Reviews from

in the past

Eh campaign you should not take serious at all, Decent mulitplayer with some guns being way too good and a competent zombies. Lobbies are dead now though.

Campaign is really boring to play like every CoD game but at least they actually tried to make a somewhat interesting story. Zombies mode is excellent.

this is the cod game that made people realize cod campaigns can have awesome stories and then they failed to match it ever again lol
definitely the best cod campaign though

The zombies alone gets it up there, but added with the multiplayer and singleplayer, oh boy

Gameplay: 9
Graphics / Scenery: 7
Story: 9
Acting: 9
World: 7
Lore: 7
Immersion: 7

played the campaign and multiplayer really fun

Black Ops is a game I thought I loved. It was the first game I've played on PS3 after some years away from gaming in general, so I remember it very fondly.

Recently, I've decided to revisit some of the PS3 catalogue, so I played the campaign on Veteran difficulty...

Technically, Black Ops SHOULD be a good game. The shooting feels good, the visuals are compelling and it includes some really good action set pieces. However, the gameplay is seriously lacking in terms of freedom of gameplay and variety of viable strategies. Even simple stuff like flanking, which should be a staple in FPS games, don't work very well. On regular difficulty, it's a cakewalk, requiring no strategy at all. On veteran, the ONLY viable strategy is to hide behind cover and slug throughout the game. Because of the "need" to portray "realism", the game color palette is full of browns and greys. In some missions, is IMPOSSIBLE to distinguish enemies from the background, which makes it really infuriating dying to some enemy you can't see. S.O.G. on Veteran is probably the worst FPS mission I have ever played.

After playing some incredible FPS games over the years, like Wolfenstein: The New Order and The New Colossus, DOOM and Titanfall 2, and even some reeeeaally old stuff like Red Faction (2001), I can now recognize that, despite not being BAD, this game lacks the mechanical/artistic depth I enjoyed in those games.

The Zombies mode is still incredible though, so I'm bumping it an additional 1 star.

Story 8
Multiplayer 6.5
Zombies 7

A game with cool story, good old memories i had in back.

An amazing story for a COD game.

the campaign is really good along with zombies

no one is touching me on this I promise

Idk man Cod is just kinda mid across the board

um dos melhores da minha vida
unico cod moderno que fiz questão de virar mais de uma vez

My favourite CoD campaign and the most wasted and enjoyed hours on zombies.

the campaign did not need to go that hard got damn


My first CoD game, the introduction to a series that I played to death in the next 3 years.

Played this on the Wii, missed out on the ps3/360 gen so yuppp... the environments were so dark and ugly textures everywhere.

Codzin pika dms e tem altos mapas de zombies inesquecíveis

Fun. A little ugly. But good gameplay.

Game was super fun for me at one of the most pivotal points in my life.

Nostalgia talks almost as much as Mason's interrogators. This game in my opinion didn't have any dark spots. I liked the whole CIA cold war interventions in the campaigns. I loved the Zombies and the Multiplayer Games. I loved the Maps whether it was Ascension, Kino Der Toten, Radiation, Nuketown, Zoo, Firing Range. Tons of great memories are birthed from this game and its multiplayer.

ruined the multiplayer and is an op

Zombies was cool, and fighting in Cuba was neat. I don't get why some people consider this one of the best games of all time though.