Reviews from

in the past

I love Digimon. I have genuine nostalgia for this game. Even I have to acknowledge that it is garbage. The controls feel bad, it feels extremely unfair, and the load times are unbearable.

Me lo jugué 3 veces en un período excesivamente corto

The fact this had the DIgimon World name was a joke. The first 3 had unique gameplay each and felt Digimon-like. Having 4 Digimon fight with swords with boring ass gameplay was so dumb.

Muito pior que os jogos anteriores.

O jogo tinha seus lados bons, mas era estranhamente demorado e difícil em alguns pontos, se for coop é uma experiência interessante, mas solo vai ser apenas horas e horas de estresse.

Quién diseñó el inicio de este juego maldision

Fuck this game. The only thing good about it is the multiplayer because you get to feel the pain and suffering with friends. It's bad, repetitive, boring, grindy as fuck, it isn't long but it feels sluggish, it gets so boring it numbs your brain until you start drooling, and you want it to be good, because hey, it's Digimon World, let's fucking go, but no, no. It's trash.

I got this game when I was like 9 and it was the first time that a game made me think "damn some games are like, fucking garbage"

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Played this since i got a ps2, misunderstood PSO clone that does thing in an unique idiosyncratic way, if i had money i would track down every dev to know what the hell happened to create this unique beast

This game was a letdown especially after going through Digimon World 3. Although co-op sounds nice, you'd better have each digimon at the same level or else whoever is player 2 will die alot. Its also back to nonsensical digivolutions with rediculous requirements to get them. Again, considering this game came after 3 RPGs under the same name that had you raising monsters, this one was just really bizzare and not so good.

At least data squad went back to the whole raising digimon to get different digivolutions thing.

This is a really disappointing game, probably the worst in the franchise. It has some nice ideas, and the soundtrack is pretty good, but it's a poorly balanced mess with various degrees of cheapness. The progression feels absurdly slow, the bosses aren't fun, and you never evolve your Digimon (only in NG+ playthroughs). It's only tolerable in co-op, and it would probably receive an even worse rating if I had played it solo (although I don't think I would have even beaten it).

Uma das piores experiencias que eu já tive jogando multiplayer, amei

Castigo do monstro: jogar esse aqui por mais de 5 minutos

Just another instance of me loving a game as a kid and then deciding to ruin it for myself by replaying it as an adult and seeing all the flaws and how horribly it has aged, I should really stop doing that.

nossa QUE NOSTALGIA DE LEMBRAR DESSE JOGO,só lembrar mesmo,por que é o pior que já joguei.

Agumon with an axe is the anime equivalent of Shadow with a gun

You can put yourself into infinite recursive menus, excellently programmed.

It's a co-op top-down hack 'n slash, this game is pretty decent, it provides a good challenge when playing with a friend but would be pretty dull alone, the graphics for when it came out are actually pretty solid, and the music is pretty damn good for Digimon based game. The story is very forgettable and simple, you could ignore it and miss nothing, it could be told in one sentence. Overall a decent game, it could have been better but could have been worse too.

I loved this game growing up, will return to beat it one day

Major clunkfest, fun to see number go up tho

Why would they make such a stupid game

i would pay for the loading times in this game to be fixed because it does so many weird and cool things all at once otherwise

es el peor mejor juego de la historia, me tuvo bastante entretenido para la mierda que es

A very badly designed hack and slash that is anguishly grindy, doesn't present a great story, requires a lot of patience and punishes fails by repetition. Its digievolution scheme also sucks in how they need to be unlocked and the checkpoint system is obtuse and unfair. At the very least it has some chill tracks and a good model presentation for the PS2.

I've had this game my whole life and I've never mustered up the will to beat the first level