Reviews from

in the past

combat is the closest thing to "good" here but it's still just super generic and uninteresting. you have 2 buttons that do various combos but there's really only like 3 combos you just learn "fast" versions of most of them. there's also no enemy variety so it's incredibly samey.

the game looks gross, story isn't anything special, there's absolutely nothing to break up the mediocre combat aside from some A presses to open doors/press switches. can't wait for part 2!

Eu sou apaixonado pela HQ e, surpreendentemente, gosto do filme. Peguei o jogo por achar que um game de Watchmen daria certo, mas que erro.

Os controles são duros e imprecisos, o combate é repetitivo, a movimentação é horrível e os personagens, independente de qual tu usar, são lerdos pra caramba e isso dá pro jogo uma dificuldade muito frustrante, porque quando tu enfrenta uma horda de inimigos é quase certo que tu vai morrer, mesmo se conseguir contra-atacar e desviar de alguns golpes. Joguei mais porque depois que comecei não queria largar.

O Alan Moore coitado deve ter tido uma síncope de vergonha alheia, que desgosto esse jogo.

Bad combat, bad controls, no fast movement, no variety. Overall, just bad. Going to play part 2 but only because I'm a completionist.

I'm not convinced this game is actually real, cuz I only ever found the demo, never the full release.

Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great game Watchmen the end is nigh is on sale tonight. Go and play it. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...That game sucks ass."

this game has been stuck in my mind for years since it's probably one of the first games I've ever played

What if they turned Happy Harry's WATCHMEN SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON video into a game, but without the self-awareness?

What an absolute travesty of a game. The only redeeming factors is that they actually got Jackie Earle Haley and Patrick Wilson to voice their characters, the dialogue lines are spot on for the characters, and the motion comic cut scenes are colorful and interesting. Other than that is game is absolute hot garbage. One of the worst, rushed, unfished messes I've ever played. It's so repetitive and boring. The level design is crap and levels hardly look different from one another. The graphics are garbage and it's ugly looking as it's all brown and green. Actually Rorschach is pretty well animated, but Nite Owl isn't.

This is a linear game where you mash square to punch bad guys, move forward, pull a lever, rinse and repeat. That is it. There are no puzzles, or stealth, or any variation on that. It even came out before the Arkham games so it couldn't quite copy their combat system. This is clearly a product of rushing production to meet the release date of the movie and they couldn't even get that right as the second half of the game was released half a year later after the first part came out. I'm glad to have added this to my collection as I love collecting both superhero and movie games, but wow this sucks. If you've played this game for 5 minutes you've played the whole thing. I couldn't finish the whole thing. Played through part 1, but not part 2. This might have snuck into my top 5 of worst games ever.

An episodic Watchmen beat em' up that fell short, disappointingly imo, thought this could have been a lot of fun.

turns out we really were locked in with him
cause this is terrible

Não percam tempo com esse jogo, o combate parece legal de início mas se torna enjoativo e mal feito rápido.

Os cenário são uma porcaria e fizeram ele todo nas costa, passem longe.

And I thought the movie missed the point. Wow.

Eu joguei essa bosta infelizmente

Yeah, I didn't get the point of Watchmen
how did you find out?

I'm not gonna rant about how the game doesn't understand what Watchmen was about because at this point almost everyone forgot.

Anyways this was one of the most repetitive beat-em-ups I've ever played, and I played Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn so that should tell you something.