Reviews from

in the past

I only played the campaign a couple years ago, but it lived up to the hype in many ways. Probably COD's best story, if that's saying much.

I played this one after I played the second one, don't judge me. For 2010, it was really good. Amazing and deep campaign, pretty good multiplayer and Zombies that was as much fun as it was challenging. I wouldn't say its the best COD game I've played, but was fun none the less

I hope CoD 2020 brings back the feel of this game, but on that sweet updated engine.

Typically when rating a game or movie or any subject for that matter, I think about my enjoyment, the quality and other things but the main reason for me giving this specific CoD the highest rating possible is due to one simple reason that I always ask myself right before judging something. I'll frame it like this, when looking at Call of Duty as a whole, could it get any better or any worse than this specific one? The answer to me is only yes to one side of that question. This is the quintessential Call of Duty game, in every aspect. The best campaign, best gameplay, best maps in multiplayer and zombies, best dlc, maybe it's nostalgia that propels this to a higher tier or maybe it's just that good. In reality, it's probably a mix of both, but i'll be damned if I lowered it's rating for that or any other reason. If you only play one CoD, it'd be more than wise to make it this one.

My personal favorite Call of Duty. Campaign, multiplayer and zombies firing on all cylinders. I still go back today and replay this.

michael bay found dead in a ditch

Call of duty has it all figured out. It's good at what it does

The moment before COD really leapt off the shits. Stupid, dumb, laughable, and a great time, right before it hits the worst habits.

Dragovich, Kravchenko, Steiner all must die

Probably my favorite campaign and my favorite zombies mode.

Multiplayer and zombies are the highlights. Campaign tries to do something different, but is undermined by a jingoist attitude.

Black Ops is a perfect game. Perfect campaign, multiplayer, and especially Zombies. There's Nuketown, Jungle, Summit and other great maps in the multiplayer. And the Zombies, is the best thing to exist. First, it's even a bigger improvement to WaW. Second, the maps were the greatest. Kino Der Toten, Five, Dead Ops Arcade, Ascension, Moon were all great maps. It's the Call of Duty dream for everybody.

i dont wanna see no all lives ops just shut up god damn

Probably the last all around perfect COD game with the possible exception of BO2.


a huge step up from waw and pretty easily the best call of duty game in general. refines everything about the series, has one of the best campaigns, a bunch of multiplayer modes, lots of unlockable/bonus content, and awesome zombie maps

an odd one out in that i didn't really appreciate it at release but have grown more fond of it over time. definitely the best of the black ops subseries

only way this could be a more accurate simulation of the US military would be if the people if I were shooting in the back were unarmed civilians

ive been constantly thinking about this eva manga edit where kaworu has a gamer headset on and he says to shinji "the ops are black, apparently" and ive been unable to find this image for years

Zombie Mode FTW
And zork easter egg as well!

Activision continues their string of successes with BO coming just short of the peaks that MW2 reached.

An interesting thought about the series as a whole, and helps to explain why I still rank MW2 above this one, albeit slightly, is that up until the first Modern Warfare, the games played closest to like a war movie, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, that type of stuff. After Modern Warfare though, the series takes this turn into just straight action flicks, your Heat, Shoot Em Ups, John Wick, just fast paced action. Now while those concepts might not seem entirely separate, they definitely are as you can see Treyarch trying to kind of combine the two concepts with this game and WaW, while Infinity Ward just leans fully into the action tropes. It's a small difference, but it's that commitment that makes those games slightly edge out their other entries.

Based cod from the golden age

most fun i ever had with zombies (which is the best part in any cod to me)

Best story in any cod campaign

Fantastic multiplayer with some of the best maps in the entire series.


Boy oh boy I just stopped giving a shit for these games right about here. Still a fairly competent release.