Reviews from

in the past

One of the best 360 games. Was my favourite game of all time before I found P5.

This game is oozing with passion and while i wouldn’t necessarily call it the best, it has a very sincere passion towards the transformers franchise that gets you to genuinely care about the characters as well as giving you fun set pieces. The game has a pretty great story with probably one of the best finales i’ve seen in a video game with the mission “till all are one” which becomes a nonstop barrage of hectic chaos happening across the battlefield which is accompanied by a great soundtrack. Overall this game is pretty great for any fans of transformers or fans of third person shooters!

Absolute masterclass of Transformers video games. Wish I had played it back when the multiplayer was alive.

Without question the best Transformers game. A surprisingly strong narrative bolsters a campaign full of variety and crunchy combat. Manages to make transforming useful without making it Overpowered. The multiplayer was fun too. Ending is a bit weak.

God I loved this game, mostly due to the series being my childhood cartoon, but I still loved it. Graphics great, audio effects welldone. Great experience.

War for Cybertron was the first Transformers game that was actually good and not based off of any of the three movies (hey, I liked them!) It’s based the characters of the Generation One cartoon series and even brought back some of the original voice actors. Fall of Cybertron continues in this fashion, but brings out some of the lesser known Transformers and puts them in the campaign. The game is overall the same as the last one, but with more polish and fine-tuning.

The story is decent and entertaining, but nothing memorable. It picks up from the last game where Megatron is still trying to wipe out the Autobots, but this time prevent them from escaping on the Ark. Optimus Prime and his gang are desperately trying to gather enough Energon to power the Ark, but Megatron and the Decepticons, as well as the Insecticons, are causing problems for everyone. The planet is pretty much lost at this point and all Optimus cares about is getting his Autobots off the damn planet and to safety. You play through thirteen chapters of various different Transformers from both sides to experience this pretty cinematic and entertaining story.

You play as regular Transformers and the larger ones. Bumblebee is your first one in the first chapter. Optimus Prime and Megatron are used quite a bit, but also Cliff Jumper, Bruticus, Jazz, Vortex, Grimlock, Starscream, and even for a brief moment in the final chapter, Jetfire. I preferred this over choosing between just a few different ones like in the last game. It made the campaign more unique, and less repetitive and boring. Each chapter is completely different with different gameplay elements thanks to each Transformer being unique. Sneaking around cloaked as Cliff Jumper, grappling as Jazz, flying around as Vortex, and stomping things into the ground as Bruticus was awesome. The vehicle forms are better controlled and I used them a lot more than I did in the last game. Even the gunplay is tighter.

The enemies are smarter this time around, and there’s a bit more of a variety. The Insecticons add to this variety and are spread throughout the campaign. Even the objectives are more varied instead of just pulling levers all the time. There’s a new upgrade system via the Teletraan 1 which allows you to use Energon Shards to upgrade weapons. These upgrades are actually useful and make a huge difference. I still wish I can upgrade my vehicle form, but they are already powerful enough. The campaign just stands as a solid cinematic Transformers story and is just so much better than the last game. There are still a few issues like difficulty spikes, minor collision detection issues, but it isn’t nearly as abundant as the last game. This game is hard, and if you don’t take cover and watch out you will die in a few hits. Using shields and Energon packs help, but at least you won’t die every 5 seconds like the last game.

The graphics are really good, but it still uses the Unreal Engine 3 based on the consoles and it could look better. I was hoping the PC version would have some enhanced visuals, but we it doesn’t. There are some ugly muddy textures here and there, but overall it looks way better than the last game. War for Cybertron already looked dated when it came out. The art style is gorgeous and the voice acting is just top-notch. The multiplayer comes back again, but not much else has changed besides being able to build your own robot. After a while, you will get bored with the last game, but hardcore fans may stay. If it makes you feel better you get to be a T-Rex as Grimlock later in the game. I just can’t tell you how many surprises this game can throw at you. There is just a ton of love put into this game and tidbits for fans.

As it stands, Fall of Cybertron improves immensely over the last game, but still, doesn’t offer enough variation and diversity to make this game of the year worthy. There is more variety here than the last game with different Transformers used in each chapter, but I really wanted something even more epic. What’s here is great, and this really is the best Transformers game ever made, but I know it can be even better.

Best Transformers story, period. Gameplay's also really fun too.

one of my favorite third person shooters, fall of cybertron takes us into one of the best aspects of the transformers of the franchise, and yes, it's in the title: the fall of cyberton. This game, (while staying definitively in the T for teens age rating) shows the brutality of war. While this isn't the most in depth depiction, it is portrayed in a fun way watching robots explode. The battle sequences are just amazingly fun, the numerous cast of characters to play as are investing no matter which side you are on, and this game features one of the best final levels I've ever played. Not to mention the escalation mode I've played with my friends for hours on end is difficult enough to be extremely intense, but easy enough for a 12 year old to beat with his cousin. This game is one of the best things about being a transformers fan.

robô que vira carro piw pow boom

A non-stop shower of love for the best parts of the franchise, without ever feeling like soulless fanservice. Magnificent campaign that constantly mixes things up, up to the spectacular climax that is the final stage. If Vanquish didn't exist, this would probably be the peak of 7th-gen third-person shooters.

Fuck Activision.

One of the best licensed games I've ever played. The game is just solid as heck.

The greatest Transformers video game ever made

This game has one of my all-time favorite finales in any game.

Your mileage is directly proportional to how much you like the Transformers IP.

I'm completely ambivalent so for me this was just a big standard, slightly janky Gears of War clone.

The trailer for this game with the Puscifer song is the best trailer for a game in history.

This has got to be the greatest transformers game ever conceived and one of the best single player games. Screw activision for getting rid of high moon studios because if this had a sequel by them, it could've been even better. One of the best transformers experiences and the final mission is arguably my favourite final mission in any game where everything you learnt comes into play. Score and gameplay is amazing and graphics still look great at high resolutions considering its over 10 years old now.

Why cant we get more transformers games based on Cybertron

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Great game, amazing story and great gameplay. Level 3 (the stealth one) is a bit annoying but overall cool. Bruticus and Grimlock being playable were really funny inclusions and the final level switching from Autobot to Decepticon is super fun.

the vga trailer for this game remains my literal favorite video game trailer of all time

anyway the game itself???? ya it's good :) i prefer the environmental aesthetic in the trailer and the previous game and the multiplayer is better in the last game, but fuck yeahhh everything else about this game is just better polished I feel.

You can now make your own cringe ass transformers oc, which was my favorite part of the game as a kid and i'm upset servers have closed

High Moon just makes COD maps now

I remember play this when I absolutely hated shooters but I loved sniping so much in this game I'd keep replaying stages and got really good at it.
That's gotta mean something

100% positive that if I replayed this i'd put on da 3x3