Reviews from

in the past

Incredible entertaining racing game, highly underrated imo.

openworld actually adds depth

Love this one, nothing beats going at what feels like 400 km/h while Rock Star plays on the radio.

This game's a blast. Feels great just to drive around the city breaking through shortcuts and busting down billboards. The different missions are fun but get repetitive fairly quickly. I got a B rank license and I probably would've felt compelled to go further except it resets the mission completion every time you get a new license which really demotivated me. Taking down other cars also feels great, especially online. Also I'm sick of hearing paradise city, I don't care if it matches the game make it stop.

Paradise es uno de esos juegos que es divertido por serlo, con esa ciudad estupenda para moverte por ella y esa variedad de cosas a romper, ademas de la variedad de eventos que tienes disponsibles.

Nunca habia jugado el DLC de las motos, y este replay ha sido el momento.



One of the most frustrating games to play I've ever seen. It forces you to log-in via EA's log-in system, which is frustrating to no end before you even begin the game. Then it forces you to sit through an unskippable cutscene telling you how to drive a car, and how wonderful this great city you'll spend your time driving around in. Followed by a tutorial to teach you which button is the gas pedal. Followed by unskippable cutscenes explaining every single race. It's like they knew this would be a horrible game, so they make you sit through as many cutscenes as possible so you can't actually play.

What was the biggest deal-breaker, besides the boring gameplay, the constant cutscenes, and the didactic edification? You can't quit the game without being froced to pass through EA's "Burnout Store" so they can panhandle you to make in-game purchases. Speaking as a lover of the Burnout series, this is a sleazy and nasty puddle of bile on top of a poorly made game. There are infinitely better racing/driving games. Play those.

When I first started playing Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box back in the day, I was blown away by the stunning graphics and the impressive open world design. The city is filled with so much detail and variety, and the cars are beautifully rendered with realistic physics and damage modeling. The game's soundtrack is also a highlight, with a great mix of rock, pop, and electronic music that enhances the fast-paced and adrenaline-fueled gameplay.

While I did miss the structured racing events of previous Burnout games, the open-world design of Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box offers a lot of player freedom. I loved being able to freely explore the city and participate in various events without any set order or structure. The boost system is also a great addition, allowing me to increase my speed and perform special maneuvers by filling up my boost meter. And the crash mode is highly addictive and entertaining, allowing me to cause as much destruction as possible in a designated area.

However, there are a few criticisms I have of the game. I found the AI to be frustratingly difficult at times, particularly in races where opponents seemed to have an unfair advantage. And while the game offers a variety of different events and challenges, the limited variety of cars can make the gameplay feel repetitive over time. Additionally, the lack of customization options for cars was disappointing, as I would have liked to be able to modify the performance or handling of my vehicles.

Overall, I highly recommend Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box. The fun and engaging gameplay, stunning graphics, and great soundtrack make it a highly enjoyable experience. The open-world design offers a lot of player freedom, and the crash mode is a highly addictive feature. While there are a few criticisms of the game, they are relatively minor and do not detract from the overall enjoyment of the game.

hey u u u i want to be ur girlfriend

genuinamente foi meu jogo fav por uma epoca, até DO NADA o save corromper e eu desinstalar o jogo inteiro num surto
quem sabe um dia eu baixo de volta

Although it's not my favorite burnout it's definitely the one more polished and with more content. It's really fun, with a vast amount of cars, musics and modes. Plus road rage is back!

The definitive Burnout Paradise experience, great fun to play, unfortunately the servers are offline now so can't play with friends but still a blast to play around in solo

I don't really like racing games but this game is so crazy and I liked it

This is the best racing game anyone ever made, and even Criterion haven't managed to recreate its perfection.

I love that they had the gall to have Paradise City by Guns N Roses play in its entirety every time you start the game.

Mechanical depth is nonexistent, even for an arcade racer. Bots barely pose a challenge, so online matchups are the only way you'd have fun.

burnout in general one of the best racing game series and while this one is a big departure from the numbered series it is still a really unique racing game maintaining some of the over top qualities the franchise is know for

im drunk and dj atomica was kind of mean to me and i just really cant handle that right now

Turns out there is a limit to how much "crashing cars into things for points" I can enjoy!