Reviews from

in the past

It was interesting and pretty fun but that Shin Megami/Fire Emblem crossover was pretty lacking.

Also annoyed that there was still no dub and the removed content/censorship stayed.

This is the worst Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem game in existence

This is the best RPG about the Japanese Idol industry in existence

No esperaba nada de él, pero me termino sorprendiendo para bien, frases que lastimosamente pocas veces he dicho... No digo que sea un excelente JRPG que te hará ver el género de una manera diferente o que es un crossover a la altura, no, para nada, pero es que a medida que más lo juegas, más te das cuenta del cariño y dedicación que Atlus le metió con tanto contenido que incluso habiéndolo completado lo más posible, hubo cosas que aún me faltaron por ver como varios ataques especiales los cuales tienen animaciones únicas que consigues subiendo tu amistad con los demás personajes o las animaciones expresivas y que todas las escenas tengan voces (no hay opción de voces en inglés, como debería de ser en cualquier JRPG).

Si no te gusta el J-pop no lo disfrutarás? Bueh, yo no soy tan fan del jpop, pero aun así disfrute tanto de su juego como su historia que sin ser una obra con una historia épica y bien desarrollada, cumple con entretenerte y tener buenas escenas y en lo que más destaca es en el humor que tiene el cual se nota que no quisieron tomarse muy en serio a sí misma y tenemos escenas super exageradas o que solo weebs entenderemos y hey, puede que de cringe, pero es algo que creo que nunca he visto en un JRPG, incluir ese tipo de chistes tan "otakus", joder, hasta los personajes son claros estereotipos de personajes de animes y esto no es para nada algo malo, ya que va acorde al tono que plantea.

En este juego el tema de la música tiene cierta importancia, no al nivel como en Caligula, pero aun así muchas cosas giran en torno a la música como lo es el gimmic de que todos los personajes pertenezcan al medio de la música, sino también en cosas como el arto cariño que le metieron al crear escenas donde vemos videoclips y conciertos por los personajes, tanto en animación 2d como con los modelos 3d y joder, me puedo hacer una idea de lo tanto que se esforzaron para recrear esas coreografías y hacerlas canciones reales, ya que si, TODAS las canciones que aparecen son canciones que fueron creadas específicamente para este juego con su letra única y no sé cuantas sean, pero son demasiadas. Incluso yo que no soy tan fan de ese jpop disfrute de varias, lo único es que pienso que desaprovecharon la oportunidad de que el tema de combate fueran canciones vocales como lo hace Persona o el mismo Caligula.

Dire esto desde ya y lo peor de este juego es la puta censura... Por qué Nintendo? Por qué censuraste un juego el cual no tenía razón para ser censurado? Eres la única de las 3 empresas que no se pone a chillar y censuras juegos weeb, pero por qué con Tokyo Mirage lo hiciste? Es algo que no entenderé y fue la razón por la cual aunque ya conocía este juego desde la época de la wiiu, no lo jugue cuando salio en switch, ya que no quería apoyar ese movimiento... Pero en fin, habiéndolo terminado note la censura? Pues no realmente, o al menos no en su mayoría y pude disfrutar de igual manera, pero eso no quita que haya sido una mierda haber hecho eso por parte de Nintendo.

Lo segundo negativo sería la lentitud y no solo a la hora de moverse sino en los combates los cuales no tienen opción para cancelar animaciones (bueno, si puedes cancelar animaciones de ataques especiales, pero estos ataques no es como que los uses a cada rato) y es una maldita tortura tener que comerte segundos y segundos de animaciones lentas, al igual que el navegar por menús que igualmente se siente demasiado lento. Por suerte si juegas en emulador puedes aumentar la velocidad del juego y se hará menos tedioso, pero eso lo descubrí ya en los últimos capítulos.

Terminando con esta review dire que tal vez mi nota está inflada, pero incluso sabiendo que el juego tiene sus problemas, Tokyo Mirage Sessions fue una bonita experiencia en todos los sentidos y es un poco triste haberlo terminado. Lo recomiendo si eres fan de FE y SMT (aunque irónicamente es un crossover muy pobre entre ambas franquicias, pero o era esto o tener un Crossover con Pokemon y bueh, no me gustaría vivir en una línea de tiempo donde TMS no existiese), cómprate este juego en vez de FE Engage o el Soul Hackers 2.

Me gustaría que se creara un TMS 2, pero por temas de lore lo veo un poco complicado por el final que hubo, aunque el mismo final deja una puerta abierta a una futura secuela. Pero ya ha pasado casi 10 años desde que salió el primero y casi 4 desde Encore (vrga, como de rápido pasa el tiempo) y no ha salido nada nuevo... Por cierto, sabes que TMS es SMT pero al revés?

gif with old black guy shaking his head

its peak

Yes, a Persona-like, but one with so much heart.

Perdi foi meu tempo.
Olha eu diria que esse jogo é medíocre, mas ele tem umas qualidades suficientes pra mim pra ser algo raspando melhor que medíocre.
O fator da jogabilidade é interessante já que ele tem uma mecânica similar ao demon co op de strange Journey e o sistema ds fraqueza de armas e elementos de smt e fire emblem, isso é um bem bolado bacana já que o jogo é de certa forma difícil ( sim eu joguei no hard, porém testei o normal e não é muito fácil nao).
Resumindo no que se diz ao combate ele é divertido até certo ponto, existe carisma em muitos elementos, porém o grind é meio merda, as dungeons são tão simples quanto persona 4, porém tao cansativas cansativas quanto a nocturne ( tirando o fato de que as dungeons de nocturne são boas).
O plot é qualquer coisa, tipo sério é bem disperso em certos momentos, o que me faz pensar que esse jogo não se leva a sério e de certa forma não mesmo ( porém não o bastante).
Os personagens são..... foda se?
Não é como se eu desgostasse de alguns, mas após todas as sides de cada um, só achei bem ok pra ruim.
No fim as osts me lembram smt v em alguns momentos então awesome.

Concluindo: é um jogo divertido, apesar de bem cansativo, o true ending foi um porre de fazer, o final é bem anime?
A minha experiência com esse jogo foi 7 a 70 mais constante ou inconstante num rpg de turno.

Obs: esse jogo como crossover é um erro.

Hmmm. I started a playthrough of Tokyo Mirage a couple years ago back in 2021 and wanted to love it so badly. I was itching to play something similar after my 150 hour P5 run. This did not suffice. Truly a horrible crossover between SMT and FE, two of my favorite franchises ever. It's somehow managed to take the worst elements of each while misrepresenting SMT. Honestly, I never even saw the FE representation in the first place and would say it's more like SMT x Kingdom Hearts.

Worst Atlus title I've ever played.

Maybe it's because I'm not too attached to the Fire Emblem series, but I thought this game was incredibly underwhelming, especially after all the recommendations I got from my JRPG friends.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is essentially a Shin Megami Tensei game with a music/entertainment industry flair to it, one that seems to overpromise and underdeliver a "Fire Emblem crossover" experience.

That's not to say this game is bad or anything. There are several things I enjoyed about Tokyo Mirage Sessions. The highlight for me personally was just the overall style and presentation of everything. It's a story that takes place within the industry of music and film, so it respectfully plays along with that here. Everything from the dungeon designs for each character, down to the session combos being represented as music tracks, it's all a fun topic to surround a JRPG into. And speaking of music, the soundtrack here is excellent, most of which are accompanied with some stunning 2.5D animation in music video-style formats. It all feels like a halfway step between Shin Megami Tensei and the hyperstylization found in Persona titles.
As for the gameplay, I'm a big fan of the implementation of session combos, allowing you to fully stack party attacks onto enemies once their weaknesses are exploited. The dungeon designs each have their own unique quirks to them too, some of which I personally thought had some neat puzzle-solving elements. And, although understandably ignored by hardcore players, I appreciated the inclusion of the Training Area (which I understand was DLC in the non-Encore version), as it really saved me some time with grinding points for my party and equipment; a necessity for a Shin Megami Tensei game of this nature.

The rest of the game though? It's a bit meh.
I could honestly care less about the story, because most of the characters arcs are predictable in how they resolve themselves. They aren't boring or anything, just not my personal "anime"-esque plot to devour, although I did like some side stories unlocking more of those awesome music videos to watch. As for the Fire Emblem crossover, like I said, it's incredibly underwhelming. As someone novice to that series, all I really noticed were the Mirages being named after certain characters from Fire Emblem, and only the last handful of hours of the story really diving into lore from that series. I just wish we'd get a bit more of these elements earlier on and spread throughout, as it just makes this game feel like an SMT spin-off with nods to Fire Emblem and that's it. A lot less than I was expecting from a game published by Nintendo themselves.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is a good JRPG, although I can't really recommend it to fans of the genre. Unless you really enjoy Fire Emblem or Japanese pop music, or are looking for a decent 30-40 hours to dive into, I say you can pass on this one.

P.S. Kiria is best girl.

wrong shibuya, need to visit the other one to get over seteth's death, i miss him

this game rules and youre all babies

for as much hate as this gets, i think it's only fair to look at this game without going into it expecting a true "smt x fe" collab. it's in a category of its own that you can't really compare it to anything.

while the idol theme may not be for everyone, and despite my weebiness i definitely cringed at many moments, the ost is at least a banger if you're into the jpop sound.

it doesn't take itself too seriously and its mechanics are enjoyable in regards to how it handles turn-based battles. which i have to say, given how many jrpgs love to implement the turn-based formula, was pretty refreshing to see.

this was my persona before i played persona

I expected this to be horrible but it's actually fine. Gameplay loop was fun, the side-stories weren't terrible. EX content was very short and underwhelming. Story was absurd. Half a star deducted for the commodification of children as idols

a combination of the best fire emblem and the best megami tensei

yeah, you can see where i'm going with this

this isn't a terrible game, but i am mad about some of the decisions made here.

the game could've been amazing if only they changed a few things. making tsubasa the protagonist would've been much more interesting, given that she actually got goals, a backstory and potential, while itsuki is just a very bland person. they could've added some mini games like dancing and singing and that could've been her training.

an english dub would've also done wonders for this game! the songs in that game are amazing and they would've certainly been more iconic if you actually could've sung along. like those songs could've been mire popular than the game itself and get people interested in the game through the music.

the battle system is really fun for a while but gets dull after a while, which is why i ignored battling in the last three dungeons or so and only fought the bosses.

most of the new encore content doesn't add much to the game, but having it on switch rules. if u like snappy jrpg gameplay and/or idol culture play this game

absolute kinography fuck what anyone else says

Gets good at the last stretch

would of been higher if they kept her vagina bones

Довольно необычная JRPG с неплохой боевой системой и интересными данжами. Сюжет довольно необычный и странный

its ok its neither a great smt game or a great fe game

Another quality title from Atlus. Fun gameplay, and (mostly) likeable characters, a fantastic soundtrack and some wholesome moments spread out. The only problem I had with the game is that two of the characters were especially obnoxious and also the side quests are nothing more than dull fetch quests. Definitely an underrated gem.

Let's start off with the OST being unironically the best in the series. Reincarnation? BANGER. Feel? BANGER. Give Me? Labryinth? Dream Catcher? BANGER after BANGER. I literally felt more emotion listening Opera of Light then the "Everyone is Here" trailer. This OST gets played in the car, no exceptions.

This game is the epitome of "this just feels right". It got the perfect amount of quality of life features to keep me enjoying myself. The weapon upgrade system is not complex and easily usable throughout the story (unlike Fates). Combos in combat (taken from Persona) stays fluid through the story. Achievements aren't generic (Engage) and don't get tedious (Three Hopes). Also has a functional New Game Plus mode which I hope stays a standard in the FE series.

The characters and story don't fall short either. Each member of the main and supporting cast gets their time in the spotlight while staying relevant through the rest of the game. The mirages don't take the spotlight from the original characters but get used to bring out the characteristics in them (better than Engage's way). The story of TMS existing in the universe where Marth failed to destroy Medeus makes this more canon than the other spin-offs.

Overall this game has everything I could find enjoyable without any negatives. Full remarks.

The characters are eh, the story is just kinda ok, I don't have any interest in idol culture so none of that stuff really captured me, and this REALLY has no right to be an SMT-FE crossover, and should've really just been marketed as its own thing under the Tokyo Mirage Sessions name, and its a shame it wasn't because if it was it could've been picked up for sequels under its own IP, because GOOD GOD this game SOMEHOW may have the best gameplay of ANY SMT branch. The combat all flows together so nicely and is honestly the best execution of the SMT gameplay formula I've ever experience, granted as of this point I've only has the most basic SMT experience (persona 3 through 5, as well as SMT 3 and 5), but I'll be damned if I wasn't getting into encounters whenever possible just for the sake of doing the combat more.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions is a game that gets a lot of hate while actually being a ton of fun. The idol theme is not for everyone, and definitely wasn't for me either. With that being said, I still managed to enjoy it a lot.

The gameplay is its strongest point, and puts an interesting spin on the age old turn based system with its sessions. Although the writing is as you'd expect in a game like this (not amazing), Tokyo Mirage Sessions carries out many fun segments in the character stories.

If you are a fan of the Shin Megami Tensei games and don't mind the game not taking itself too seriously (and some fan service), this game is worth a shot.

A cute game that takes the Persona gameplay and expands it into the world of Japanese Idols. It has substance and style, with some great anime cutscenes, however after a while the repetition becomes real, and the grind slogs the overall experience. I lost interest of the characters and the gorgeous sequences that they took part in due to this, and just wished there was a little bit more diversity in the gameplay. Excusing this, it's still an enjoyable experience with a lot of quality and game time to dive into.

The absolute epitome of junk food video games. Nothing to offer, nothing interesting to say, nothing that makes this game worthwhile. A shallow imitation of Hashino era Persona, I can't imagine why someone would choose to play this game unless they're deeply invested in either of the 2 series involved in this "crossover". If you're coming at this as a Megami Tensei fan then maybe you'll find some joy out of the gameplay, but if you're interested in TMS due to Fire Emblem then this game will be a complete waste of time for you. I honestly have a hard time believing this was ever meant to be the FE crossover they had initially planned. Also, fuck me sideways I cannot stand this game's writing. I can't say how it compares to other MegaTen games but compared to FE it's nauseating in such a fashion that I get flashbacks to Fates.