of the game is fairly directed and restricted. I enjoyed the story and figuring out how to solve the problems the game presents are interesting enough. I just wish the game was more open earlier into the game. I didn't get to explore as much as I wanted until after I had finished the story. By that point, the game does not have much more to offer.

The revelation of the story is engaging and I was eager to see how everything unfolded. Once the story was done though, I was ready to say goodbye to the game and its characters.

This game might be too clever for its own good.

Has a pretty decent story with a good premise. While solving the mystery and preventing the murders was enjoyable, there was too much walking. The game also took a bit before it picked up. The ending was good, but the extra ending for 100% completion was not worth it. most of the parts were good but a small amount was a slog to go through. Overall, would recommend it if you like murder mystery games with pretty decent stories and can overlook repeating content.

Interesting concept which I would like to see more games implement. It is a detective/puzzle murder mystery where you actually have to spy on persons and use your deductive skill to figure out the solution.
It's not without weaknesses though, which lessens the enjoyment: collecting 52 card randomly places throughout is not fun; the isometric style is okay but the main character is sooo slow; some of the abilities comes too late and "fast travel" here is the most useless skill I've come across. The map is cool, but I wish the floors were layered on top of each other, not spread out beside each other.

A game I wish I liked more than I did, but still: if there ever is to be a sequel or spiritual successor I will check it out.

Neat little game. The dollhouse/diorama quality of it makes messing with the world and seeing how it changes the loop a lot of fun. Story did not stand out in any way and it does get a bit tedious at times to execute on a puzzle when you have the solution already figured out but still have to go to the motions (and wait. Suprising amount of waiting in this)

One of the indie games I think about when I think about charming and unique art style indie games. Time loop where you try to find out how a murder is done, and also how you are going to make it NOT happen without getting directly involved besides playing in rooms that no one else is in to manipulate the environment to your ends (no one dying)

Game is also just unique in it's art design.

niezły pomysł na łamigłówkową metroidvanię z przyjemną oprawą audiowizualną (która nie powinna aż TAK obciążać mojego steam decka lol), szkoda że bardziej niż zagadki zapamiętam mozolne animacje (to jest totalny nitpicking) i nachalne opowiadanie historii, która niewiele mnie obchodziła

Gostei desse jogo, principalmente da história, que é muito boa, porém a gameplay dá umas pecadas, gosto dessas mecânicas de voltar no tempo, mas esse jogo, deixou muito simples alguns puzzles, ao ponto de eu resolver sem querer, gostaria muito de uma continuação pois tem muito potencial, destaque pra ambientação e trilha sonora que fazem tudo valer a pena.

Super cool concept for a game, sadly it was too short

It's sometimes quite goofy, but this game is a lovely intricate clockwork of puzzles

This was a channel point redeem in my Twitch stream and I didn't really know what to expect from it. I ended up really enjoying it. The concept was cool and I loved the art style.

The story makes it worth it. Great music and presentation. Sadly, the timeloop concept is barely utilized in gameplay and serves mostly a story purpose. Dont expect a detective game, its a very basic and linear puzzle game.

such an extreme disappointment for such a good concept. Each level feels like it's far too simple to solve, like you've just understood the first trick of the level, and then it's over. Needed a lot more depth to it.

An interesting twist on crime procedural and point and click adventure, the controls didn’t translate well to console. The “true ending” required finding all collectibles which was made more difficult by the interface and wasn’t worth the extra work. It truly feels like a great start which could be iterated on but doesn’t seem like that’s in the cards.

Wonderful Groundhog Day style murder mystery. I personally felt as though the story got a little wonky toward the end, but it's not bad at all. Definitely worth your time and the soundtrack is BONKERS.

has finally given me something that i long for: murder mystery content. the game is definitely fun!! the masks are quite a neat concept and the art direction is great however i just .. can’t sit down and play it. maybe it’s because i get bored of things easily, but it’s definitely a game you dedicate a day or a week to and then be done with it. may come back later to finish it but i honestly don’t feel like it at this given moment

Jogo de mistério intrigante, com mecânicas e história envolventes. Gostaria que não desse pra avançar por tentativa e erro e que as mecânicas fossem utilizadas de uma forma mais desafiadora.

It’s so short that you can finish it in one go, but I enjoyed all 4/5 hours. It’s an investigative puzzle game where you can go back in time and prevent delicts from happening. Sometimes you have to get into the developers’ minds to find the right clues, but most dynamics were pretty straightforward. I also enjoyed finding all collectibles as they were quite easy to find even without a guide.

The plot is nothing groundbreaking but plays out more interestingly than I would have thought, and both the graphic style and music are perfect for this kind of game.

The puzzles are pretty simple, but they mostly just provide an excuse to go around the map and learn bits and pieces of the tragedies taking place. I got to a secret, non-canonical ending instead of figuring out what I'm actually supposed to do, and I think I'm satisfied with leaving it at that since the backtracking was getting a little stale by then. Can't say anything really stuck with me as definitively great, but there's enough charm here in the storytelling that I don't regret checking it out.