Reviews from

in the past

This is the best way to do Battlestar Galactica as a video game. The turn based approach gives you a chance to plan out the battle and adapt to what the enemy is doing and the replay feature allows you to see the battle play out in real time without the pauses. I also greatly appreciate that the replays use camera angles very similar to the TV show.

The warboard is a bit of a mixed bag. The actual mechanics are quite straightforward and easy to use. However trying to fortify the colonies from Cylon attacks can be quite annoying because the Cylon fleets randomly pop up. So when you try to move your fleet to a colony they can easily be ambushed.

Currently replaying it with the DLC which dues help the narrative as it explains things the base campaign doesn't.

As someone who doesn't have a single drop of Battlestar Galactica knowledge in their brains, the game is still a fun strategy combat game.
I dropped it after a bit and never felt the will to pick it back up again tho, which to me indicates I'm not that invested in the title, so I abandoned it.
The ships do feel a bit slow, but that's mainly due to you being a strategist and not a pilot.

Really fun tactics game that nails the theme. As for the actual mechanics and battle-play, it does a very good job of feeling, looking, and sounding like BSG, which is its #1 job. Some of the tools feel a little janky and others feel underdeveloped (I wish there was more to fighter tactics—the game is heavily focused on capitals/frigates—and the benefits and limitations of Z-axis deployment/movement could have been played around with more), but the core concepts are very solid. The campaign and process of developing/deploying your fleets are pretty satisfying in the early going, but once you hit the midgame it gets pretty repetitive and grindy, and the challenge mostly disappears if you've taken even basic precautions. Increasing the difficulty makes things feel more strategically desperate, but there's basically no tactical problem that can't be solved by running away and lobbing fighters and missiles at the enemies chasing you, which isn't super fun after a few turns. I don't know enough about the mod scene to speak to the existence/quality of custom campaigns, but I'd be very interested to try one.

Massive Battlestar fan, love the series. This game plays so truthfully to how space combat is depicted in the movies & shows.

I love the Anabasis DLC. It's like a recreation of 33 in videogame format.

Only con is that the game's UI seems like it's designed for mobile ??