Reviews from

in the past

Strange oddity of its time meant to promote the game Bulletstorm, and being like "See these games, they're boring. You wouldn't get this if you played Bulletstorm." This isn't so much a good Call of Duty parody as it is just a hilarious shitpost like something out of those "Sega does what Nintendon't" commercials, with just how petty the actual criticisms in the game are.

You shoot enemies, and whenever you fire your gun, there's a voice that says "Boring". That's the extent of what the parody elements are like.

Uma paródia de Call of Duty que ainda conseguiu me tirar algumas risadas, mas nada demais. Não existe gameplay, se você quiser você pode só avançar e não existe penalização nisso, e ainda é um jogo que você finaliza ele em 5min facilmente, talvez até menos se você tentar.

i have a gravely voice with a big full accent i have an eyepatch and i wear a nice suit this means i am leader of bad guys i hold nuclear missile bomb i will never give nuclear missile bomb to you okay usa is dominate i am crying tears i am crying tears!!

this game is just neutral in my opinion, the jokes are funny, the gameplay is a bit cool, the graphics are an PS2-designed game, this game actually promoted the teaser of BulletStorm which is cool, but I'm fine with this game besides it's a generic COD-rip-off in promotion of BulletStorm, which is shocking and surprisingly interesting to me.

A complete shitpost that got greenlighted as one of the most left-field publicity stuns of gaming. It's obnoxious, it's on the nose... THIS DOESN'T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH BULLETSTORM, BOTH COD AND BULLETSTORM HAVE COMPLETE DIFFERENT PURPOUSE AND PUBLIC.

It's kinda reaching, but not really if you think about it. Bulletstorm was THAT game. The whole Tony Hawk Pro Shooter combo style mechanics are still untouched 12 years later, this and Vanquish were the literal future of their respective crafts, and meanwhile COD is still doing (mostly) the same thing.

For how much it made fun of "modern FPS design" the game it was promoting was actually not very retro.

get it so funny potty humor hehe

Funny little promotion for Bulletstorm, very on the nose roast of the state of FPS games at the time.

They make fun of the "Blood covering the camera when you get shot" thing by... Making the narrator say "surreal!!!"????? I don't think that's what surreal means you guys! Imagining a guy playing call of duty and going "ummmmm? that was a mindfuck!!! I'm gonna need to look at an "Ending Explained" video for this one!!" like how redditors talk about david lynch films.