Reviews from

in the past

Amazing sequel and I'm so glad I got to play it. Love it just as much if not more than the first game

10/10. The following to one of the greatest hack'n'slashes ever created, with even more epic fights and improved combat.

One of my favorite games of all time came to the Switch in 2018, and it was awesome to wombo-combo on the go and see the spectacular set-pieces on the Switch’s tiny screen.

Bayonetta is a franchise that by all accounts, I should enjoy more, but despite my enjoyment of character action games (especially DMC), something about Bayonetta just never clicked for me, granted this game came close.

Despite my personal disconnect with the game preventing further engagement, I can't deny the strength of the game itself, being one of the most fluid, artistically beautiful, and stylish action games ever created. The depth in weapons and combos is just staggering, which in my case was part of the reason I bounce of the franchise since I prefer narrower but deeper systems (less weapons, less combos, but a lot of focus on utilizing the entire skillset) rather than broader and more varied ones (lots of options, but also a lot of sameness in combo utility).

This game is a treat for the eyes, and even though the story is complete nonsense, the spectacle moments are truly worth experiencing, and the replayability on offer from mission ranks, optional challenges, and higher difficulties, make it more than worth the time of any action game enthusiast. Hope someday I decide to revisit this game and the whole thing will finally click, but the quality on display here cannot be denied.

Good god. The amount of hype this game gets is unreal and massively undeserved for sure.

Bayonetta 1 and 2 stans are the kinds of people who... I can't even think of anything funny, it's like being a stan for Bayonetta 1 and 2 is enough honestly.

Bayonetta 1 was a fun game with loads of missed potential and a lazy, tacked on hard mode where enemies just have shittons of health and you take loads, which encourages you to spam abuse broken defensive mechanics, such as the Link shield forward spam. But it had POTENTIAL. Above all of it there was this eh, pretty cringe dialogue and script, surface level story telling, but there was very clearly a really passionately crafted lore for this world that just wasn't quite there in showing itself. But that, I can forgive - it was the first in the series. I did really enjoy the way it almost scratched that itch left by DMC1 (the only DMC game I actually like). In fact, I only played Bayonetta 1 because I was hyped to play 2, and thought it would be a shame to miss out the first game.

But holy fuck. This game is just really... it exists, for sure. The combat is fun for a little while, until you realise that all of your combos look the exact same visually, and you realise that nothing is gonna be too varied from what you're used to in Bayonetta 1 - except now there is very little room for exploration, levels are just tunnels and corridors with no breathing room.

But the worst offender that made me put it down after 2 hours? HOLY shit, the cringe dialogue. It's so bad. Oh my god. If you see this dialogue it's garbage. Delivery is landing anywhere between subpar - really shit. Characters dropping the F bomb constantly (swearing is totally fine but its just lazily used and adds nothing here, the things they say don't sound like actual conversations whatsoever), really corny one liners that never land, and stupid shit like Loki the little dork fake british accent loser who says "heh ur the guy who look at bayonettas tits? xd". It's so cringe.

Honestly, it's so bad I just turned the game off. These characters are not fun to watch, and seeing how many cutscenes this game throws at you at the start its a slog to get through. This game isn't campy, it's corny.

Still keeps the fantastic gameplay of the first but actually gives fair and fun challenges without sacrificing player sanity. Story was a nice expansion on the first games established lore and even is implied to lead to the events of the first game in the post credits which was nice to see. Soundtrack was great and the setting is much more colorful and bright than the first games. Overall this is the textbook example of a great sequel.

Melhor que o primeiro.
Eu amo mulheres não tem jeito.

Bayonetta 2 is a huge improvement over its prequel. Since I did not enjoy the first one so much, I wasn't expecting much from this one, but I ended up being surprised!

I can't believe they managed to improve on the combat of the previous game! Battles are astonishing here! Easy to pull-off but tough to master combos, tight controls, great weapon variety, good soundtrack, balanced enemy difficulty, an actual good level design, no more boring puzzles, no more dull mini-games and VERY good boss fights! It feels like they fixed MOST of the technical problems they had and only maintained the best parts, while enhancing gameplay mechanics. Side content is also pretty decent, making it very replayable, unlike its predecessor. It's still not perfect, but it's the closest thing to DMC5 I've ever played.

But despite Bayonetta 2's upgrade, it's still far from being an incredible game. The worst thing is definitely its story! I love every single character design, but I can't relate to them in any way. Not only the voice acting is awful, but everything is VERY nonsensical, badly written and just told in a very rushed manner. I couldn't care less about the plot. I did try to enjoy most of it, but I just fell by the wayside. In fact, not only the story, but the entire game gets a massive drop in quality after chapter 13. It's like they just wanted to get it done with, already and it shows. And WHY do they keep oversexualizing EVERY woman in the game? ??

Bayonetta 2 is one hell of a fun time, albeit flawed. It's a good game to shut your mind from the story and just focus on the crazy hack and slash action and mechanics. While I'm still skeptical whether to recommend this or not, it's safe to say that if you decide to give it a shot, you'll at least feel like a goddamn badass sexy witch.

Loved the whole story and as always the campyness especially with the demons. A nice twist with new weapons and a smoother playstyle then the prequel.

Mulheres que eu deixaria mijar na minha boca:

Thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't feel it's in the same level as the first game, but it's still a banger experience. From the soundtrack, subtle combat changes, corny yet endearing dialogue and the general plot as a whole are super solid

A nearly perfect action game. Bayo 2 takes what Bayo 1 did and made it better in every single way. Combat feels more fluid. There's less gimmick levels so you can really just enjoy the near perfect combat.

My only two issues were that I wish the story was a bit more fleshed out. Most of the characters could have used more screen time. My other main issue is that a lot of the boss battles, while fun, feel a bit gimmicky.

The first Bayonetta was already a really good game, but this game takes everything that worked then and fine-tunes them into something truly excellent. That said aspects of this feel weirdly toned down compared to the first? None of the enemy designs get as wacky as car angel or boat angel from the first game, and the climax sequences and torture attacks just dont have the same oomf idk.

Anyway I must say as a gay-leaning bi woman, the extreme lesbian swagger of Bayonetta's design this time had me losing my goddamn mind the entire game. Like holy shit.

J'ai presque tout autant adoré Bayonetta 2 que le 1. Le gameplay est toujours aussi excellent, Bayonetta est toujours autant charismatique, les musiques sont toujours aussi cool. Bayonetta 2 est un excellent BTA j'ai adoré y jouer.

Gran mejora de lo ya hecho en el primer juego

Endearing camp, what other words would I use to describe this series. It's over the top and silly but still holds emotional moments.
"I'm not afraid any more mummy". Brings me to tears every time. Combat is fun fast and fluid. Hard to say which I like better this or the first one but it's basically an iteration with new mechanics but the core is still solid.

Even better than the first one (which is fantastic).

story gets a bit sloppy at times but god it's one of the best action games ever made

This was my first in the saga and I was blown away by scenes with great quality. The story is very good but a little confusing and can be confusing.
Favorite character: Loki
Best Boss: Balder

Seksi karı düşman öldürüyor

Jogo divertido
Personagens carismáticos
Porem que narrativa e história ruins, pqp!

Ação melhor do que de seu antecessor. Continua um pouco confuso, mas jogaço!!

Whenever I start taking estrogen, I wanna become Bayonetta.

Bayonetta was one of my favorite games on PS3 and this sequel did not disappoint, I'm not sure if this is better than the first one, but for sure it's fun!