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Wario Land: Shake It! is a vibrant and energetic 2D platformer starring Mario's greedy rival, Wario. With its focus on shaking the Wii Remote to perform actions, it adds a fun twist to traditional platforming. The levels are beautifully hand-drawn, packed with secrets and challenging boss battles. While the shake mechanic is occasionally gimmicky and the game is a bit short, Wario Land: Shake It! delivers a joyous, treasure-hunting adventure that stands out in the Wario series.

People do not yet understand the genius behind this game. But soon, they will...

too slow. visuals are cool tho

plenty of fun stuff here but the level design isn't quite as tight as 4 despite using the same mechanics; the motion controls are also tiring etc. (not as bad as skyward sword tho so it could be worse), i'd take it over 1 and 2 but it isn't quite as good as 3 or 4

Wario Land just isn't for me. It's fine and fun, but it's too slow and not movement-oriented enough for me.

Really awesome platformer, a bit easy but it has a fantastic artstyle.

gordo peidorreiro maluco em busca de dinheiro. nunca me pediram autorização para usar minha imagem no jogo, mas é mto bom então não entrarei com ação judicial

I miss this series and this game is proof it shouldn't be stuck in the past. It could have such a good future man

One of the most interesting and charming platformers on the Nintendo Wii. One of Wario's best outings to be made.

This game is underlooked like crazy. The art style is beautiful, and the game rivals anything else in the Wario land series. Probably my favorite of this type of “Wario land/Pizza Tower” type 2D games.

One of my childhood games. Please play this I don't care if Pizza Tower is better plea-

Guess what Wario Land Shake It tops Wario Land 4 for me haha. Not only does this fix the biggest grievance I had with Wario Land 4 (the length being too short) but this one also has the best art style, the best soundtrack, the best boss roster, and the best level variety of any Wario Land game. Sure the transformation gimmick is mostly gone and replaced with motion control vehicles, but I honestly don't even mind since these are some of the best and least awkward motion controls in any Wii game I've ever played. Good-Feel is so underrated man for their first major title for Nintendo, they knocked it out of the park. They really aren't afraid to SHAKE things up for some of Nintendo's biggest IPs. Bring the Wario Land series back YOU COWARDS!!!!

that pirate girl was fineee

Solid Wario Land game, but with a few hiccups.
The motion controls were kinda annoying, and the submarine levels were BEYOND tedious, but other then that, yeah, this was a fun time, with a really neat artstyle to boot.

kinda lacks some of the charm the other games had but the artstyle is really good and the game itself is still super fun

It pains me that, for whatever reason (maybe poor sales?), Good-Feel wasn't allowed to keep working with the WL formula because what we have here is great. It's everything WL should be combined with fantastic art, animation & music. This is essentially what Woolly World was for Yoshi games. You can just tell a lot of passion went into WL: Shake It & I definitely appreciate it.

el dinero es dinero el dinero es dinero el dinero es dinero el dinero es dinero aprende algo dinero.

Dor no pulso

Mas o jogo é bom 👍

It's a solid platform, but definitely not as good as many other Wario Land (especially 4).

This was a fun platforming game that I had a lot of fun with, even if it didn’t blow my mind or anything. It was a a bit too short and easy, but otherwise it was a lot of fun and filled in the time before Infinite Wealth!

The physics make this game disappointing. That's all there is to it. How do you go from Wario Land 4 to something this slow and awkward?

If they were to have fixed that, I think it would be up there with 4. I'd say it's between 4 and the others as-is.

Meu platformer 2D Favorito do universo Mário.

Os controles do jogo são relativamente simples, e funcionam muito bem com o design das fases. Só chacoalhar e tombar o controle que são uns comandos chatinhos, mas nada tenebroso.

Os inimigos e chefes são bem simples, poderiam ser mais bem trabalhados, deixando a maioria dos desafios do jogo para os momentos de plataforma.

Na questão de estilo dos desenhos e animação, o jogo é cartunizado de uma forma estilosissíma, só a tela do jogo ser 4:3 que também não me agrada muito.

O jogo é relativamente rápido de terminar, mas tem uma rejogabilidade bem alta principalmente nas fases secretas que tem alguns desafios realmente difíceis pra quem ama tentar platinar os jogos.

Comecei o review querendo dar um 3.5 mas olhando a quantidade de coisas que me agradam vou deixar 4.

Remember playing this as a kid, I got it after watching all the promo cutscenes for Mario Tennis and Mario Golf, and grew to love Wario.

Fun time, deserves all the hype. Could use some more variety, if it had that, it be perfect.

I'm of the opinion that Wario Land: Shake It! is not only the best Wario game, it's better than Wario Land 4, and it's better than both Mario Galaxy games (in my opinion by the way). I adore Wario Land: Shake It with the bottom of my heart with alot of things it does. It defines Wario so well in my eyes, the gameplay is really fun, the music is one of my favorite gaming OSTs ever, the visuals are Cuphead levels of spectacular, I adore so much of what this game does.
I understand the shaking may seem annoying, but unlike DKC Retruns where the games expects you to be precise, the motion controls in Wario Land: Shake It! is justified since it's not as hard as DKC Returns and it controls differently from that game. Also you're not gonna have a game on the Wii, have its setting called the Shake Dimension, have Wario & Shake King shake stuff, have a coin-bag that only spews money if you shake it, and not expect the player the shake the remote. It adds a funny, weird charm to the experience.
Two gripes I have with the game is the submarine levels are okay but inferior to the platforming levels and the rewards for the missions is underwhelming making the replay value sucky. Otherwise, it's genuinely one of my favorite & best games on the Wii + one of my favorite games by Nintendo. I would unironically love to see a Wario standalone movie based on Shake It! and I wish Nintendo (+ Smash Bros) represents the Wario Land series better since WarioWare overshadows it.

A game that I feel would be way better if it didn't have the forced motion control, but then the game wouldn't have any identity anyway.
First off, this game LOOKS amazing. They hired an anime studio to make 2 fully animated cutscenes and the character animations, and they look stellar! This game features classic Wario antics with not caring about anything but money, and I liked seeing Captain Syrup again. I found her voice weird though, I imagined her with one akin to Jessie from Pokemon.
The game plays like normal Wario Land, except for the motion controls! You have to tilt your Wii Remote a lot, or shake it! Like the game says, and I'm not a fan. They seem forced and sometimes doesn't work when they're supposed to, the tilting specifically. There was also a considerable lack of power-ups, I could only count 2 and they were only in like 3 levels, which blows because I feel like they're a staple to Wario Land gameplay. Maybe they were in some secret levels you get with the secret maps, but I didn't like the game enough to seek all of them out. I also didn't enjoy the game enough to go for all treasures or missions, and it's not like you get anything special for obtaining them, from what I know. This game also features bosses which range from painfully easy or mind-numbingly bad.
The music is good for the most part, but it's funny it's best song is a remix from Wario World (Glittertown)
This game makes you think it's cool by it's art style, but it's really nothing special at all. It's just boring for most of the time and I couldn't recommend playing it unless you just LOVE unnecessary motion controls in your video games. It's a shame we haven't seen a new Wario Land since, so I guess the only thing left to do now is play Pizza Tower.

Nothing necessarily wrong with it but not super memorable for me either.

art is fantastic but gameplay is much slower

A solid Wario Land game which is unfortunately where the series has ended as of now. It's a shame because this series and game deserved better as it was the first and only Wario Land game to release on a home console.

I'd be preaching to the choir on the music and visuals, they're phenomenal. Gameplay wise it handles a bit slower than Wario Land 4 due to Wario's moveset in this game being somewhat stripped down, which isn't a bad thing, but its pretty noticeable as someone that played through the whole series. Level design was clever, had fun breezing through and exploring for treasure and coins. The submarine levels were a low point, mainly due to them being slow and feeling like a shoehorned motion control quota Goodfeel had to fulfill.

Overall, this game was fun. It didn't end Wario Land on a high note (granted, they likely didn't want it to end here), but its a solid game nonetheless.

Wario Land: Shake It! Is a really interesting title to me, especially knowing that (at the time of writing this) this is the last of the Wario Land series. And while I'd argue there's a couple of issues here and there, I really enjoyed what this game had to offer!
One thing that was immediately noticeable was the art style. This was the first Wario Land title to release on a home console, if you ignore the Virtual Boy title. I love how the art style changed to be like a cartoon, and the fact that it's also hand drawn is just icing on the cake. I'm a sucker for good hand drawn animation.
My only real reference of Wario Land gameplay at this current moment is Wario Land 4, and while Shake It! definitely improves in some aspects, I also think in some areas it lacks. I think Wario's general movement is honestly a bit better, it's basically just refinements to how he moves around in 4. However, I don't really think the levels were as well crafted in comparison to 4. In Wario Land 4, each level was crafted in ways to really incorporate every aspect of Wario's movement, but I don't feel like Shake It! really has that in comparison. That's not to say the levels are bad though! I really enjoyed each level in Shake It!, and trying to find the treasures and complete challenges in them were really fun.
I think one of my few issues came with the addition of the wii controls. For the majority of the game, you'll rarely have to use them, aside from shaking. So whenever you get to a point where you have to move the wiimote around it's a little iffy for me. It doesn't make the game unplayable, I just think the game would be better off without the motion controls.
The boss fights were also really fun! Though, they're not really too complex. Most of the time you can figure out how you're meant to deal with a boss 5 seconds into the fight. I do think though that a pervading issue with the boss fights, especially the later ones, is long patterns. It made the final boss just tedious for me. If I wasnt able to get enough hits in, I had to go through a long attack pattern before I had another opportunity.
Wario Land: Shake It! Is a really gorgeous and interesting platformer. It may be the last Wario Land title we ever receive, and I did enjoy this game a lot. I wouldn't say it's my favorite Wario Land title, but it's still pretty damn good.