Reviews from

in the past

Ça casse pas trois pattes à un canard mais ça fait son taff de petit jeu de gestion détente.

Para min foi uma grande decepção sou bem fã de jogos de gerenciamento , e esse aqui tinha uma estética muito única e ainda tinha uma proposta de contar uma historia de um período dos Eua, em game consegue ser um game com uma estética muito bonita e parece tudo muito funcional realmente, mas ele não tem aquele fresco dos jogos de gerenciamento parece que falto algum, ele não consegue te manter engajado por tanto tempo jogando , sua historia não é interessante ao ponto de conseguir se manter etc, foi um jogo que eu esperava conseguir jogar por horas, mas que joga-lo me soa bem cansativo. Um dia talvez eu volte a jogar-lo

At first, I played this game wrong and was surprised by the fact that you can actually lose. I feel like most of these sim strategy games today are so easy that as long as you pay attention and don't like waste your budget like a moron, it's pretty hard to lose, but this can be played wrong and I failed miserably! Starting over with the right focus was a lot better!

The game itself is a simple but engaging enough little weed empire simulator. At first, you also have to play a fairly boring plant growing minigame, but you gain employees soon enough and, thankfully, the boost to growing your plants yourself is so small that the game isn't any harder if you just let employees tend to plants. Other than that, you control the empire by choosing what to grow and for whom, what to charge and what strains to develop and with what strengths. It's pretty simple and involves a lot of waiting, but thankfully you can speed up time and you unlock new areas in each scenario so that you always have something to tinker with while you wait for your Space Berry Kush to finish growing. The game also looks good, aside from the character artwork, and it especially sounds great since it's filled with solid 90s-style hiphop beats made with nice and crackly samples.

The issue I was having in my first playthrough was caring too much about the kind of shoddy UI and the massive amounts of strains available in the game. I tried to focus on how much I had in stock of each plant, which becomes way too hard if your strain library grows, and that frustrated me and I had bad track of what I was growing and for whom. It wasn't clear what strain I should be selling to keep up and I was spreading my business too thin by trying too many different strains and I ultimately failed. After restarting, I realized that you don't have to keep track of your stock for really any reason and you just have to learn how to read the menus to figure out what customer likes what strain and to be a little strategic with what to sell where and the game becomes easy. Obvious answer but I guess I'm blaming both myself and the game for how easy it was to lose myself in hundreds of strains for no reason.

With that clear, the game is a simple but enjoyable little sim game that offers three little stories that I can only assume expand the game little by little. I've only completed one campaign out of three and noticed, but it was obvious that some features, like experimenting with concentrate, are limited to the other scenarios or maybe free play. Even if the other scenarios are terrible, the first one is a solid 10 hours or so and that's good enough for a game that's cheap on sale. Hated this one because I did it wrong, but ended up being mostly enjoyable anyway, even if the end result is kind of similar to a clicker where you just watch money flooding in, but by that point the scenario is basically over anyway. If you like the idea of running a weed empire, this one is just good enough to be enjoyable but not much more than that.

Word of warning though: PS4 version of this is really bad. It starts out well but has a memory leak that kicks into overdrive when you have three cities unlocked. Fortunately, you can fix it by making your business a little more effective (I killed one superfluous grow-op that I didn't really need as I was making big profit without it and that like doubled the framerate) and you can also restart the game, but the end of a scenario gets pretty bad.

Думал будет Game Dev Tycoon про траву, а получился сраный кликер.

Сюжет вроде какой-то поначалу есть, но, естественно, он чисто для галочки. Диалоги никакие. Интерфейс запутанный. Не знаю как это объяснить. Он вроде понятный, но совсем не интуитивный, прости господи. Постоянно забываешь, что где находится и тупишь. Но самая срань это сам геймплей. Сначала постоянно следишь за растениями и тыкаешь, чтобы они быстрее росли. Думаю, ну начало ведь, потом всё автоматизируется. Хер там! Новые механики вводят раз в час-полтора и на них нужно довольно много денег. Не пиздец как много, но достаточно, чтобы приходилось уныло гриндить. А цены на услуги у работников вроде "улучшить продажи" поначалу сжирают весь бюджет. А чтобы расширяться тоже нужно дохера денег. Короче, реально кликер для мобилок получился. Меня хватило на 3 часа. Очень плохо.