Reviews from

in the past

there's a berry called cucumber.

This was cute. Not as good as a Year of springs or anything but a damn good Npckc game. Very gay as usual.

Although I didn't enjoy it as much as the Hot Springs trilogy and the clicker aspect fumbles a little bit, this is a nice charming two hour experience

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you can date the doctor.

npckc continues to be one of the most wonderful forces for good in games. Much like their other works, this is incredibly warm and sweet and queer. God bless them.

Fun visual novel, I thought it was cool how the little berry clicker game is used to pace out the routes, while also reinforcing Cyrus reflecting on what he did. The story itself is a nice subversion of typical high fantasy settings and gendered tropes.

The sense of the 'monster's world beyond the hero's garden' was enticing, the game felt like the sort of fantasy that the Atelier games sometimes promise, but without having to grind and do JRPG stuff for 30+ hours. I like how the game lets you have little peeks into that world through the explanations of the berries, and the characters who come back to your garden. In some ways the progression also reminded me of upgrading homes in Harvest Moon.

Overall I thought it was a neat way to structure a visual novel, and experimentally has neat ideas on how to use light idle/clicker mechanics to pace out story beats and worldbuilding.

Played it for the Platinum. Not proud of it.