Reviews from

in the past

mesmerizing and incomprehensible. Like learning to swim in a pool filled with molasses while the voice of God echos in your mind, screaming "OH SNAP!" and "THAT'S GOTTA HURT!"

I've always wanted to see balls in 3D.

A fighting game with a lack of UI, probably the worst music in any fighting game, delayed controls and ugly graphics. The engine was not designed properly to house a fighting game. There is a reason why this game has no online community.

Com controles terríveis, uma detecção de acertos de golpes HORRÍVEL entre outros inúmeros problemas, "Ballz 3D" poderia ter sido um jogo de luta revolucionário.

Os únicos pontos positivos do jogo são os gráficos (coloridos e detalhados) e a câmera fluida (o game também é um dos primeiros jogos de luta em 3D da história).

De resto o jogo conta com controles terríveis (o oponente sempre vai vencer, não importa qual seja a dificuldade) e uma trilha sonora não tão boa (tendo até gemidos com tons sexuais durante a gameplay??????????????)

O jogo oferece uma escolha de 8 personagens mas não importa o personagem que você escolher, você sempre será derrotado pelo seu oponente, mesmo com a opção de escolher o nível de dificuldade, há pouquíssimas chances de ganhar nesse jogo.

Resumidamente o que poderia ter sido um grande salto para a próxima geração de jogos de luta acabou sendo um FRACASSO.


This game's legacy is that it is called Ballz 3D.

I'm gonna tell Santa I want Ballz for Christmas

This game blows but it's also really funny so I feel like that aspect alone justified the £5 pricetag that I paid for the super famicom cart. But unless you're like me and can appreciate a "good" kusoge, dont bother XD

BALLS!!!!!! This game is my Black Panther. This game empowered me. It helped me get over my rejection from the female known as Veronica who'd rather date a Chad instead of a true gentleman who would treat her well. Amazing character design and great graphics. Games like Ballz 3D are true art that often gets misunderstood by filthy normies who play FromSoftware kiddie games instead of challenging, thought-provoking kino like Oddballz

"It’s difficult to label any video game as truly perfect, but Ballz 3D may be the closest thing to perfection that gaming has ever seen. More than two decades on, it remains a high point in the fighting genre that all gamers need to experience at least once, and it’s easily the very best fighting game on the SNES."

Background music for the review to get in the mood.

Ballz 3D (or 3D Ballz) is probably the second most infamous crappy fighting game from the 16-bit era behind Shaq-Fu, pretty much because of it's entire selling point of alluding to testicles and the title screen having sounds of orgasms in the background.

The gameplay is horrifically button-mashy, everyone's normal attacks come out at the speed of light leaving very little time for actual strategy, and everything just seems to come out whenever they want to and work whenever they want. I've seen complaints about the CPU being hard, but I think it's only for the boss characters because otherwise the normal characters I've literally beaten by just spamming the punch button at them even on the hard difficulty. Everything is just mindless, which I guess matches the game itself. Props to them I suppose. By the way you can set the rounds to 11 out of 21, you can try that crap out if you really wanna test your Ballz/patience.

One thing I'm definitely not keen on in general is the ability to morph into any character with every character. Yes, everyone in this game is Shang Tsung and in a few instances I've accidentally morphed into another character. I'm absolutely not a fan of this no matter what fighting game I'm playing, because it completely cheapens the shit out of the character select screen. Like sure I'll be starting as Rhino Man, but if I can just turn into Dwarf Cave Guy or Boobie Lady at any point then what does it matter? Who cares? No one, because this game is completely asinine.

I will say I do like the game's surreal nature, like what's up with that billboard in the back that sometimes tells me to "open wide for chunky"? Who's Chunky? And why should I open wide for them? Are they cute at least? I do also unironically like the music, I meme about it sometimes but it's genuine. Like some could disagree for sure, but I'll take this game's theme over the gaudy looking shock crap that Tongue of the Fat Man or Time Killers attempts to accomplish.

Don't get me wrong, the game is a dumbass's dream come true, but it's kinda endearing unlike a few other fighters on the system. A "guilty pleasure" if you will.

played on easy as ""Kronk""

Is this what game companies in the mid 90s assumed kids thought was cool? If I was some boxer or wrestler in real life and some announcer kept going "suck sidewalk!" "You're splat on the mat!" "TAUNT THE OSTRICH!" "open wide for chunky!" "consider plastic surgery, hat-rack!" while I was trying to focus, I would die

how could you NOT look at the title of this game and end up wanting to figure out what the hell this is?

worth playing the first 2 minutes for the wildly terrible intro song

then turn it off and play something else, for your health

why did they make the girl ballz fighter moan like that. that's so weird man


Technically advanced for its day, not so great in hindsight. A 3D one-on-one fighter where the characters are made of balls. Not much variety in the gameplay.

mfw my parents walk in while the moaning in the ballz 3d title screen music plays