Reviews from

in the past

Malaria Pill Taking Simulator 2K8. While an interesting story and some ideas that probably do well for the types who want to make retrospective videos on how FC2 was simply too smart and creative for the FPS masses at the time, all in all it's simply a game that feels like it takes itself and its ideas much more seriously then it does the general gameplay.

far cry 2 as a whole seeks to use its mechanics to create a punishing and hostile experience for the player. in this, it succeeds. however it doesn't always succeed in immersing the player, as the broken stealth and unfair car chases frequently disengage and discourage the process of developing emergent solutions, and instead just going back to shooting from behind cover and spamming health needles

is the resume of the gameplay in this game

i love you, far cry 2, i love your villian, your weapons, your map, your physics and your mechanics that not back to see in the franchise again xd

malaria simulator
anti power fantasy

had a weird dream this game was good

Way to buggy on this day and age. Game breaking bugs.

Very cool for a bit, pretty ahead of its time with some of the mechanics, but my god, certain design choices made this very frustrating (constantly respawning guard checkpoints, tedious malaria management mechanic?)

An interesting game, with some good ideas, but unfortunately gets boring.

the last good entry in the series before it went downhill

Apesar desse game ser muito mais digno do título "Far Cry" do que seu antecessor por basicamente ter quase todos os elementos que definem essa franquia até hoje, para mim a trama principal ainda não convence nem um pouco e é certamente uma das mais fracas e sem graça de toda a história dos Far Cry, joguei a maior parte do tempo entediado com o rumo que a história ia indo com personagens totalmente esquecíveis e mal elaborados, além disso quase todas as missões parecem ser secundárias para "encher linguiça" do jogo e momentos que o jogo basicamente te obriga a fazer a mesma missão para conseguir os tais remédios da malária que o protagonista precisa para não morrer da doença. Tudo isso faz com que a vontade do jogador de continuar a tentar zera-lo diminua em quase zero, mas como eu tento ser persistente e acreditei que poderia melhorar conforme os momentos finais fossem se aproximando fui ate o fim e como era de se esperar sou agraciado com um final à altura de todo o jogo, ou seja, uma merda, por isso, nem a gameplay de um bom Far Cry salva a decepção que é toda a história principal de Far Cry 2!

A huge improvement and changes from the first game. Although, some of the missions can get pretty repetitive, and QoL features are lacking. The controls can get iffy sometimes but other than that, a solid game.

I rented this game back in the day, and I have to say I was quite disappointed. I didn't get much of any enjoyment from it to be honest. The series majorly redeemed itself in my eyes once Far Cry 3 released. I know people love this game for its 'realistic' and 'gritty' aspects, but they simply didn't do it for me. I only played for a few hours and I was generally pretty bored.

It’s aged weirdly, gameplay might not be there at times, still enjoyed it though.

Damn this game is brutal I'm so glad Africa isn't real I think

I want to enjoy this game, but something about it is giving me motion sickness. I think I'll have to try it on my PC rather than my PS3.

Jogo bom, porém as vezes meio repetitivo

I suppose this game is the reason I don't play many Ubisoft games and save a bit of my time.

More games should give you malaria

It grips me into its world like few games do.

The Last Ubisoft Game With Artistic Merit.

Breathtakingly immersive and ball-bustingly challenging, it's SUCH a good game.

with mods highest difficulty and playing without save/load this is ultimate sigma africa survival videogame. after some relaxing driving with a nice view of nigilistic but beautiful Africa sound of enemy cars pumps adrenalin through your system, AI give you panic time after time, guns just breaks and malaria... all systems just create so juicey sigma gameplay I don't even want to nagging about strange voice acting.

it's a gem. suprisingly it got many similarities with STALKER series about how just work gameplay loop and the openworld and maybe... in alternate universe far cry had turned on that path.

Had consistent game-breaking glitches. Oh well.

An extremely mixed bag. The traversal and medication parts of the game are tedious and annoying as hell. The combat is decent, except for the sniping which is surprisingly excellent. The fire system was impressive, and the I injured the weapon jamming and injury healing animations.

I actually kinda liked this one, don't remember much but it was pretty fire. Wouldn't mind going back to this one.

This is better than Far Cry 4, New Dawn and 6. Prove Me Wrong. No story at all, No Hud, Total inmersion and the world is totally hostile. No One Is There To Save You, And Beautiful Graphics still to this day and for 2008.

Best far cry game by FAR. The setting is dry and hostile, The weapon animations are top notch and the buddy system is heartbreaking

I know nerds and crowbcat type cliques like to brag about how "Far cry 2 was actually good!11!" but actually playing it for more then 5 minutes proves its one of the most dull broken shooters i've played AI breaks every 2 seconds the graphics are mostly brown mush but all that could be forgiven if it actually bothered dedicating to either being an action FPS or a semi simulation game like stalker because it constantly flipflops between the two and its extremely annoying 2 stars for effort though.

All the things you've heard about Far Cry 2 are true. In relation to the series, no other entry comes close to the immersion this game can conjure. But for all its merits, for every moment the game's systems collided and left me with a shit-eating grin on my face. I'd have another uneventful drive, to another bog-standard shootout, all with the promise that I'd get to repeat this process another dozen times afterwards.