Reviews from

in the past

horrible puzzles i had to look everything up, only good chapter was rakan's

Although I have encountered some bugs while playing this, Visage turned out to be a good horror game, with a lot of puzzles to solve, some of them took me a while to figure out, sometimes I didn't have a clue about how to proceed. In the end, the game is better than I expected.

I explored the house back and forth to the point I memorized it.

Quite scary, quite scary.

Just adding a reminder to the player that the game is hard, will not make it any less annoying to die and lose the 20 or so minutes of progress you made. I'm on board with being punished like this in a souls-like, because unlike this, in a souls-like I get the rush of testosterone and dopamine when I beat a boos. It's just a terrible creative choice for a puzzle horror game.

Unnecessarily long and difficult. A more patient person will have lots of fun with it though. It’s a truly scary game, it just outstays its welcome by a lot.

This horror game really isn't what I though it would be, tried playing it with my best mate and it was more like a very very very dragged out puzzle game than a true horror game with the intention to scare the soul out of your body. Its definition of horror is occasional scary noises and a granny peeking over a door. Definitely not a horror game but a disturbing puzzle game rather. Very disappointing, I mean the most we got jump scared was at 3am when we were absolutely knackered and a hammer glitched on the stairs which we thought was the granny running after us. But alas, it wasn't.

top. vibe boa mas a jogabilidade é um lixo e a lore apesar de MUITO boa não é tão explícita, aí quem não tiver saco de pesquisar no youtoba vai achar o final bem bosta

1/3 игры была действительно страшной.

Полная рецензия: После успеха P.T. (игровой тизер к отмененной игре Хидео Кодзимы Silent Hills) в индустрии появилось много хорроров, пытающихся так или иначе повторить формулу успеха хитрого бурята и создать такой же атмосферный, пугающий и сложный ужас, но почти все попытки проваливались с треском.

Визаж, возможно, единственно более-менее успешный проект, который действительно понимает то, за что любили P.T. и не просто повторяет, но и переизобретает некоторые механики, правда этого не хватает чтобы стать хорошей игрой. Сюжет является антологией из нескольких глав, каждая из которых рассказывает свою печальную историю жителя дома в котором происходят события. История нелинейная и передается косвенно через потоки образов, писем и зарисовок, поэтому тот кто не будет пытаться выяснить что происходит на самом деле - потеряет нить повествования. С одной стороны это и плюс, с другой и минус, ибо не все в геймплейном плане тут идеально, из-за чего некоторые секции начинают тебя невероятно душить.

Лучшее что есть в игре - 2 глава. Тут тебе и очень криповая атмосфера, пугающая больше саспенсом и ожиданием появления ужаса нежели скримерами и погонями от монстрика, крутое взаимодействие с самими домом (хабом-мини опен-ворлдом), а так же очень интересные, сложные и последовательные головоломки, которые не повторяют друг друга и заставляют реально напрячь пару извилин. Единственный негативный момент здесь заключается в том, что дом слишком огромен и немного однообразен из-за чего ты начинаешь теряться и долго блуждаешь туда сюда только лишь из-за того что не можешь найти нужное тебе зеркало. В остальном 2 глава это очень крепкий хоррор-головоломка, который оставляет только приятное впечатление. Но в дело вмешиваются крайние главы, которые оказываются слишком сырыми и обычными.

1 глава спотыкается об кривой геймдизайн в самом доме, потому что большая часть действия строится на скримерах и монстре, что бегает за тобой, а понять куда нужно тебе двигаться дальше по сюжету иногда просто невозможно из-за всратого лвл-билдинга. Разраб просто говорит тебе "ИДИ", а куда идти - хуй пойми. 3 же глава хоть и исправляет ошибки в ориентировании по местности, но строится на все тех же скримерах и преследование. Проблема здесь заключается в однообразие и повторение одного и того же по несколько раз в одних и тех же коридорах. Плюс к этому в этой главе самый скучный сюжет из всех, что в совокупности с репатативными секциями создает довольно унылое действие, которые ты хочешь поскорее пробежать. Еще немного взбесило то, как спавнится монстр внутри самого дома, иногда просто появляясь из ниоткуда и убивая моментально не оставляя никаких шансов.

Если бы игра состояла исключительно из главы 2, то она бы только выиграла от этого и стала действительно хорошим хоррором, но мы имеем что имеем.

fantastic horror experience, but really falls off by the end. exploration is not enjoyable, movement is slow, and gameplay loop is not satisfying. Recommend for horror fans, but don't be surprised if you get bored.

Woefully, I couldn't find any other game as scary as Visage, the game is my sh*t.

This game is the PT we never got, I cannot say enough good about this game. The story is fantastic, the atmosphere is amazing, the puzzles are reminiscent of Silent Hill 2 and 3. The only real gripe I have with this game is the controls on mouse and keyboard can feel a tad bit clunky and cumbersome at times. All in all, this has become my all time favorite horror game of the modern era. Very sad the studio has seemed to disband.

If you are freaked out by not knowing what to do to progress the story, or terrified of opening drawers then this game will be sure to scare the crap out of you. If not, play Madison instead.

Easily one of the scariest games I've ever played, not sure if it's because the first time my friend and I played through it we were tipsy but this game legitimately had me shouting full volume, standing up out of my seat, and legitimately dreading my every action.
Never before have I felt so attached to light switches.

Almost shit myself playing this game. The ambience and entire game is so fucking eerie and ominous that I've had to put it down like 4 times.

Huge horror fan across all media, I played a lot of horror games, big titles and indie ones as well, this was so generally high praised that I was really curious to play it, and I must say, sadly, that this is one of the worst games ever. Boring, extremely buggy, crashes, worst controls I've ever seen, not scary at all (like do people really get scared by this stuff?), "story" is trivial and mundane with an unfulfilling ending, cheap instadeaths out of nowhere, the monsters models are laughable and a general lack of direction. The only good part in this game is the art of the comicbook. It really was a drag to finish.

Quando joguei ainda não estava completo, porém suas horas iniciais foram angustiantes, com uma atmosfera absurda. Não sentia tanto medo de um jogo assim há muito tempo, e estava muito animado achando que poderia ser um jogo 10/10, porém... Os puzzles infelizmente não são bons e tornam o jogo cansativo, e conforme os capítulos avançam, o fator medo diminui bastante.

Darei mais uma chance futuramente, tendo em vista que o jogo agora está completo.

good horror game with actual horror

Creative game despite it being greatly inspired in P.T.
I like it for its dark aura, totally recommend it for horror fans.
It's creepy and fun

This review contains spoilers

Very tedious game, I didn't find the atmosphere scary at all, it just felt plainly boring and slow in a bad way. I'm not sure why this has such high scores, maybe I missed something.

Olha essa ambientação mlk slk só tem isso tbm essa porra desse jogo. A lore é muito boa mas os controles são mt ruim, dá não.

scary at first until you just run around annoyed by everything

o capítulo da dolores é muito assustador, agora os outros 3 são bem chatinhos

i like the graphics but i am dumb~ i can only run around so much before eating my pills and using up my lighter @-@

ja assisti gameplay, acho q ja é o bastante

Precisamos de mais jogos de terror assim.

i don't need this kind of stress in my life

me caguei mt jogando, n aguentei e desisti

I thought this game was alright. The scares were interesting and I enjoyed the main house. However, it was insanely janky and I found a ton of glitches. I also hated how I needed to go through a whole new menu to pause the game. Overall, it was ok but not great.

Very scary and crazy in a creative way, but frustrating for most of the experience... The game never tells you where to go, it doesn't give you direction at all... you'll find yourself walking all over the house a lot without knowing what to do, and sometimes you'll even accomplish the goal by accident, this is boring as hell and I highly recommend playing with a guide. Chapters 1 and 2 are wonderful and give me a boost of energy to keep playing, but it gets to fucking 3 and the game drops so much that when I got to 4 I didn't even have the energy to play. But it's a very good game overall, I dare say it's the best PT clone ever created.