Reviews from

in the past

Divertido pero se ponia molesto como por la mitad

It's mostly fine but I'm not sure Bioshock is a game that can carry itself well with such an iterative sequel for me personally. A decent chunk of this feels worse than it did in the previous game (the hacking, dealing with Little Sisters, and the research camera) and there isn't a lot to make up for it. Even still it isn't bad and it was solid for one playthrough either way.

I'm hoping for a more enjoyable time with Minerva's Den.

hey let's make a game that is just better in every single way to the first

i remember the second bioshock being annoying but i need to revisit it..

better gameplay but lesser overall than the original. played the multiplayer a lot

Knock-off Bioshock 1, and that's not something that the first game needed.

After having plasmids and guns available simultaneously, I can't ever go back to Bioshock 1.

I think this is better than the original, shoot me.

The concept of playing as a big daddy and exploring the relationship between one and their little sister is very interesting to me.

The villain is also pretty great, not as good as bioshock 1s, but still great.

And the ending is pretty satisfying and emotional.

Alright game, kind of shit map design though.

I love this game so much, I maybe love it more than the first game. My only gripe is Delta is very slow but he also weighs probably 8000 pounds

Vuelta al tema propuesto en el primer juego. Pasamos de una distopía totalmente capitalista a una distopía totalmente comunista. ¿El resultado? El mismo, todo se va al garete como es de suponer. La crítica a la contrapostura de la ideología del primer Bioshock no aporta aparentemente nada nuevo, pasando a ser más un comentario pseudofilosófico sobre alguien que no tiene ni idea ni quiere profundizar mucho en este tema. Un poco más interesante es la conexión emocional con nuestra hija. Esta vez las decisiones morales si tienen un peso, ya que son puestas en contraposición a la visión de nuestra little sister.

Lo único decente que hace el juego son las fases de recolección, esta vez con mejores herramientas, lo que hace del combate un proceso mucho más estimulante: preparamos el terreno con trampas cuando las oleadas de enemigos lleguen, nos armamos con nuestras mejores armas y entonces iniciamos la escabechina. Curioso es que el personaje pese a ser más pesado que en la primera entrega, este es más ágil que Jack, usando a la vez plásmidos y armas, haciendo del combate algo mucho más frenético, pero no por ello menos estratégico.

gameplay melhor que o 1
história nem tanto assim mas é bem boa

The themes of the game are still complete nonsense, and potentially even a bit yikes? However, the basic plot makes an okay amount of sense. The biggest improvement is the gameplay. Using weapons and plasmids at once feels so much better than using them separately. Little Sisters are much more engaging and the game is just overall a lot snappier.

Secretly the best in the trilogy. Story is dumb as rocks, but hey, so is the first game, and the less said about Infinite the better. The small mechanical tweaks to gameplay elevate it above its predecessor, and Rapture remains as spellbinding as ever.

The best Bioshock game don't @ me.

No es Bioshock.

Al menos no el que todos esperaban. Tiene un alma distinta a pesar de situarse en la misma ciudad y cuenta incluso con algunos personajes que repiten. Pero Bioshock 2 no le interesa lo que ocurrió con Andrew, Atlas o Jack. Le interesa los que se quedaron. Y esa historia me interesó, no sólo eso, la amé muchísimo.

Este fue mi primer Bioshock, definitivamente un punto subjetivo a tener en cuenta, pero creo que esa es la clave que puede servir para apreciar el juego por completo. Saber que el primer Bioshock nunca volverá, ni siquiera Infinite se le parece en lo más mínimo. Y no tengo ningún problema en que me cuenten una historia más de Rapture.

A solid sequel, but the first is better.

based on how i did, i think im ready to be a parent

This was my first Bioshock.

It improves on the gameplay of Bioshock 1 by........i think quite a lot. It obviously suffers in the story department, but only compared to one. It's still a fantastic game, and a great bioshock.

The gameplay is way more refined over the first one and honestly Sofia lamb was a way more compelling antagonist than Ryan/Fontaine

One of my personal favorite FPS games. I consider it to be a much better game over the first, gameplay AND story-wise.

A worthy sequel to BioShock. Improves on the gameplay from the first game while telling a more personal story about family, set against the backdrop of a decaying Rapture. A must-play if you enjoyed the original.

I know it's just a side story that doesn't take part in the grand scheme of Rapture-Columbia but it was an excellent game with considerably improved mechanics from the first installment.

oh god why is gathering adam so tedious

This game is fantastic!!! ADMIT IT COWARDS!!!!!

it's better than the first game in every way, you know this to be true.