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This is just an objectively bad concept for a videogame. A good game tries to create the illusion of physical space and maintain that illusion. For a game to say "hey wouldn't it be cool if space no longer applies" would be like if there was a movie where the scenes are played out of order or in which the plot keeps getting contradicted. Inventive? Try irritating. Any game that's technically broken enough would achieve the same principles as Crush without even trying.

So have fun trying to solve puzzles where your intuition actively works against you. The game pretty much comes down to trial and error- crushing and uncrushing at various spots until you figure out a lead. The game eventually resorts to putting time limits in stages. Truly the work of a hack.

Non sono molti i puzzle game che giocano con le duedimensioni e le tredimensioni, però Crush lo fa e anche molto bene. Chiaramente non è tutto rose e fiori, le cutscene potevano essere un filino meglio e avrei fatto a meno di una manciata di livelli, perché il gioco non sarà impossibile ma è comunque pesante.

an extremely inventive and mind-bending puzzler that has so many unique and interesting ideas. i may be a bit biased, as im one of 3 speedrunners for Crush, but i absolutely love this game, even with its flaws. its got a twisted art style that grabs your attention, a really fun central mechanic with tons of possibilities, lots of content to keep you playing, and a soundtrack that, while it isnt for everyone, absolutely fits the tone of the game and has some absolute bangers in there. i do agree with the common consensus that the last world, nursery, does go a bit overboard with the complexity of some levels, (ESPECIALLY the final one, The End is probably the worst and most unintuitive level in the entire game and its my least favorite one by a landslide) but i think the rest of the game more than makes up for it. check out Crush if you want something that'll make you think in new ways you never thought you could before.

I love the concept of this game, and most early levels make great use of it. And the darker tone of the story makes this a very psychedelic game to go through. I just wish the later levels weren’t as obtuse and lengthy. It made them kind of a bitch to get through. Still, this game is great, and anyone here needs to check the OST. It’s amazing!

I wanted to like Crush. It's got some radical puzzle mechanics to its name, but I don't think the actual puzzles are there to back them up. It feels more like I'm literally slamming myself into walls until I finally find a solution. Doesn't help that the music sounds like it wants to give me dementia. Good thinking music goes a long way in a puzzle game, and this is not it. If I want my wall-merging/dimension-shifting gameplay fix in the future, I'll just replay The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds or Super Paper Mario. Pick your poison, really.

I'm into playing PSP games in general, and I am surprised at how long it's taken me to find this. The puzzles get repetitive and difficult eventually, but its visual style and music personally outweigh that insanely in proportion. I've got a few games in mind that I'd classify as "so visually and audially stylistic and well made, it deserves its own category for quality", and this game falls under that category.