Reviews from

in the past

Honestly had a great time here. I like that the game lets you pick out how your weapons fire, I was very surprised by the soundtrack being so upbeat. this game has no aesthetic consistency so its kind of unintentionally funny to me at times.

I honestly forgot this game existed as a Neo Geo game till I was looking up every release because I wanted to play one more Neo Geo game for the year. I got to say I enjoyed it for what it is even if it's nothing special.

This is just your usual shmup but it's got some problems like I really wish you could swap weapons between stages, it means you're stuck with what you choose. This game also can kick your ass later in the game and IDK if that's me being trash. At least you don't have to worry about checkpoints. Also this might be a controversial statement (maybe not) but not a fan of the bombs, bosses go down like nothing if you just die and spam all three that restock. I don't mind bombs being a mechanic but the balancing kind of makes me dislike them.

Though saying all that, for some reason I just enjoy the experience. I think just restarting where you're at helped in a way because I liked what I played even if it's nothing special and is flawed. Honestly I would argue the music kind of carries the experience as it's really good.

I think I'm just easy to please guys.

Cool eurodance music, but the rest is a middling experience. Your ship's too big, bullet patterns are too unpredictable, and there's very little aesthetic flair or variety. I'd compliment the weapon mixing options, but you're not allowed to change your loadout once the game starts, so you can get stuck with a useless shot combination for several stages.

This was a very welcome surprise. Fun shmup with perhaps the best soundtrack on Neo Geo, courtesy of Manabu Namiki.