Reviews from

in the past

Been a long time supporter of this game. I think it is just fantastic. The writing is excellent, the visuals are unnerving, the gameplay is addicting. This is a great roguelike for anyone without the dexterity to pick up mechanically demanding games. Its atmosphere, strange mysteries, and amazing visuals keep me coming back.

Really fun and rewarding to figure out all the intricacies of the system.

The visuals and atmosphere are fantastic, however I do think that the horror imagery appears so frequently that you become numb to it, so the scares lose their value because there's something scary on-screen basically 90% of the time.

feels kinda lackluster i wish there was more too it

Gosto da vibe slice of life investigação mas n sei dizer exatamente pq n pegou pra mim direito

Artísticamente es sin duda un 10/10, pero lamentablemente su loop jugable no es tan atrapante y aburre a las pocas horas, aún así es una propuesta interesante para probar

This review contains spoilers

The game's first few seconds give the perfect intro; The 'beep of a DOS engine starting, the crunchy sounds of the era - and the chaotic mess of Japanese characters that then form the publisher's name.

One of the best openings to a game, and one that properly represents the game, as well.

Despite how hard the game is, one of the things that many people forget to mention is that unlike in Darkest Dungeon, Fear & Hunger - or other games of that ilk, who pride themselves on being hard and refuse to compromise - World of Horror has multiple varying difficulty ratings, as well as challenges of also varying difficulty.

It's very much a 'play it how you enjoy it' type of game, where almost all content (except for some of the harder challenges) are able to be accessed no matter what difficulty level you're on.

The mysteries that have been newely added are excellent, and set themselves apart from the mysteries that were in at the start of the game by having much more complicated 'moving parts', or taking place in a singular, much more fleshed out, location.

The art (which is all done in MS paint) is terrifying on a level that is matched only by Junji Ito himself, despite some of the designs in-game being admittedly sillier than I would like.

However, the Old God ideas and designs are perfect (with some being inspired by other media, and others being more original), and the overall look, combined with the music of course, leads to a genuinely tense experience.

The characters are all varied and interesting as well, providing a breadth of playstyles.

Unless you like strength/STR. STR weapons are awful for some reason, at least in my experience

mods carried this stupid ass game

gameplay is rough around the edges but still functions well as a roguelite. obviously if you're playing this game it's for the vibes and art, which remain cool even on your 50th run

A very neat throwback to oldschool Macintosh games with modernized levels of depth and interaction for a graphic text adventure like this.

I think the most fun I had playing World of Horror was changing the colour palette with every playthrough, although that says way more about me than it does about the game itself.

Unique, entertaining (for a limited amount of time before the repetition kicks in), and very aesthetically pleasing. It’s not anything mind blowing, but it’s a solid time-killer at a pretty decent price. Hopefully the game gets more content soon-ish because after a handful of runs you really start to feel like you’ve seen it all, and the unlockable expanded encounters aren’t enough to add a lot of replay value to it.

Creo que el arte es una locura, pero luego te pones a jugar y te aburres a los 20 minutos.

Trailers made this game look so awesome but it just turned out to be a mediocre roguelike.

Cute little rouge-like horror. I had fun for sure, but one run feels like I'm just scratching the surface. Though, I don't have the strongest desire to go back immediately strangely. I will say though, it is MADE for late spooky nights, this game nails the aesthetic.

Art in this game still creeps me out and keeps me up at night.

Kiinostava idea ja maailma, puuttuu vähä gameplayt kyl

Art style carries this one hard, came in expecting something completely different but came out fairly surprised, overall Im not too fond of roguelikes and I was expecting this game to be a more straightforward RPG or Visual Novel, but I did enjoy my time with this one

The randomness was frustrating more times then it wasn't and the lack of a cohesive narrative kind of sucks with such a great foundation in place, it hooked me for a couple runs but after seeing what I felt was all it had to offer I shelved it for now, beautiful art style and creepy moments


like horror but kawaii because from japan

ESTE JOGO É FENOMENAL. Completei todos os achievements diversas vezes durante o Early Access, entre atualizações, e posso garantir que é uma experiência incrível de Rogue Like e Terror Cósmico. Um tributo a H.P. Lovecraft, Junji Ito e jogos antigos japonêses.

Much has been made of this game's debt to Junji Ito; far less its debt to the mechanics and storytelling of Arkham Horror, and if you've ever sat down for more than one session of Arkham Horror, you know that isn't a compliment. The detachment of the repetitive location-based events from each main mystery and the crapshoot RNG are at odds with the aesthetic's attempt at creating an immersive experience. It is a tremendous credit to Panstasz's intricate MS Paint art and the spooky high-energy soundtrack that the game nonetheless remains fresh for as long as it does. For about a month during quarantine, these vibes were juuuuust right.

The Ito vibes and sound are great but the gameplay loop is not good enough to stick around

(Winner of "Friday Night Frights" for scariest game of 2023, speech below)

Okay /v/, let's address the elephant in the room:

Yes, World of Horror does draw obvious inspiration from the works of Junji Ito. But as we all know, how pretty a game is has nothing to do with how good it is... or how scary. That said, World of Horror's aesthetic is doing a lot of heavy lifting, and the game clearly leans into the old adage of 'what you don't see is scarier than what you do'.

In a year filled with boats, bunkers and daycares, World of Horror gives us something new through a uniquely nostalgic spin on the roguelike: combining a 1-bit manga aesthetic, a minimalistic soundtrack, and mechanics harkening back to old-school adventure games. And leave it to a dentist to know how to build an atmosphere of dread: watching the cast of oddball characters encounter increasingly bizarre horrors in a city slowly becoming more twisted makes survival feel that much more daunting, to say nothing of actually solving the mystery. The game gives you all the time you need to make your decisions, but only an eternity to regret them.

That this game was basically developed by one person from /agdg/ should, on its own, put the rest of the industry to shame. That the game is actually scary, and fun, should put them in the grave.

Você é um morador desta estranha cidade, onde cultistas estão fazendo de tudo para trazer seus Deuses antigos de volta, caso voltem, o mundo como conhecemos não existirá mais, exigindo então que você impeça isto. Antes é necessário que você investigue e resolva (ou não, depende de suas escolhas) estranhos acontecimentos, desde jovens garotas desaparecendo na escola, corpos surgindo no mar, suicídios causados por telefonemas, até mortes causadas por culto/rituais em uma pequena aldeia.
Com certeza cada tentativa não será a mesma.

Histórias de terror criativas, malucas e algumas inspiradas em contos clássicos de Lovecraft ou Junji ito. Ler os acontecimentos e imagens, é a mesma sensação de ler as obras deles.
Gráfico bonito, retrô e detalhado. Feito por um cara no paint. Cada arte é um quadro antigo, cada criatura parece sair de um mangá de Junji Ito.
Muita coisa para fazer: Vários casos, com vários encontros e possibilidades, cada um tendo no mínimo 2 finais, uns chegando a ter 4. Além disso, vários personagens, cada um com seu estilo de gameplay, visual, formas de resolver encontros.
E não satisfeitos, há a comunidade, que fazem mods, desde roupas até personagens e casos novos, motivados e ajudados pelo próprio criador do jogo..

Gameplay muito de nicho, não é todos que irão gostar. Basicamente é um RPG, tendo status (Agilidade, percepção, força etc) e escolhas que irão depender da sorte(Dados) e dos seus status.
Dificuldade um pouco difícil, além do jogo em si ser complicado, para conseguir os finais desejados e coisas especificas.

ok at some point someone should start keeping a better eye on this damn lighthouse

An unsetting eldritch abomination investigation and dog owned business patron simulation game. Each iteration of the game works through 5 individual (but sometimes interlinking) mysteries that have numerous endings each. Off the top of my head, there's something like twenty mysteries in total - each have different focuses and settings, some use the entire town, others specific locations. Some are more decision/problem solving, some are combat orientated.

Has a good roster of characters to pick from and let's be frank, that aesthetic has been absolutely NAILED. It's on-point, from the art style and analog aesthetic to the soundtrack - the vibes are exactly what they need to be.

The shortcomings come in the form of the choices in investigation, there are unchanging good/bad outcomes, in-contrast to the individual RNG/Skill check based decisions during events. This means, generally once you're rocking and rolling you'll be gunning for the better outcomes. It just kinda feels undynamic.

If you're any kind of fan of Junji Ito or Lovecraft era weird fiction connoisseur (and I am!) you'll be repeatedly doing the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme, until you've seen everything and get salty over a failed skill check.

I'm also told there's a decent amount of user made content, but I have yet to dabble. This is a game that I'll probably keep revisiting when I've got a swift hour to kill.

Cautious recommend to those who think they would like it.

sla esperava mais, mas ainda assim gostei

World of Horror is a roguelike adventure game with some rpg elements, wrapped in an mspaint horror aesthetic. Each play of the game is unique, with many different variables, choices, and outcomes. There are minor progression elements which unlock through an opaque achievement system, adding items and characters to the pool of what's available in a future playthrough.

The game has its moments, but delving deeper and uncovering its secrets is often so obtuse or so up to chance that there's not a lot of draw for the player to try to master its systems in order to game them and get more out of it. For someone who is very into this premise though, the game does seem very well made and robust for many hours of creepy fun.

It's definitely charming and fun, it has quite a bit of stuff to it feels a lot more unique than many other roguelites I've played in the past, but it can very quickly seem repetitive or button-mashy where I go from random event to random event with very little in-between. It leans too much on luck sometimes and combat can become painfully boring.

Although, all things considered, it's a unique stab at the genre that I do enjoy doing a run or two of every once in awhile, it's fun and engaging enough to keep downloaded when I have an awkward 30 minutes. Pretty decent game overall, but nothing that'll drop your jaw.