Reviews from

in the past

This freaking bird almost made me cry

cute game cute birb amazing soundtrack

Slow, contemplative short story.

A Bird Story es una historia narrativa que los buenos de Freebird Games presentaron entre To the Moon y Finding Paradise. En ella vivimos un pequeño y bonito fragmento en la vida de Colin, uno de los personajes importantes de Finding Paradise.

Con una jugabilidad casi inexistente, como un walking simulator, vamos desarrollando la historia que es entretenida y bonita.

En cuanto al apartado artístico, gráficamente sigue la línea de los juegos de este estudio, con un pixel art sencillo pero muy bonito y una BSO sublime.

Con una hora de duración, sirve para pasar un buen rato.

This can scarcely be classified as a conventional gameplay experience considering it's such a passive piece of work, with the intent instead being to soak in the wordless story and admittedly gorgeous atmosphere.

Ultimately I found it quite hit and miss - movement is extremely clunky and awkward, and it actually feels its length despite being only an hour.

But the art is nice and the music is beautiful. It's a cute, easily understood story, but likely only worthwhile for To the Moon completionists. Glad I played it once, I guess.

Tive uma experiência bem emocionante com esse jogo, seja pelo tema, que pra mim é bastante identificável, a ambientação contemplativa ou a belíssima trilha sonora, que tem um dos papeis mais importantes da carga emocional da obra. Apesar de ser bem curtinho, é bastante gratificante.

n achei tão bom quanto o primeiro, mas msm assim pegou no emocional de uma maneira

Very simple but I really liked it. This felt like graphic novel just without the words, so like, a picture book? Made me realise I want to play more graphic novels. Good game.

A sweet short story, but there's not a whole lot of substance to it. It's a pretty good use of an hour, but that's about it.

This game is too adorable. Loved it. I wish it was longer though.

Just like to the moon, this is absolutely beautiful. It is simply done with how beautiful it is. It pulls you in a simple narrative that translates well using only images and it got me teary eyed like all the others.

Unlike what David Cage says, there is no reason you can't make a heart-touching game if you don't have the polygons.

lembro nada. mas vou confiar no kris pitico que falava que era bom

un petit vn rapide qui rajoute du lore dans la série des to the moon (principalement finding paradise)

If this didn't tie into Finding Paradise I probably would have forgotten about it 3 hours after playing. Just not for me, frankly.

You play it for the story, that's it

Um jogo simples e sem dialogo nenhum,mas q consegue te emocionar do mesmo jeito.

It's a simple hour long story with some symbolism and themes that you might enjoy. Lovely music. No gameplay worth speaking of. Worth it for a dollar or so. Wish there were graphical options though

Demasiado corto y a día de hoy parece más que una demo de Finding Paradise que un juego independiente, aun así está muy bien

This game serves as a prologue to Finding Paradise (which I haven't played yet.) It's a simple story about a boy and his bird. There's no dialogue and there's not much gameplay at all. It felt more like a long cutscene with occasional interactive elements. I felt like they should have just bundled this with Finding Paradise since on its own there's not much to it.

Nothing mind-blowing, but a cute way to pass a few hours.

o mais fraco da saga mas ainda mt bom

i barely remember this game compared to the main games in the series

It's pretty alright. It's very short but manages to tell a solid enough story. It's not anything super noteworthy though.

A part of the great series and cute emotional introduction of character of "Finding Paradise"

não é um jogo é um filme interativo onde a gameplay é apertar um botão nem a historia vale a pena nessa merda

Cute and simple with some good use of visual storytelling and metaphor. There’s not a whole lot going on here, but if you play it you get to point at your computer screen and gawk every time it’s referenced in Finding Paradise.

Cute little short game that pretty neatly doesn’t actually use words.
Won’t change your life, but for only like an hour, eh, it was neat

A short but enticing visual novel.

A cute little story. Nothing much going on in terms of gameplay.