Reviews from

in the past

Very emotional. I loved this entire series and to see it sadly end broke my heart a little but still a great game and you should 100% play the whole series

A primeira coisa que notei ao primeiro contato direto com a gameplay foi a liberdade de movimento em comparação com os jogos anteriores. É claro que o foco narrativo ainda é bem forte, mas esse é bem menos point-and-click, pois aqui a gente ganha uma liberdade maior pra controlar a câmera e os movimentos.

A dublagem é boa pra alguns personagens e ruins pra outros. O dublador do Lee não combinou nem um pouco e ouvir a Clementine falando "guri" é engraçado, hahah. (E não entendi pq só dublaram os dois primeiros episódios)

Notei alguns bugs como a Clementine se teletransportando durante alguns movimentos, mas nada que atrapalhe ou incomode, pois aqui o que eu queria ver era a atração principal: a história¹

¹ infelizmente não consegui deixar a Violet viva, o que me frustrou um bocado.

O amadurecimento da protagonista não só é algo admirável mas faz dela praticamente uma extensão do Lee, o que deixa o nosso otimismo em relação a ela bem abalado. Todo o desenvolvimento do enredo possui muito mais humanidade, muito mais acesso aos sentimentos de todos os envolvidos.

Sem dúvidas de que é o suprassumo de tudo que envolve o nome The Walking Dead.

That whisperer man is the biggest gaslighter in gaming

Oynarken tüm duyguları yaşatan bir yapım. İlk oyunun ardından en çok etki bırakan bu oldu diyebilirim. Sanırsam Teltalle firması oyunu bırakmıştı ama devam ettirildi. İyi ki ettirilmiş. Son sahne hala aklımdan çıkmıyor . Mükemmel bir oyun serisinin sonu , mükemmel bir hikayenin sonu. Hikayeli oyun denildiği zaman aklıma gelen ve gelecek olan ilk oyundur belki de The Walking Dead. İlk oyunla aynı kefeye koyulur mu bilmiyorum ama gerçekten mükemmel. Emeği geçen herkese teşekkürler. Oynayın , oynatın ...

The perfect ending to one of the greatest stories in gaming

É aqui que o homem chora e a mãe não vê, o encerramento de uma franquia maravilhosa com muito amor e carinho, é uma pena que marca o fim de um estúdio tão incrível

Um bom encerramento pra franquia. Diferente do anterior, os personagens são mais carismáticos e bem melhores desenvolvidos.

E aqui finalmente a gente consegue sentir o peso das nossas escolhas na narrativa, mesmo alguns acontecimentos não mudarem independente da suas escolhas.

Também adicionaram colecionáveis e alguns caminhos alternativos, o que fortalece bastante o fator replay.

Pra mim o principal ponto negativo aqui é quando o jogo tenta simular sequências de ação onde você precisa enfrentar hordas de errantes. Os controles travados atrapalham e muito nessas sessões e eu acabei morrendo muitas vezes, o que me frustrou bastante. Sei que o foco não é o combate, mas ele está presente em algumas partes e eu realmente não curti.

Outra coisa que me incomodou foi a forma que alguns personagens da franquia foram simplesmente esquecidos, não estou falando do New Frontier, mas sim da primeira e segunda temporada. Mas isso foi coisa minha mesmo e acho que não vai ser algo que incomodará quem for jogar e também não é nada que estraga a experiência.

Em resumo, a última temporada de The Walking Dead é um ótimo encerramento pra franquia, com bons personagens, boa história, boa narrativa e momentos marcantes. Não é melhor que a primeira temporada, mas tem o mesmo brilho dela.

it's a good one, probably on par with s2
played it a long time ago though, i dont remember much

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i think it's perfect and i love both love interests

Crazy how the best character in the Walking Dead franchise came from a studio that can’t program a functional video game to save its life. Clementine you will always be famous.

Достойное завершение шедевральной франшизы

Great ending to this great series. It could be better, but it's far from bad.

After the absolute nightmare that was A New Frontier, it makes me very happy to say that this game corrects all of the mistakes that the prequel makes, giving us a much more well-written story that does a great job of emotionally connecting to the player. We get to play as Clementine once again, who has now come full circle, and who's journey is now mimicking that of her father, Lee. Much like the first season, we come back to the theme of raising a child during the apocalypse, but we get to examine this from an entirely new perspective, as Clementine and AJ have really only known the Apocalypse for their entire lives. Pair that up with throwing them in a setting with the majority of the other characters being kids who ALSO have only known the Apocalypse, and we get an amazing foundation to tell a thoughtful and emotional story.

Clementine and AJ's relationship is obviously the highlight, and the main focus of the game, just as it was in the first season. With Clementine back in our control, we get to right a lot of the wrongs that New Frontier makes. This Clementine is much closer to the version we were watching grow up through all of these games, and she shines through as an amazing character once again. This game also has probably the best side characters out of all the games, all of the kids at the boarding school. They help to create tension by having various clashing ideals that Clementine has to balance with her own in terms of raising AJ. AJ provides a stark contrast to how Clementine is portrayed in the first season. Since living in this world is all he's known, he is much more cynical, and has no problem with having to do gruesome things to survive. Watching him evolve all the way until the end of the game is very satisfying.

Another thing this game does better than the others is actually BEING a game. While it still has the core foundation of a Telltale game, and the choices and story are the main focus, having sections where you can actually take control of Clementine and explore on your own, find collectibles, do optional tasks, and engage in combat, make the game feel much more complete as a package. Those sections are short, and not at all complex, but they provide a nice change of pace and do a good job of keeping the player actively engaged in the story. Also, because this is the last season of the game, the writers were allowed to be more drastic with the choices, and actually have them create pretty substantial deviations in the story, more so than the previous seasons.

It's very clear that this was the culmination of all the hard work the previous seasons put into crafting this beautiful story. The thematic parallels to the first game are wonderful, the story is engaging once again, all of the characters are great, and the conclusion is extremely satisfying. After all these years, The Final Season sticks the landing, and cements Telltale's Walking Dead as one of the best narrative-driven series of all time.

clementine the best female protagonist of all time

characters are way more likeable somehow than in the first 3 games

It's crazy to look back and see just how close this game came to never being finished due to the collapse of the original Telltale Games back in 2018. What a relief that it never happened, because this is a great finale that definitively closes the book on Clementine's story.

Bye Clem, thanks for all these beautiful years. I love you.

My second favorite season of the series. A must play if you like the other games in the series, but despite on how the game presents itself as being playable by itself, I heavily recommend playing the previous seasons.

«У Эй-Джея есть только я. А у меня есть только он. И я отдам жизнь за него... Как Ли отдал жизнь... За меня..»
Опять на концовке ревел...

The Finale. I enjoyed this one again (I’ve enjoyed them all tbf). Was a good story again with interesting choices, this one is based in a school and it’s you and loads of younger kids plus a few same age maybe older. Was fun and a good way to end what was an incredible video game series .

I liked it, but it was so bugged that I couldn't complete it.