Reviews from

in the past

Easily one of the best GBA exclusive games. My second favorite in the series, the levels are generally short and sweet, with a decent mix of platforming and puzzles. Maybe someday I will do a hard mode play through.


It's your typical Pizza Tower rip off. Still based though

Wario is the first person I know who can become obese by eating apples

A good Wario game got a bitch laid up at night talking bout "Greed is Good" and saying shit like "EGG SALAD!!!"

This game is fantastic and I'm so glad they relegated Wario Land 2 and 3's puzzle-platformer gimmick to small sections that break up the otherwise incredibly fast-paced levels.

i absolutely adore how much character this game has. wario games are always so expressive and personality-ridden in a way other nintendo (and particularly mario) games just can't seem to ever fully match, and when everything about the game so thoroughly feels like the devs had so much fun creating it, it really seeps in to the game and adds a lot to the experience in a way that i find really hard to explain. the pixel art and how animate everything - especially wario - is, all the different level theming and the level design within them, the insane sound design (cough cough) - it just makes for something so deeply fun. this game might be short at only 18 levels, but essentially all of them are so well crafted that it isn't much of an issue, at least for me - having that many fantastic 2d puzzle platformer stages in a row really felt fulfilling enough as is. simply put, this is a fantastic game - probably the best 2d platformer within the mario franchise and maybe even for nintendo as a whole. play it!!

Wasn't expecting this game to be as good as it was, just didn't enjoy it as much as the other platformers I've been into lately. The areas are cohesive, and the level design and gameplay loop is pretty neat: explore each level as linearly as you want, get all four gem pieces, and trigger the timer and escape before it runs out. This game is super weird and full of charm. The main turnoff for me was that I didn't love how Wario controlled, but I'll chalk that up to hardware limitations. I would definitely play a modern entry to this series if one were to be announced.

This game feels like I played it as a kid on my Gba and am now super nostalgic about it, but I never did. It comes close to my other favourite gba bangers like Superstar Saga or Mario World.
Its a crazy vibe and its weird and super unique. The soundtrack and sound effects are crazy and strange and I loved it all. Played through the whole game in a day and wanna go back to getting all those discus

Sin este juego no existiria Pizza Tower, y aun asi por si solo es un juegazo.

Definitely the best in the series, The level structure still feels very unique and it leads and makes the 2nd half of every level feel very exciting and frantic. Boss design still feels like a failing point though with them having way too much health imo.

im pretty sure you dont need me to tell you that this game kicks ass. every level has its own identity with its own gimmick, all the bosses are absolutely nuts and crazy well designed, the soundtrack is wicked... for a gba game from 2001, this game has so much personality and spunk that really shows the developers cared about it. it holds up really well too, i find myself coming back to it all the time. highly recommend

One of the best GBA games I've ever played. Going for 100% is really fun. Each stage has its own music and feels unique. Controls are good. Definitely recommend this one, a must play.

game so good it became my whole personality for a while

I may have more nostalgia for WL2 personally, but WL4 is still probably the best game in the series. It's short, sweet & to the point. It understands its a handheld game that can be enjoyed in quick bursts & does things brilliantly. Smartly designed levels, nifty puzzles, solid exploration, fun abilities & control ---- it's hard to find much to complain about, if I'm being honest. If you're only gonna play one WL game, might as well be this one.

Quite fun! It is strange that Wario got an original title on the GBA, while Mario games only got remakes (in terms of platforming Mario games).

cool level environments but some decisions are dated. its good but not THAT good. play pizza tower instead.


Still one of Wario's greatest achievements to this day. The amazing platforming, style, and music is all "EGG-SELENT!" And it manages to turn time-limits of all things into a selling point for the game! Seems like it has quite the following to this day what with it inspiring other "Wario-likes".

One of the weirdest games Nintendo has developed, and by far the best Wario Land game. Great controls, fantastic level design all around, fun secrets, and multiple difficulties with some pretty insane time limits for replayability. Not to mention the incredibly weird and unique OST that no other game has replicated.

Still praying that Wario frees himself from Wario Ware hell and gets an actual new platformer game. If we can get a TTYD remake, anything is possible in my book.

Wario Land 4 é a melhor aventura de Wario até o momento -- é a primeira trama da série em que as coisas acontecem a partir das ações de Wario e é engraçado pensar nisso porque é também a jornada mais "simples" -- Wario invade um templo, pega os tesouros, tudo desmorona, ele foge, fim.

em todo jogo da série até agora o Wario sai ganhando no final com uma conclusão positiva mas de alguma forma nem todas as suas jornadas se contextualizavam em circunstâncias positivas. no primeiro jogo ele passa por diversos desafios até conseguir sua primeira riqueza (o castelo), no segundo ele passa o jogo inteiro indo atrás do que já era dele, no terceiro todo o game design é moldado ao redor da justificativa de que ele não tem os poderes no mundo da caixa de música e precisa recuperá-los

e aí no 4, ele tem tudo, e o jogo só existe porque ele tava afim de dar um rolê de carro. as animações idle do Wario é literalmente ele fazendo algum exercício físico. as músicas são todas animadas e memoráveis, as fases são extremamente criativas e sei lá, parece que tá tudo de acordo com os movimentos do Wario -- não no mesmo ritmo, mas sim na mesma melodia.

é o primeiro jogo da série que não tenta ser completamente diferente do anterior (o 1 sendo um platformer padrão, o 2 mudando a forma em que os desafios são compostos, o 3 mudando toda a estrutura pra transformar num metroidvania) e aí o 4 chega e muda as coisas com base numa introspecção de "o que deu certo e o que deu errado até agora na franquia" -- voltaram com os pontos de vida do Wario mas mantiveram os inimigos de transformação, voltaram com a importância do dinheiro, voltaram com o timer mas implementaram ele como padrão de todo final de fase (pra forçar o backtracking e liberar trechos novos de exploração) e mudaram a estrutura de progressão do jogo -- agora são 4 mundos, 4 fases cada um, e a ordem é completamente livre (mesmo que exista certa escala de dificuldade)

o jogo trouxe de volta muitas ideias da franquia enquanto abandonou outras, mas o que mais me cativou foi o quão bem misturaram e masterizaram o conceito de 'exploração espacial' com a progressão restrita (mesmo que pouco burocrática) de collectathon do jogo -- eu me senti desafiado em bons momentos num jogo em que o apelo pra mim era sair andando e interagindo com coisas. enquanto no 2 eu tive que me adaptar com os controles novos junto com o Wario que tinha acabado de acordar, e no 3 eu precisava me acomodar à limitações com a progressão metroidvania dele (baseada na necessidade de poderes pra poder desbloquear diferentes caminhos e fases), o 4 já me deixa TUDO disposto -- e eu penso no Wario como esse veículo, essa figura controlável que me dá todas as habilidades pra explorar os ambientes e interagir com eles, e coloco tudo isso na idealização que eu tenho do level design de Wario Land 4 como o mais inventivo da série: todos os mundos tem temáticas bem definidas com mecânicas super diferentes e criativas umas das outras, e pra mim, esse artifício só tá ali pra reforçar o quão Capaz o Wario é de superar aqueles desafios enquanto se diverte e se sente bem consigo mesmo.

Wario Land 4 é um jogo que move corpos de uma forma diferente que reitera seu funcionamento como um jogo novo da franquia -- e mesmo assim, conseguiu ser o mais único até agora.

Tempo é dinheiro, e você tá em dívida com o Wario.

Yeah, no. The GBC games are better.

When you get older, you return to games you didn't really like as kid and realize "oh I was a fucking idiot"

Pretty damn good 2D platformer, easily one of the best GBA games.

certified banger of a game and an underrated nintendo classic. luckily pizza tower is bringing this series more of its deserved attention; makes the nsmb series look like it was outsourced to a C-tier dev

مختلفة عن الجزء السابق لكن حتى مع هذا اعجبتني كثير
حبيت غرابتها و شخصيتها. شعرت كأني داخل عقل مطور ألعاب ياباني في 2001