Reviews from

in the past

Not as bad as people say, but prepare yourself for linear Crysis. Story is better than the first one.

I have a sneaking suspicion this game isn't nearly as good as I remember it being (and I docked the rating accordingly) but I remember just being wowed that a shooter could have stealth mechanics when I first played this. Ultimately set the stage for how much I wound up loving Dishonored a year or two later, and I would have loved to see Crytek go more in the immersive sim direction this game flirts with.

i played this game on release and also tried to finish it on PC recently, and both times i found myself so insanely bored that i could not bring myself to finish it. the game feels like it's 12 hours long and it's only like. a 7 hour game

I know it's more linear than the first one and all but what can I say when I had so much fun with it

It's not that fun when you can actually run Crysis

(Review originally written in 2012)

Despite being a competent shooter, Crysis 2 proves the series should have remained PC exclusive

Fantastic weapon customization – cool powers - mostly great visual presentation – suit upgrades add variety – multiplayer offers a good amount of unlocks – sharp controls

Glitchy AI – noticeable object and texture pop up - assorted bugs and glitches – way too linear – tedious, repetitive boss battles – multiplayer is laggy and underpopulated – uninteresting story and characters

Invisibility makes the game so easy it basically plays itself


Dear reader, I'll confess a terrible sin: I've never played any Crysis game before this one, since not even my most powerful computer has ever been able to properly run it, so I can't really judge how Crysis 2 compares to its prequels [2012 EDIT: now I've played Crysis and it's a much better game than its sequel in all areas]. What I know, however, is that Crysis has always been an incredibly open ended game, with a huge island you could freely roam and destructible environments and vegetation to play around with. All this is tragically missing in Crysis 2, which raises the question if this game should in fact have remained PC exclusive, in order to retain its most unique elements.

Crysis 2 tells the story of ill-named marine Alcatraz, who is deployed in a combat zone in order to respond to an emergency. Deployed is a generous word, since, following the most standard cliché in FPS, his helicopter crashes just minutes into the game. Retrieved by the guy from the first Crysis, he is bestowed his power suit and sent on yet another quest. What follows is basically ten hours of uninteresting people talking in your headset, ordering you left and right. It's as basic as FPS stories get, especially after the game throws Halo-like aliens at you for good measure.

I can see many Crysis fans getting disappointed with this sequel: instead of a lush jungle island to roam with virtually no boundaries we get a ruined New York city where you can't deviate from a fixed path leading from point A to B. Wrecked cars or a pile of rubble will block access to roads and alleys and barbed wire will prevent you from jumping on rooftops you're not supposed to reach. In some areas the game teases you with the illusion of choice by presenting various options to approach a given situation, although this is spoiled by the fact these options are always marked as wayponts on your HUD, reducing the feature to simply choosing which waypoint to go after.

Weapons are fairly varied and pack a decent punch, but what's best about them is you can customize them at any time by adding attachments you scavenge from fallen enemies. It's nothing short of what Metal Gear Solid 4 offers and it allows you to really tailor your arsenal to your preference: looking for a stealthy approach? You can silence pretty much everything, including sniper rifles and shotguns. Would you rather blow everything up? Underbarrel launchers and shotguns should do the trick.

All that is rendered useless by your suit powers, though. While jumping really high and powersliding is a lot of fun and armor boost is well balanced and does not make you invincible, invisibility will make you completely undetectable by enemies, even at extremely close range, meaning you can easily sneak past most enemies in the game without even having to fight. Furthermore, when you upgrade invisibility to the max by collecting alien cells you will literally be able to run past entire platoons of foes you were meant to fight before your energy runs out and you're forced to wait a couple seconds for it to recharge and repeat the process. Upgrades carry over between paythroughs and there's no way to undo them, so I beat the game on the hardest difficulty without any sort of effort, just walking past enemies. The game basically plays itself after you acquire enough powerups. In more than one occasion you have to reach an objective guarded by dozens of enemies, but all you have to do is cloak and ignore them, reach the objective, press a button and end the level.

Technically speaking, the game looks amazing... except the downscaling for the console versions really shows: object and texture pop-up is extremely evident, it's common to see a hedge or even a car pop out of nowhere as you get close and textures change abruptly, greatly breaking your immersion.

Bugs and glitches are fairly frequent: you'll notice enemies running in place or taking cover on thin air, sometimes they won't see you coming even if you're uncloaked, while at times they'll see you even if you're invisible. There's an area where your character starts the mission without a rifle in his hands, you can see the hand as if he's holding it and you can aim and shoot and kill enemies, but the rifle just isn't there until you switch weapons.

You will be tasked to take out a few bosses here and there, which are always the same AT-ST ripoff straight out of Star Wars. The problem is these fights are clustered in the central part of the game, and you'll be asked to repeat these ten minutes battles at least three times within a couple hours. They're standard 'flank the boss and shoot the red ball on its back' boss fights and they get tedious really fast. They're glitchy too: just when you think you managed to sneak around the robot, it'll fire off an EMP that will drain your energy, making you visible and causing the boss to instantly turn around and shoot you. Sometimes it will start a loop where it keeps firing the EMP over and over.

Controls are straight out of Call of Duty, which is a good thing, meaning they're comfortable and precise. Nothing to complain about here, more games should control like this.

Multiplayer sets off to be really promising, but falls short under several points of view. First off, matchmaking takes too long to find a game and there seems to be very few people playing online. Matches are fairly laggy and always feels like the player with the better ping has a huge advantage. Also, invisible campers are a big problem. There's a ton of unlocks, once again straight out of Call of Duty perks, but I don't see many people suffering through multiplayer to get them.

In conclusion, Crysis 2 is a decent shooter that can offer some sporadic fun playing around with weapon customization and suit powers, but falls massively short resulting generic and derivative, losing all the open ended nature of its prequels and offering a flawed visual presentation that ruins the ensemble. Maybe such an ambitious project was too much to handle for consoles, if that's the case then Crysis 2 proves the series should have remained PC exclusive.

It's definitely not a bad game and hardcore FPS fans will get a kick playing through it once, but there are much better shooters around that will offer a better story, less glitches, better challenge and better lasting appeal. A waste of the series huge potential.

I almost died while playing this game because the cutscenes where so unbearably bad that I started picking my nose out of boredom and hit a nerve or a vein or something like that and blood started POURING out of my cavity. It got so bad I lost consciousness because I fucked it up really bad, and with already bad capilars inside my nose the blood flowed for like 4 hours. I filled a small bucket with both blood, tissue papers, tears and a tshirt I broke because I was like 15 and tought I could stop it with some cloth (was too scared to use a handkerchief).
Anyways after that I started seeing everything in a purple tint and hit my head on the floor. Woke up in the hospital with an IV and my pants peed. Ended up missing school which was cool I guess.
Now I get dizzy when I try to play it and my brain inmediatly represses the cutscenes and replaces them with scenes from Shrek forever after for some fucking reason but at least I don't have to experiment them again.
The upgrade system is fucking stupid.

For some reason, my favorite in the trilogy. The game is worse than 1 in almost every way (besides visuals I guess), but man, I just love this one. Maybe it's just the game's amazing theme song that I could listen to for hours. I don't know, but I just adore this one.

Decent, banger soundtrack, but the AI is really annoying until the end of the game

Amazing OST, cool gameplay and working story

This game couldn't even hit 30fps properly on console.

Tunnel-vision serves Crytek right ; it's not quite Nine Inch Nails levels of rocking but it's already miles better than a reenactment of Vietnam in exosuit.

Well, the stuff that didn't have anything to do with aliens was cool.

Tengo muy vagos recuerdos de este juego. Era... semi divertido.

Very linear then the first. not as much freedom to do different approaches in situations. Although it's really fucking fun. But crysis 2 should have been a pc exclusive. oh yeah story? who cares.

decrease the size of the levels, increase the size of the nanosuit's ass

excelente gráficos, mas é extremamente linear e não supera o 1 que era mais em zona rurais e menos linear, com a história não prestei atenção em nada por falta de tradução em português. No fim acabo sendo só mais um FPS genérico, mas o jogo é até ok.

more straight foward than the first game

in the first one you're terrorizing an island full of north koreans now the aliens took over the pizza parlors so you roam around nyc and italy no but seriously wtf happened in the story lol

Made nothing better. Just another corridor shooter. Graphics are brilliant and the soundtrack aswell.

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