Reviews from

in the past

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I did not appreciate the funny incest game

Ruim demais! đź’™
Nada significou nada, e eu não ganhei nada com esse jogo... Exceto uma única track da OST. A OST do começo é banger

played this with a friend and while fun at first, the lack of clues made it extremely frustrating to progress further and the end result was honestly rather gross tropes to ruin what was already a decent ending.

I was playing this game when my roommate at the time walked by and saw it on the TV. He asked how far I was into the game, I told him I just started about an hour ago and asked why.

He just snorted, said "Oh, no reason.", and walked off.

Jeu de merde tout ça pour baiser sa sœur

"I wish I could turn back time..." I thought to myself as I realized how hyped I was for "12 Minutes". From the very first teasers and trailers, I was captivated by the concept of coming back home to our little apartment after work, and being greeted by our loving wife, but with the twist that this pleasant time would only last... 12 minutes.

If you've seen Bill Murray in "The Groundhog Day", you might know what it's like to be stuck in a time loop. In our case, we only have 12 minutes to figure out how to stop the loop from repeating itself endlessly. Unlike Bill Murray's day-long loop, ours is much shorter, but no less challenging.

I really wanted to like this game, but the drag of repeating the same things just made it worse with every loop.

Twelve Minutes, the first game directed by veteran Luis AntĂłnio, frustratingly and miserably uses itself in a narrative and thematic loop in order to achieve unsatisfactory and totally derisory results - even if, above all, it takes itself seriously.

In addition to a plot with several holes and unbelievable twists, the game has one of the worst gameplays Annapurna has ever offered, at least 10 years behind in game design (including critically failing on trivial matters), and never, I repeat, never exploring any of its own points thematically. The loop is a tool, not the object, which is a serious mistake.

This is, of course, not to mention the fact that it doesn't even touch on themes that are crucial to its story, never, for example, mentioning its sadism, violence and abnormality, just accepting them as elements that don't change what it's trying to tell - again, another serious (and, frankly, amateurish) mistake.

If only it made fun of itself, but not even that. Twelve Minutes wants to be taken seriously, very seriously, through art direction that uses morbid tones and cold sets, cinematic acting scenes and, wow, violence and swearing. All of this as if it had no less screen time with minimal depth than its own 12-minute loop, both in narrative and gameplay - it's empty, through and through, however much the passively charming style and dramatic performances may try to manipulate you into believing that it's not.

You, the protagonist, kill all the relevant characters in the game, in one way or another, at one time or another, and the only, only consequence or mention of these events comes in the form of an apology. An apology from the protagonist himself, made hours and hours after the start of the loop - hours that 80% of the time, and that number is no exaggeration, will be incessant repetition without any use.

In other words, it's a game that doesn't even try to care about femicide, murder, suicide or cancer; themes that, since present at alarming levels, could easily be explored to the full, but are treated only as tools to tell a story that doesn't even work in the most basic sense imaginable.

Spoiler warning: Of course, because completely ignoring any emotional sensitivity or social issue was surely the most desirable way to conduct a text about a man who is hypnotized by his father, kills him and marries his own sister, falling, years later, into a hellish time loop to discover that he has done so.

In short: playing Twelve Minutes sucks, with an outdated point-and-click and poor use of the time loop, and what's worse, it doesn't even make a point of hiding this fact behind a minimally decent script - because, in fact, it's as shallow as a saucer. Luis António completely takes away the point of a game being a game and a story being worth telling - especially as he's part of a publisher like Annapurna, capable of casting even Willem Dafoe and giving his protégés freedom of time and creativity.

This earned a star because DaFoe is awesome. The game had a really good idea on how to tell a story but sadly the story was just not great in my opinion. Bummer as the acting was great.

No está mal, pero podría haber sido mucho mejor.

adoro viagem no tempo, paradoxos e tudo relacionado a isso

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No twelve minutes incest babies are not a good plot lynchpin.

Make more cinematic games pls god (I will forgive all plot holes if it feels like a movie)

Joguinho massa, mas ter que fazer a mesma coisa pro umas 5 horas porque vocĂŞ nĂŁo sabe mais oque fazer de diferente, Ă© bem frustrante.

It was a fun challenge but I think I remember I had to look up some stuff online. Can be really frustrating if you can't think of a way forward.

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Great game till the incest jumpscare

Jeu affreusement répétitif qui nous fait faire la même chorégraphie encore et encore. On avance par miette quand on est pas obligés d'aller voir des soluces tant on est énervé par le jeu. J'ai joué à de bien meilleurs jeux dans le même style comme The Sexy Brutale qui nous enferme une boucle où l'on est bien plus libre qu'ici. C'est dommage car il y avait du potentiel côté scénario, mais l'exécution est foireuse.

Too many tedious tasks. Began to feel like a chore. Good potential, just did not come together well. I feel that if a developer was to branch this out and not have to repeat things so often (I understand it is a 12 min timeloop) then this could be the making if a great game

I really wished I liked this more, but there simply wasn't much to this.

Good idea, pretentious as fuck. Most of the credit I give to this game is based on the concept alone

this game some ass

good idea executed poorly

This game is weird af. The build-up in both gameplay and story wise is super intriguing and fascinating, but when it hits the climax, It just starts getting more and more confusing. It's fun albeit being repetitive and frustrating at points

This game should actually be good asf but they made it as hard as possible to like

This game was actually super interesting to play

Its decent, like the idea not the best execution. It starts off difficult to get more insight, if you don't know how to play it out . Though THAT PLOT TWIST IS CRAZY 💀💀