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Pretty good standalone Nazi murdering expansion.

A very fun game and I recommend you play before new order as it is a good way to establish the story and world of Wolfenstein. the combat and story are great, the characters are not as good as the new order but that is to be expected due to it being a smaller game. however, the big German guy is a fun character to face.

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Completed in 3 hours 27 minutes on Normal difficulty. Just as good as the first one. Love the surprise nazi zombies at the end. Totally unexpected. Level design was also top tier. Proper Where Eagles Dare vibes on the first few chapters.

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood é uma expansão standalone do jogo Wolfenstein: The New Order, e oferece uma experiência de jogo que mistura elementos de ação e stealth em um cenário alternativo da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Aqui está uma análise detalhada da campanha:

Pontos Positivos:
Mecânica Versátil: O jogo mantém a jogabilidade ágil e refinada do título anterior, permitindo alternar entre furtividade e ação direta.
Arsenal e Inimigos Novos: Introduz novas armas e variedades de inimigos, mantendo a aventura renovada e interessante.
Realidade Alternativa: A ambientação em uma Segunda Guerra Mundial com tecnologias futuristas contribui para uma narrativa envolvente.
Gráficos e Dublagem: O jogo é elogiado por seus belos gráficos e excelente dublagem.

Pontos Negativos:
Ritmo da Aventura: Alguns críticos apontam que o ritmo pode se tornar cansativo em certos pontos da campanha.
Desenvolvimento de Personagens: Os personagens e suas motivações são considerados mal desenvolvidos por alguns analistas.
Problemas Técnicos: A expansão sofre com problemas técnicos frequentes, como texturas de baixa qualidade e objetos que aparecem e desaparecem.

Jogos Semelhantes:
Wolfenstein: The New Order: O jogo principal do qual The Old Blood é uma expansão.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood: Outro título da franquia com foco em multiplayer cooperativo.
Doom: Embora não seja da mesma série, compartilha muitas semelhanças em termos de jogabilidade e é da mesma desenvolvedora.

Duração do Jogo:
Campanha Principal: Cerca de 6 horas focando nos objetivos principais.
Complecionista: Aproximadamente 16 horas para obter 100% de conclusão.

A campanha é dividida em duas histórias interligadas e é composta por oito capítulos. A narrativa serve como um prequel para The New Order, explicando eventos que antecedem o jogo principal.

Vale a Pena?
Custo-Benefício: Considerando o preço e o conteúdo oferecido, The Old Blood é visto como uma ótima adição a qualquer biblioteca de jogos, especialmente para os fãs de FPS e da franquia Wolfenstein.
Experiência de Jogo: Apesar de alguns problemas técnicos e de ritmo, a expansão é geralmente recomendada por sua jogabilidade sólida e pela adição significativa ao gameplay.

Em resumo, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood é uma expansão que vale a pena para os fãs da série e para aqueles que procuram uma experiência de FPS com uma mistura interessante de ação e stealth, apesar de alguns problemas técnicos e de ritmo na narrativa.

5 horas do que pra mim seria uma ótima dlc, boa gameplay, mas nada de mais pra um jogo com preço cheio... ainda bem que existe o gamepass kkkkkkkkkk

Playtime: 5:30 Hours
At first this standalone DLC was too much Call of Duty for me as it lacked well-built levels and variety. But in the second half it becomes a fun zombie shooter. Still, it's a shame that the game is only staged from a first-person perspective.

Uma DLC glorificada que fica aquém do jogo base, o jogo somente alcança um ritmo legal em sua segunda metade após a entrada dos zumbis, antes disso é mais do mesmo, só que sem o brilho do original. A direção de arte carrega a primeira metade do jogo nas costas.

Medíocre como FPS, medíocre como jogo de stealth, porém matar nazistas é sempre prazeroso.

New Colossus é melhor.

Wtf even is reality ? Was this always this shit ? Back when I had a PS4 but no money to buy new games, I loved Old Blood. I played it all the time, found every secret and beat every difficulty. Maybe it really was the fact that I only had like 4 games for the console. Or maybe my standards of what I think is good have improved significantly. Either way revisting Old Blood was a bad idea. I found it offensivly bad in how it feels to play and the levels design is trash. Im giving 1 point to the game because the writting and art direction is still really good. Man, now im worried for that Indiana Jones game.

Un juego corto, hasta donde tengo entendido se trata de un DLC independiente de The New Order, pero tratandose de una precuela a este último.
Cumple con su cometido, aunque igual senti que este esta centrado más en el sigilo que en la acción como lo fue The New Order, cosa que me jode un poquito porque soy más de ir a lo Rambo, aún así es un juego entretenido y un obligado si se quiere adentrar en su totalidad a la saga Wolfenstein.

I love how this game harkens back to Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Most of my opinions from New Order carry to this one, in addition of well paced moment to moment gameplay and well though out encounters. Pretty solid entry in my book

Мне кажется чуть лучше, чем The New Order — особенно в плане дизайна врагов. Их понятно как убивать, плюс, чуть больше стелса интегрировано. Жалко только что короткая такая — сюжет как-то ни к чему ведёт, зомби эти.

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It's a pity that the later installments won't go as far into the paranormal. The theme that a certain not-to-be-mentioned German group of power-hungry lunatics deal with the occult is just fantastic every time

Discreto prequel, ma troppo corto.

Leshoid Gives it a: Good
Beaten on the: 19/04/24

Lo prefiero al The New Order simplemente porque es más lineal.
La historia va al grano y punto, menos relleno de por medio. El "setting" del juego me gusta también, yendo más por lo sobrenatural aunque de nueva cuenta me decepciona lo poco que reaccionan los personajes ante las situaciones tan curiosas que se viven. Podría haberse ido más por el lado del horror y lo bizarro de la historia.
El gameplay es igual al The New Order aunque también lo prefiero aqui porque, aunque la variedad de enemigos sigue siendo poca, está mejor repartida. Menos enemigos tipo "bullet sponge" y buena variedad de niveles.
En general me gusta más que el primero y si tuviera más tiempo o ganas seguramente jugaría un poco más.

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The first couple of chapters are a bit boring, but the zombie part is fun.d The combat is actually quite satisfying and overall its a solid game, the final boss is so poorly designed though... Even a five year old could design a boss better than that...

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Dziwny twist w 5/6 rozdziale...
Ja rozumiem że Dieselpunk i naziole, ale kurwa zombie i potwory?

Aqui é um spin off da franquia que lançou depois do new order mas cronologicamente se passa antes!

Foi lançado 1 anos apenas depois do new order, resgatando mapas e ideias que não foram utilizadas no jogo anterior e adicionando coisas novas para ter conteúdo suficiente para um novo jogo!

Como um spin off, que não tem a qualidade do anterior, eu digo que o jogo se saiu super bem, ele continua simples, divertido, ótimo pra quem quer mais do gosto da franquia e não quer ficar rezerando os mesmo jogos!

Se fosse da linha principal seria meio decepcionante mas como spin off valeu demais!

The Old blood Nota 7

I really like Wolfenstein The New Order. It's one of my favorite FPS I've ever played with its big, meaty guns, fast-paced shooting, and alt-history Nazi-brutalizing story. All things I really enjoy. I'd held off on getting the stand-alone expansion for this long because I'd heard it was basically a re-hash of the first's biggest points but not quite as good. Having just beaten the first game twice in a row, I held off on getting TOB because I thought more of the same would probably burn me out. Having waited these 3 or so years to play it, it's played more or less exactly as I'd heard it did. I played on hard mode and it took me just about 10 hours.

The Guns:
The shooting and gameplay is effectively identical to New Order. You can dash, lean to see stuff, dual wield most guns, all familiar stuff. There are some new weapons in the form of a standard rifle (not the crazy moon laser ones from New Order), a kind of "emergency" grenade pistol, a pipe melee weapon you can use like a bat, and a sawed off shotgun. Unlike New Order, however, no guns in Old Blood have an alt-fire mode. None of the new weapons are that special though.

You can mow down enemies like nobody's business with the sniper rifle, because they love standing still so you can get headshots, so even someone like me who can't aim worth crap can even take down Nazi's like a champ. The pipe is pretty worthless though, as is the sawed-off, as Nazi's can melee you so quickly that you can never get in close to use it against them, and the sawed-off shotgun is basically just a gimmick weapon that's 100% worse than the New Order shotgun that it doesn't replace. It was just something to look cool in the trailer, as far as I can tell. The grenade pistol is neat, but ammo is so limited for it that I often just conserved it so much that I forgot I even had it XP

With the silenced pistol and the pipe melee weapons, this game has more of a stealth-emphasis than New Order did, but I don't think it was really to the game's strengths. By having so many encounters so heavily encourage stealth (as so many have commanders that will summon TONS of reinforcements if you're seen if they're not silently taken out), it really takes away a lot of the frantic, fun running around from cover to cover that made New Order so much fun for me. A lot of this game's elements don't really gel well with the engine that it's building off of, and the level design is just one of them.

The New Enemies:
The other element of the game that really hampers enjoyment would be the new enemy type. The heavily armored Super Soldiers appear very briefly in New Order, but they're a regularly encountered enemy in this. They're a neat stealth-gimmick in the first level when you're unarmed, but later on when they're patrolling, they make a non-stealth approach basically suicide. They're usually patrolling an area with commanders about, so encountering them directly is mostly just a great way to die as they must first be shot near the head until they collapse, special melee'd to break off their chest, and then shot in the chest until they explode. Given the giant gattling gun they carry which can easily mince you, they're really best saved until last. The prevalence of Super Soldiers really makes the stealth approach the only viable one in most situations, especially in the late game, which is why I believe Old Blood was designed as a whole with a stealthy approach in mind and it's not just a case of me being dumb and doing it in a not fun way :P . The game just isn't designed around its strengths, and it really suffers for it.

The other new enemy type is zombies, which while neat the first time are just so generally non-threatening that they REALLY feel like a gimmick. A quick shot with any gun to the head will kill them, and they never really appear in great enough numbers to pose any kind of threat worth taking seriously like the Nazis with guns are. Zombies occasionally have guns, but they move so much more slowly and aim so badly that they're only slightly more lethal than the normal unarmed ones. The zombies being so nonthreatening but only appearing mostly in the second half of the game is why the first 4 chapters took me
about 5 hours to get through while the next 4 took me about half as long. Sure, they make it more action-y, but it isn't in a way that's really interesting or better when compared with the game this one directly compares itself to. I will say though, the final boss fight fucking rocks, and it's definitely the high point of the game.

The Story:
The game is very similar to New Order in story-beats as well. You go into a suicide mission, you get captured, your friend you go in with is killed by a horrible bad guy, you go kill that bad guy, you find the resistance, etc, etc. The main problem Old Blood has is its length though. You don't have time to get to know or care about any of these characters to really give enough of a shit about them. The only exception are the first big bad guy and the friend you go in with, who are both fun, good characters, but they're both death halfway through the game and all you're left with are the resistance members you barely interact with and a bad guy who is nowhere near as compelling as the first (although the game REALLY wants you to think that she is). That combined with how quickly the last half of the levels can be completed just give the second half of the game
a weird, unfinished feeling compared to the first half.

Verdict: Not Recommended. If you're a big fan of the way New Order plays and you NEED more Wolfenstein a like that, then this really isn't much of a game for you, because I'm that guy and I didn't really like it. If you like FPS games in general and you want something a bit different, then this may interest you. It's not as good as the first one. If anything, it succeeds at making New Order's mechanics feel mediocre and rushed. But it's far from a bad game, and it's far from unenjoyable. This is just another game that doesn't really do much anything that is both unique and actually an improvement on the games its directly comparing itself to (i.e. New Order). Anything it does well isn't done as well (or done just about as well) as New Order, and most anything unique it does isn't actually an improvement. Definitely not a bad pick-up if you can get it in the bundle for PS4 and Xbone that has it bundled with New Order (as it costs basically exactly the same as New Order stand-alone), but New Order is just SUCH a better game that it's really hard for me to recommend Old Blood for the price it still asks.

Ótimo jogo. Segue o mesmo padrão do seu antecessor, realmente muito difícil, mesmo em níveis de dificuldade menores. Excelente jogabilidade, história muito boa.

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a first-person shooter game developed by MachineGames and released in 2015. on consoles and PCs. This game serves as a prequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order which was released in 2014.

*Note: Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is the first Wolfenstein I've ever played so this review will not contain any comparison to older titles.

You're playing as William Blazkowicz who tries to infiltrate the Castle of Wolfenstein to try to steal a folder from Helga containing critical information that could turn the tides of war.
The story even though is a standalone expansion is too short, you can finish it in less than 5 hours. After you finish the story, the only thing left to do is Challenge Maps which are practically the already experienced areas where you try to get the highest score possible.
What you will also find throughout the game are nightmare levels, they are accessed by finding a bed and sleeping on it. You will be redirected to an original Wolfenstein 3D level, which you have to finish to be able to wake up. In my opinion is a great idea, but not well performed since the levels are too easy, the enemies aren't that much of a threat and you can finish the whole area only using a gun and without taking any damage.
Apart from the story and other activities, the main game's gameplay is great, giving the player a nice balance between stealth and action and the soundtrack is really nice.
Unfortunately the boss fights are very simplistic, they are mostly constisted of you dealing damage on one or two boss' weak spots and that's pretty much it, nothing special.

All in all, a great prequel to the new era of Wolfenstein games. Even though the story is a bit too short it is action-packed from start to finish. The only negative side apart simplistic boss fight and that there aren't as many enemies as many of you would want to shoot which will surely lead you to replaying the game after some time.

good as a dlc but can't consider it as a new game

I never actually finished a Wolfenstein game, so I went back to the first entry in the rebooted series, Old Blood, a prequel to The New Order. Old Blood is a fun bite-sized FPS campaign. There's nothing really mind-blowing here really, although there is something that's pretty wacky that happens later on. My main issue is that it expects you to be familiar with The New Order, so it can be rather difficult if you're new or if it's been a while since you played Wolfenstein. But I could handle that just fine. I find some of the level design and enemy spam a bit questionable at times, though. It's a nice 6-7 hour romp nonetheless.

Score: 83

Fairly similar to The New Order, though way shorter which I guess it's nice, made for a more enjoyable campaing. Platinum wasn't too hard except for the challenges which were kinda fun.

A game that really shows it was created from the development of dlc for the new order that i really wish was just dlc for the new order.