Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay - 8
Trilha Sonora - 9
Gráficos - 9
História/Campanha - 8

Nota - 8.5

Trine 2 successfully takes the series to the next level by doing a little more of the basic features and mechanics of the first game. Again, in the game where we manage the characters Amadeus, Pontius and Zoya, which we are familiar with from the first game, a wider skill tree and features are promised for the characters this time. More mechanical and complicated puzzles such as waterways and pipelines made the game more diverse. As a story, this time we are trying to stop the Nightmare Princess, and a fairy tale-like story welcomes us. As a minus, only in the last boss fight and in some parts of the game some characters are extremely useless, which can reduce the work distribution in the game to a single character. In conclusion, Trine 2 is a very successful sequel and I can say that it is an ideal game to play co-op with your friends. If you liked the first game, you will definitely love this one too.

Edit: The DLC in the Complete Story version is as good as the main game (There are parts that are even more beautiful than the main game in terms of chapter designs), I definitely recommend you to play.

A step up from the first game in the series, though many of the issues are still present here. The game looks great, but wonky hitboxes make both platforming and fighting enemies unfun at times.

Still, a fun game in coop. Unfortunately, progress for Hard & Hardcore was only tracked for the Host, so I had to do that run solo.

Mainly got this because it had a 3D mode and we had a 3D TV. It was neat but the floaty platforming turned me off real quick.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 9 years ago:

Divertido com os amigos, história ninguém liga. Visualmente muito legal, mas a parada ta na gameplay em conjunto. Mas esse achei meio cansativo. Ele se estende demais sem necessidade, principalmente nas conquistas.

Lo mismo que la primera parte pero mejorado en todo.
El platino más difícil que he tengo por encima de los Souls.

Nunca imaginei que um jogo fosse me fazer odiar goblins mais do que eu já odiava.

Secuela que mejora prácticamente todo del anterior, pero que peca de un ritmo raro y de algunos puzzles que hay que "romper" a fuerza bruta.

Secuela que mejora en TODO al original. Casi el doble de tiempo me ha llevado completarlo, tiene más fases, pero además todas son bastante más largas y variadas. Tiene una mayor variedad de puzles (alguno bastante cabrón) y escenarios que el primero.

Su mejora se nota sobre todo en lo visual, una paleta de colores más extensa, mejora la patética iluminación del primero bastante y cuenta con escenarios de todo tipo: bosques, cuevas, desiertos, castillos, volcanes... Consigue tener algo de alma al menos.

El gameplay es super continuista, quita alguna habilidad que tenía el primero y añade otras tantas, pero por lo demás se juega igual. Sí que hubiera molado una mayor variedad de bosses y enemigos, que sí es cierto también que en eso mejora al original al menos.

La historia es un poquito más guay que la primera (realmente tiene 2 historias separadas), pero están graciosas. Además, añade algo más de escenas para contarlas. En resumen, otro juego bastante competente, que mejora en todo al primero y entretiene mucho, sobre todo en coop.

I'm Trine enjoyer and thus I'm super biased.
I have 2 friends that I play every Trine game with and it's always surprising when one of them tell that there is new one released. I never search for it and it always feel like early Christmas.
So relaxing. and fun to goof around in Trine worlds.

Trine 2 (2011): Tan continuista que parece una expansión del original y con fallos nuevos que no sé de dónde salen (Lo de los puntos de control es de juzgado de guardia); es lo bastante entretenido y disfrutón pero también una oportunidad perdida. Funciona pero esperaba más (5,70)

The average rating is 3.3 stars? Are you guys nuts?

One of my favorite platformer games and my favorite in the franchise. Btw, Zoya is broken in this one.

Joguinho bom pra jogar com os amiguinhos, e com um cenário absurdamente lindo

Here we have one of the most unique 2d platformers around. It has the perfect balance of combat, platforming and puzzles that all make the game fantastic. I love the artstyle and the music is very medieval and that fits the game perfectly. The story is very old fashioned and its narrated by knock off David Attenborough but his voice is very relaxing which fits well with the relaxed tone of the game. The story is isn't very deep but it still has something to keep you going unlike a Mario game. The game is challenging enough to make deaths feel fair but not too easy to make the game feel short and childlike.

The game has 3 player co-op and playing with friends is so much fun. It kind of reminds me of little big planet in the sense that the wizard is great for trolling and the knight is great for trolling the wizard. The three characters however makes each player feel unique and it is great for different playstyles. You can also change characters with a button and it means you can switch playstyles or complete a puzzle quickly instead of having to either leave the game and switch characters.

Overall the game is great to play on your own but so much fun to mess about with you games (custom games are also quick to make). The game is cheap and really cheap on offer so definitely get it as you are missing out on a hidden gem. If you haven't played a Trine game before, it doesn't matter as this was my first Trine game and i could follow the story fine. This game in my opinion is better than Trine 1 as the enemy design is better and the puzzles are much more challenging.


some of those XP are really hard to get to without a second player. great game overall

Had a full party of 3 for this. About the same as the first game. Had a few glitches here and there, but overall still fun.