Reviews from

in the past


hospital level scared the absolute shit out of me as a younger child. if you love body horror and gore, worth a play.

the best "yume nikki fangame" so great

This YNFG is what nightmares are made of.. I mean, look at my profile picture, surely you can probably tell that I look up at this game very highly. Give it a shot if you can if you are looking for something else to play after Yume Nikki.

.Flow takes everything you are probably comfortable with in Yume Nikki and flips it on its head and it is an innovator for many fangames after it. It has lore, horror, and intrique. You have rust to be careful of and the in-game monster known as Kaibutsu to worry about as they are out to kill you and are more terrifying than Yume Nikki's Torriningen as this game wants to try and kill you if you aren’t careful. I love this game and I hope if you are looking for a game to play after Yume Nikki that you decide to give .Flow a chance. You will not regret it.

Deeply unsettling in a way that few other fangames that emphasize gore can accomplish, but also one of the most polished fangames with an intense attention to detail and a uniquely haunting world; .flow certainly earned its notoriety.

yume nikki but its even more personal to me because hypochondria and chronic illness (flex emoji flex emoji)
also ruined me, also love it

we need to make more ynfgs about gore and trauma and murder again!!!

Entertaining, one of the most cohesive YN fangames, it has its own feeling.

deeply and profoundly unnerving. takes the interesting, dreamlike sights and sounds of yume nikki and makes them nastier, grungier and fleshier. the implications left by its worlds and events and what can be pieced together from them lead to some incredibly disturbing conclusions, and are far less abstract than what yume nikki offers. the darkest of these involves sabitsuki (who is already withdrawn and bullied at school) being sexually abused and suffering a severe disease because of a botched abortion. fUCK. i actually played this game one night when it was snowing heavily outside and i could see it clearly despite it being 2am and the sky had a weird greenlike colour to it and i had just arrived in the snow world and it was awesome

I was pulsating with chills. Scawy game.

this game was scary as fuck i wish i could play it for the first time again

This is like a mix of Yume Nikki with Silent Hill 3 and Lain. The way you go to the dream world(virtual reality?) through the computer and not sleeping on the bed is such a cool concept. The music is also very atmospheric and well-made.

.flow is also a lot edgier than the original game with body horror and such which I didn't mind because I think it fits in this game and I love edgy stuff sometimes.

I played through this yume nikki fan game with the friend that got me into yume nikki in the first place. We didn't end up completing/seeing everything but the vibes of this game were very strong and unique and a story could almost be gleaned from it. Very different from the original game in a very interesting way, I recommend

One of the best Yume Nikki fan games. Darker and edgier than original Yume Nikki imo. I like the art style. Fits Yume Nikki style so well.

better than yume nikki by a mile (i still love both)


manages to perfectly recreate the wondrous magic of yume nikki while also having its own original ideas that work with the style extremely well. would recommend if you like these types of games.

I have entered the yume nikki fangames arc

unsure what to say about this. it really does recreate yume Nikki's vibe shockingly well and adds a bit more blood and guts. it never was particularly scary to me, though.

I still enjoyed the experience a great deal and anyone craving more yume nikki should come here first.

I just want to say that I was writing a rather lengthy comment on the historical differences between Japan and the West concerning the evolution of exploration in various video game genres. I wanted to argue how the explorative qualities of games like Yume Nikki (and consequently .flow) were particularly unique, especially when considered in their context. I was quite pleased with it, it was coming along well.

Unfortunately, the laptop shut down, so FUCK YOU, nice game

After writing my previous review (which is no longer up) I had this game on my mind. It had been a while since I fully finished it, so I replayed it and it was incredible. My first time through it didn't quite click with me, I just saw it as "Yume Nikki but gorey", but replaying it now gave me a whole new perspective, and I wanna go a little more in-depth, so excuse the long review.

My biggest mistake was constantly comparing this to Yume Nikki, instead of viewing it as its own game. Despite the basic gameplay being the same, "explore dreams to find effects", this game is wildly different in its atmosphere and design. If Yume Nikki is about bizarre dreams and trying to piece together what they may mean, .Flow is about nightmares you desperately want to forget. Sabitsuki has a story, a story which is told far more clearly than Madotsuki's. A lot of things are still left unclear, but you can figure out the basics of what's going on just going off the game's content.

The gameplay is also pretty differrent. There's far less voids with weird backgrounds and random foreground elements, the places in .Flow are a lot smaller and more cohesive, which makes navigation easier, and also makes these places way more interesting. Unlike Yume Nikki, where some effects are really out the way, in .Flow I managed to find every effect by simply exploring. Some are pretty hidden, sure, but you will find them eventually. For the record, I forgot the locations of the majority of the effects, but I managed to find them regardless, and I was also able to find them with no guides my first time through.

The atmosphere is horrifying, with the droning music making you feel hollow inside, and the environments being incredibly creepy. I've never liked body horror, since I don't find it particularly scary, and that was my main complaint my first time through, but now I can see just how brilliantly this game uses body horror. from the Kaibutsu's bloody, mangled faces, to an area seemingly made of flesh, the faceless maid, the hospital, and dear god the dying girls event. The entire game made me feel empty, uneasy, and at times genuinely horrified, yet it kept pulling me back.

I'm gonna get into mild spoilers now, nothing major, but if you wanna know nothing about what happens after collecting all the effects, stop reading and play this game, it's a masterpiece I wish I could've appreciated earlier.

Okay, now to discuss the final stretch of the game. I had never felt more dread in a game than I felt when I was playing as Rust. Through the game you'll find a number of areas that Sabitsuki cannot enter normally, but you can finally view them as Rust, and the mere thought of entering them made my skin crawl, despite knowing what was in those rooms. Those things that chase you, whatever the hell they are, made me feel genuine panic for reasons I'm not quite sure of, and the final room of the game? No words, absolutely no words.

TLDR: .Flow is like Yume Nikki crossed with Silent Hill, exploring nightmares to piece together the story of the protagonist, all of which done in a wonderfully horrifying way. An absolute must-play for Yume Nikki fans and horror fans alike. Literal 10/10.

they put rusty nails in my yume nikki

Just reviewing this again so I can say that to me this is Yume Nikki but good and meaningful which is mean because Yume Nikki is incomparable to a lot of other games already