Reviews from

in the past

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I love this game SO much

I started playing before Chapter 2 part 2 came out because people kept saying it was similar to danganronpa.
It does have the same kind of vibe (for me) but thats all. With a smaller cast and less killing you get to know them better, and the deaths had much more impact than most of the dr ones. I really like how the game “punishes” you when you only save the ones that might be useful (specially sou!) instead of kanna. Im really excited to see where this is going. The music is amazing too!

O jogo ainda não está finalizado, mas com o material apresentado até agora, já consigo catalogar ele como minha visual novel favorita, tendo meu casting favorito de qualquer jogo.
É uma das experiências mais únicas que eu ja tive com um videogame.

A free VN you can play on your browser? Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me, even if it's not finished yet.

Gameplay Rating: 8/10
You'd think, for a VN, it would have very barebones "mash Space and make a selection every now and then", but it really steps it up with the discussion, the minigames you play for the tokens, this game is INCREDIBLY creative for a VN.
Sometimes you'll hit a classic "wtf am i supposed to do", but that's just classic of the genre.

Story Rating: 9/10
No spoilers here, so I'll keep it brief.
The characters are solid and twists can feel pretty surprising, it's very hard to predict what this game will do and it feels very clever at times, which I appreciate.
That said, some twists here and there kind of make me feel iffy on the some things that happen. I hear that they go over them in some of the side-stories, but I really shouldn't have to go out of my way to play something that could've been covered in the main game...

Colorblindness Rating: B
For the most part this game is okay about colors, but there was the Boxing Ring puzzle that fucked me over because I mixed up green and yellow.

eu gosto muito da história do jogo, porém em jogabilidade ele é muito ruim em navegador, já que eu ainda não pude jogar a versão da steam

Kept me on the edge of my seat 24/7 this game is honestly an underrated masterpiece

Assisti o cellbit jogando, de fato um dos jogos ja feitos, muito boas mecanjcas e puzzles

um jogo que faz você se apegar a todos personagens, simplesmente debates fodas, te odeio Sue Miley

final chapter save me..... save me final chapter..... final chapter....

A very intriguing murder-mystery game whose story I can't wait to see to the end. The characters are nothing short of amazing, and the gameplay is incredibly unique for this genre of game. Highly recommend.

tipo os puzzles são legais mesmo juro

Si te ha gustado algún Danganronpa o Ace Attorney este te lo vas a meter por el culo. Es un gran juego, unas buenas mecánicas, buena música para acompañar cada momento adecuadamente, la historia es interesante y te mantiene alerta y todos los personajes tienen algún tipo de desarrollo, es casi imposible no cogerles cariño. Tus decisiones son importantes hagas lo que hagas. No puedo recomendarlo lo suficiente. Lo único malo que tiene es que no esta completado

so crazy. gripping story. sad deaths. i love it. nankidai you genius.

The music is the first thing that drew me to this game back in 2018- seriously please go listen to samurai women NEOWWW. The plot is what you would expect from a game called 'Death game by majority' however the game certainly comes with it's own take on the genre when it boils down to the very intentional writing (which is no surprise from a VN oriented game).

I found it so fun when I first discovered the player had a direct effect on the outcome's of which characters live and which don't. Creating different routes and information you get fed throughout what has been the story so far. The gameplay mechanics were very hit or miss when it came to some of the mini-games- idk if they were delibratley difficult or if it was a skill issue on my part but it was unfortunately not consistent enough for praise.

I was def was a save-scum but the game was designed in a way that feels guilt free and replay ability in a developing/ongoing game felt conflicting at first but with the thrilling plot it only has be excited for what's to come- although please be warned the writers are scary good at writing convincing characters just to flip everything on it's head. The pace of the story so far is also a major factor that makes me recommend this game!

anxiously waiting for the last part to release. really good game until now.

i like it. nankidai is kind of a weirdo though.

This game is incredible, its very similar to zero escape and danganronpa like if they were put together, also its a visual novel but also a webgame which is really lit. and finally i need to say that ANZU serves all purpose and she should treat herself NOW!

omgg hiii kai satou hiiii

eu te amo yttd eu te amo agr lancem o resto eu preciso de serotonina

One of the best killing game with unique characters and art. It is insane that it was free until it recently got on steam, even if it remains free online. If you liked games like 999 or Danganronpa, I'd suggest you to try this !

gotta pick it up again...i rm it being fun

Os personagens são bons, por isso que dói tanto. Esse jogo realmente mexe bem com os seus sentimentos, a escrita é boa nisso. De verdade, gostei bastante de jogar (aguardando até agora o capítulo final, parte final...)

todo es culpa del tardado con trastornos de personalidad

The closer I got to catching up to the latest chapter the more I dreaded the idea of having to wait for the conclusion to come out, because man I'm just so floored after that ending, I HAVE to see this story to its fullest extent. This rating will be a placeholder for now, YTTD is already a favorite of mine but when part two comes out, it will for sure skyrocket as an all timer for me

better than danganronpa yes or yes