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in the past

Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same f**ing thing... over and over again expecting... sht to change...

WET is like if Tarantino directed a video game, but not in a good way. The over-the-top violence and cheesy action is kinda fun at first, and the soundtrack is awesome, but the gameplay gets super repetitive. The controls are janky as heck, the story is forgettable, and it's pretty short. It's a guilty pleasure for sure, but only if you're into that grindhouse-style B-movie vibe.

Could have been so much more, but the story makes no sense and the gameplay is clunky.

WET is a nice idea but a bad execution, its one of the games that uses the "piss filter" and it looks really bad.
The story is poor and soulless, the only good thing about the story is Rubi, she looks cool but has a butter personality. The gameplay is good (when it wants to work properly). Let's say its a combination between maybe Stranglehold/Max Payne (the shooting) and Prince of Persia (the wall running and climbing) but its a bit of a stretch.
I liked the 2 chapters on the highway where you jump from one car to another, the sections where Rubi enters in her Rage vision and everything turns Red, White and Black, and... thats about it?
Oh the soundtrack was nice too, i would've went with something more metal to make it feel more alive, but i dig the soundtrack, its alright.
The Platinum was kinda awful because i had to finish the game 5 times and this is not the kind of game you want to ever replay:)))

I really should revisit this. The game feels like an over the top Tarantino movie, and I'm all here for that.

Even if you hate this game, go listen to the soundtrack.

a jank fest that's perfect for a weirdo like me, the grindhouse aesthetic, the psychobilly soundtrack, a combat system that combines max payne with some hack n' slash and platforming, and of course, rubi, it all weirdly comes together for me and it appeals to me in a bizarre way, give me a sequel NOW

There are a lot of games on the console which have beautiful worlds, good stories, nice graphics, interesting mechanics but ultimately are not fun to play. WET is basically the opposite of all those games. It's a fairly dumb game, with dumb enemies. One of the most unlikeable protagonists in gaming history. Horrible stereotype characters. A very poor representation of Hong Kong in it's bland an uninspired gameworld. A story which feels like it was written by a 12 year old tarantino fan. Some weirldy repetative and aggressive music, which actually is kinda good in parts. Yet, with all these flaws, it is fun to play and remains so throughout its 10 ish hour campaign. The makers of WET have basically taken what made stranglehold and Max Payne fun, flesh it out a bit, added in some scoring and score multipliers and made a game out of it. The 3rd person shooter/ brawler/ almost tony hawk's esq gameplay is really a joy to play. Slide along the floor with time slowed down while shooting enemies in the head. Wall run into an enemy and slice his head off. It really never gets boring. The best part of the game are the artistic blood levels where everything turns red as you enter a rage mode. In these levels you have extra carnage, shooting and slicing enemies at an even quicker rate, building up combos as you dance from enemy to enemy. It's really hard to say this is a good game, but it most certainly is a fun game and that's what matters. A worth addition for any action fan, but doesn't quite reach the heights of the similar stranglehold.

they made some mistakes with this one

stylish! wish they'd remake it, shout out to Eliza Dushku

I enjoyed some aspects about this game, as there were certain parts that felt good with the gunplay and the slow motion but honestly I think that is just the genre. Character design was really cool with fun characters and had good music, but god there were problems. It felt janky and awkward with performance issues on the 360, it had a lot of annoying sections, a lack of mechanics or interesting things to find, poor unlockables, and the lamest ending I've ever seen in a video game and was SO disappointing it ruined the game. I can get why some people like this game because there are a couple of good moments and Rubi is a cool character, but the issues couldn't save it so I would still say it is a bad game. Doesn't help it had sequel bait and never got a sequel.

This is definitely a game that existis

This game is fun as hell and miss Eliza Dushku is amazing as Rubi. The gunplay, the acrobatics, the music, it all comes together to make a fun albeit a bit janky game. Rubi deserves an HD Remake.

banda jamás jueguen a algo porque la pibita de la portada parece guay esto es dmc max payne hecho por gente que realmente cree que un juego de acción puede funcionar utilizando sonidos de stock para las armas y haciendo que cada vez que el personaje salte la gravedad sea la de la luna

Definitely rating it higher than I should just because a game like this coming from Bethesda & (Now known as) Behaviour Interactive just doesn't seem like something either company would ever do nowadays. Apparently I ended up Playing the easy difficulty and I'm left confused as to what game design choices were made that constituted it as easy. the nonstandard button layout took some time to adjusting and once you get used to it you realize just how flawed some of the layouts are supposed to work in tandem with the controls. I never expected much from the story but its definitely straight to tv movie simple and cheesy. this game is just riddled with so many small issues that compile into one big mess as a whole and if it didn't have any upsides whatsoever I really wouldn't bother being on its defense. This game is overdue for a remaster/remake and a sequel because I really did enjoy its commitment to make something purely because they thought it was the coolest thing ever. the graphical fidelity just looks insanely ps2 reminiscent for something that released the same year as Killzone 2 and its obvious from the concept art that they had intended this game to look a bit more polished than it currently is.

Closest you'll get to a Kill Bill tie-in game.

A sub par max payne clone that could have been really cool but fell flat. For all it's grind house charm it felt pretty empty.

edgy cool game that has mad style and wants to mean business but the controls are TERRIBLE so it doesn't have much to offer - the game

this game DESERVES a remake...

It had interesting characters, a fun gameplay and a great soundtrack but feel flat with its writing and level design choices.

Rubi is one of the most likeable main characters in gaming if you ask me. This grindhouse third person shooter was all about style points, not about execution but execution with style. Art style, excellent soundtrack and hilariously stupid story played together perfectly. Wall running slow-motion action was great fun, but often annoying thanks to camera that was not always able to follow the flow. Sadly, a sequel for this game was cancelled in the middle of the development.

incredibly engaging music, confusing scenario, graphics between OK and great, you spend a good moment. Thank you Bandidos.

all what i need is reboot or remake to this masterpiece

In this game, you hold RT for about 4 hours

On one hand, Wet is a very unique and stylish game. It's concept is a lot of fun, the music is kickin and Rubi is a great badass female protagonist not reliant on sex appeal that swears a lot and I really appreciated that. But on the other hand, this is a janky mess with terrible controls and questionable design choices.

The game has a lot of clear grindhouse inspiration and it gives the game a really unique feel to it. Most of the gameplay is from acrobating (i dont care if thats not a word) around in slow motion and shooting at enemies or slicing them with your sword. While this is awesome in theory, the controls are just so janky that especially for the pure platforming sections Rubi controls like a melted stick of butter wearing roller skates on ice. Admittedly this does help the combat feel more fun when it actually works, but it usually just makes things more annoying and the game feel unresponsive. This is especially annoying when paired with some really annoying checkpoints, especially ones that spawn you right before a mash qte to open a door (Rubi even swears at the door out of annoyance while doing this) so if you die a bunch you'll have to keep spamming to open the door again and again and when its platforming sections where one mistake is basically death, yeah its rough. Theres also the gunplay. Slow dodging, sliding and jumping through the air like its max payne on (even more) cocaine is great but the shooting itself is actually pretty terrible, theres a weird delay when aiming which is not great with how fast you need to react to things and a lot of enemies especially towards the end can just start to feel incredibly spongey. Theres also a lot of sections of the game where you're in a small arena and you have to block off doors to stop enemies from continuously spawning. These sections after the first few just get annoying and make the game feel very repetitive. The color pallet is also that same dull one common in this era but for once it actually fits with style of the game and this one has enough visual variety to not be too much of a bother. Final complaint is that the whole final level seemed to crank up all the annoying shit I just mentioned up to 11, so despite really getting into the game in the few levels beforehand, that kinda left a sour taste in my mouth upon completion, especially when the finale itself just felt really awkward and abrupt

All that being said, for all its jank and uneven edges Im really glad I got play this. It feels like a relic of its times, a perfect example of an experimental PS3 game full of as much jank as there is charm, a main character that runs around calling the enemies fucktards... they just dont make games like this anymore. And that makes me a little sad.

Trophy Completion - 40% (24/41)
Time Played - 8 hours 39 minutes
Nancymeter - 67/100
Game Completion #63 of 2022
May Completion #13

WET is one of those gritty trying-to-be-bad-ass-but-doesn’t-concentrate-on-other-aspects type games. The feeling of the game is it’s the strongest point, and ironically, not the acrobatics that the game boasts about. The developers tried to nail the 70’s Quintin Tarintino/Wild West feeling and did it perfectly. Everything from buildings to clothing has a bad ass brown dirty scheme to it. There is even an old 70’s film reel filter over the screen that adds to the atmosphere. The music is also a big helper in this thanks to its classic indie feeling to it.

But the atmosphere isn’t anything if the game has bad game play and this game does not. What it does have is the unfinished game play that seems rushed. There is a lot of thought behind it, but it seemed quickly tossed together, but also is really shallow. The whole idea of the game play is based on slow motion combat. Yeah I know, we’ve seen this before in countless game (Max Payne started it all), but to be fair they add a little twist. Whenever your feet leave the ground and you start shooting you enter slow mo mode. In this mode, you have a red circle that auto locks onto an enemy then you aim your reticle at another. This was executed brilliantly so you don’t have to worry about aiming both weapons. You can go into slow mo when you slide on your shins, jump whichever way in the air, shoot from zip lines, poles, ledges; you name it.

Another addition to combat that really felt shallow was the swordplay. A simple one, two, three combos and that’s it. There could have been so much more to this, but it seems the developers were more worried about atmosphere and style than actual gameplay. You can swipe out your sword from a slide, wall run, or dive, but little does this do in turn with guns.

Over the course of the game you get three additional weapons aside from your dual revolvers: Sawed off shotgun, explosive crossbow, and sub-machine guns. Each has their strengths and weaknesses, but overall they are not used as they should thank to sparse ammo and limited capacity. You can, however, upgrade all your weapons and buy more abilities via balance points, but you will not be able to buy everything through one playthrough simply due to the fact that points are given in too small of increments.

The is also very linear and acrobatics tend to take a slight tumble thanks to this. You can hang from ledges, jump gaps, swing on poles, and what seems, everything Lara Croft can do, but the somewhat cramped environments hamper this a tad. Sometimes you will wall run and jump over to a ledge only to find out you can’t hand from there. You will sometimes try to wall run and jump to a different wall only to find out you forgot to keep the L trigger held down during this transfer.

If you think acrobatics are a tad cramped try the arena events. These are what really break up the game too much. Most shooters have “arena areas” where you have a closed off area and must defeat all enemies to advance. WET takes a little turn and has you closing off spawn points before advancing. These seem simple at first, but later on, there are so many guys that concentrating on slow-mo, acrobatics, and finding the right paths to these doors and get very frustrating and many restarts will incur.

Another addition to the game is Rage mode where Rubi will see in a red vision that kind of reminds me of Killer7 and is faster and stronger. Enemies are weaker and die faster, but there are more of them. Both arena modes and driving modes (explained below) apply in Rage mode. Rubi also gets to get her counter up faster (which I find useless) by scoring more points. The more style you use the more points you’ll get that will add to your multiplier.

There are a few other events like turret events, that are fun, and the driving events which are pretty awesome and epic. You ride on top of cars and shoot at enemies while jumping and diving around cars to avoid getting killed. This is both epic and fun thanks to its simplicity and cinematics.

One thing I have yet to mention is story and WET deliver strongly upon this. You play as Rubi Malone who is a hired mercenary/assassin that gets involved in the wrong deal between a father and a son. The voice acting is superb, but the graphics are a little technically underdeveloped. While the art style is top notch the graphics aren’t up to par with the most recent next-gen games (Gears of War 2, Uncharted 2, Assassin’s Creed 2, BioShock 2…yeah all the twos!!!). However, the awesome art style makes you see past this so it’s not so bad.

WET is a great weekend rental and has fun gunplay, and a few different events to keep things mixed up. With hot eye candy that is Rubi Malone, you will want to follow this sexy protagonist through the twists and turns that is WET.

A game made by people who never saw anything that influenced Kill Bill itself. Might not have even seen Kill Bill.

But it is a very striking and singular gaming experience. And you stab a lot of guys in the dick.