Reviews from

in the past

This game its like "fuaa boludo re flashero esto no entiendo nada pero es lo mejor que me paso en la vida"

big fan but it’s not for everyone

I'm sorry, I wanted to like this but I just found it boring, not for me but I do like the aesthetic and I respect it's legacy a whole lot.

j'adore l'ambiance sonore et visuelle hein mais si j'y joue plus de 15 minutes je me tire une balle

this game gave me media literacy

game for terminally online girls

o final me bateu legal. as musicas dessa obra são mto boas

I don't care how packed with symbolism your game is or what commentary you are trying to make on the human condition or whatever the hell this game is on about, I am just walking around in circles for hours with nothing of note happening.

A día de hoy no se puede jugar. Pero me parece un buen juego.

certain people won't get a damn thing out of this game, and that's totally fine. i enjoyed this game as much as i did because of the point in my life where i played it, and because of that it's stuck with me for a while. also awesome that it was one of the first """hit""" rpgmaker games, and very influential as a result

Buen juego para ellos momentos de soledad,

Not much of a game, more of an experience to simplify it. There is barely any actual gameplay and the point of the game is for you to find. Me, I found some connection to assumptions made out of the nonsensical dreamlike world in Madotsuki's head. Definetly boring after a bit and very unsettling, but I feel that that adds to the charm when you try to uncover the head of Madotsuki. We're all pretty boring and weird.

(Winner of "Don Miguel Award" for best RPG Maker game of all time, speech below)

Every game nowadays has a plethora of guides that hold your hand and wipe your ass all the way from the main menu to the credits screen. But when you boot up Yume Nikki, you are given only a short list of instructions, and that's it. Everything else you must figure out on your own. Something like this could easily have been dismissed as horribly pretentious, but when Yume Nikki was first released back in 2004, it was practically a novelty. Yume Nikki was already noteworthy for completely ignoring RPG Maker's built-in combat system, but what made the game memorable was its adamant refusal to explain itself. I'm not entirely sure how Aztec Rave Monkey fits into Kikiyama's personal understanding of reality...

(DAVID LEAN: "Elaborate on that, if you would...")

... but hey, who are we to judge? The game offers no answers, and so it was left up to players to derive their own meaning. This has helped keep the game relevant nearly 20 years later. Sharing your discoveries, learning what you may have missed, one could argue that the players are just as responsible for making the game what it is today as its reclusive creator. The only way to discover what Yume Nikki is all about, and why it's the best RPG Maker game of all time, is to play it for yourself. But do yourself a favor and go in blind. Perhaps it will all make sense to you, or maybe truth is only in dreams.

... While you're still here, get the bicycle or you're gonna go bananas. I'm not fucking joking, just take this door, it's right here, it lets you move hella fast.

amazing for about 25 minutes of a 2 hour playthrough. good enough for a 4/5 regardless of the rest of it being filler.

everyone remembers uboa and takofuusen and toringens, but no one remembers that so much of the game is just empty rooms with scrolling backgrounds. the moments of genuinely getting to know madotsuki better through her dreams are incredible, but so much of it is kaleidoscopic filler that doesn't look anything like a dream, and more to the point doesnt tell us anything more about the character supposedly being studied.

an important, groundbreaking classic of the medium which doesnt hold up in light of its own reputation

I played this when I discovered rpg maker games back in 2016, so I was 13-14.

As much as I remember I did not like it. I remember getting so so bored of walking around for large periods of time and nothing happening. I find all the theories and people talking about the symbolism cool but I feel like the game needed a bit more. Personally I dont like a game where to get a grip of whats happening I have to spend maybe hours roaming around the void.

Still, I want to replay it now that im older to see if it was as tedious as I remember or if it was my age conditioning my experience :)

"cute little free video game" to surrealism fan pipeline is real

I'm sorry I genuinely feel bad for lowering this game since it's done so much for the RPG maker fan base but I just can't do it. It dose so many cool things but to find those cool things you have to aimlessly walk around in a circle. Watch a let's play if you want the full experience

Amazing game! Absolutely worth experiencing!

Everyone from its fandom that I've met has been either a pedophile or a psychopath.

they should remake this in 3d

This review contains spoilers

The last resorts of a depressed girl are her dreams. There had been suicide attempts before as evidenced by the shoes in the balcony, but it finally happens when she realizes that even in her dreams there isn't anything worth staying alive for...

el verdadero walking simulator (me encanta)