Reviews from

in the past

Quite a fun game, but the malaria mechanic, gun maintenance and constantly respawning enemy checkpoints are a hindrance to fully enjoying it, past a quick session.

more of an appeal to realism than the modern games, gameplay is more interesting but i honestly cant say by much

A lot of the mechanics of this game have not aged well. The World feels empty and progression is a weird combination of infrequent and then all at once. But I still turn it on every now and then and sink a couple hours

genuinely the best game i have ever played, africa is a perfect setting for a game like this, the story is bleak and realistic, and you're fighting to survive in this war torn central african nation that has had everything taken from it from war, i'd love to see a remake of it, or a game like it, and i'm willing to take that into my own hands

malaria simulator 2008

one of the games made when ubisoft actually remembered how to make games

When I first played Far Cry 2 in 2012 I was so drawn in that I played for thirteen hours straight and forgot to eat. I launched it for the very first time just before noon one day and finished just after midnight.

It would take me until late 2018 to find a game that was capable of doing something similar but this game still holds a special place in my heart. While later entries have an undeniable edge when it comes to polish and having a more fleshed-out open world, I don't think someone would find it as special if their intro to the series was one of those games. FC2 is more unforgiving than subsequent entries and takes its story more seriously.

Far Cry 2 is a pretty harsh game but it's exactly what I want from an open world. The world you play in does end up feeling like it's in this constant conflict between two sides that, as a mercenary, you have free reign as to whoever you want to sell your services to. I think this game is definitely worth playing for those who have only played 3 and onwards since it's a very different experience, much less linear but the gameplay is built around that idea and works extremely well.

I mentioned Far Cry 2 being harsh, and that comes in the form of certain gameplay mechanics I'll let you experience on your own. I think if you want gameplay that matches the world environment, in true Far Cry fashion, you'll get it here.

...if anything, it's not punishing enough? currently struggling to make it much further in this game - wonderful environment and aesthetics, the gold standard for map usage in video games, tightly balanced player-defiant mechanics and intriguing metanarrative elements intertwine into anathema for the modern open world experience, and yet for every stroke of genius and for every emergent design decision there is there exists something equally repellent. learning that malaria is an obfuscated level up mechanic was the breaking point for me and the artifice only piled up from there. a genuine shame - during that brief illusory period where i felt every inconvenience to be true and every threat to be hazardous, the game shone like a diamond

Why pay for an African safari when you can just play this? 10/10 Would contract malaria again.

On paper it seems like it'd be interesting and unique but in practice it's neverending, pointless combat that isn't fun to begin with.

The point of Far Cry 2 is that you always need a main man to pick you up and a dude who you know you can party with. It's also about how awesome it is to shoot guns and drive cars in the jungle.

Used to hate it but now admire it for trying to do something different

this really is a playable action movie
the combat is very simplistic but to be honest thats what i enjoy about it
even though it doesnt come across as a hard game fighting the enemies feels like a struggle for survival
its you versus a whole fucking army
and everything has such a fucked up vibe
for example your weapons can litreally blow up
this game creates a disgusting but beatiful looking world that doesnt care about you
the enemies are way too aggressive at points and immediately know where you are
and sure that is really annoying but it adds up to its destroying nature
the whole malaria thing is just a gimmick and nothing else but it makes you feel like a soldier that has nothing to live for
it shows your mortality in this gruesome world
its an invisible enemy that is always around you
there is a lot i appreciate about this game and is without a doubt the best of its series
but there are also a lot of things i didnt like
why cant you just skip all the bullshit talking
yes its important for the immersion but i dont care about it especially when the npc's constantly shaking there head because of some stupid glitch
the driving is way too repetitive but i like that you really have to plan which route you wanna take
stealthing is basically impossible since the enemies recognize you instantly and is nothing more than left out potential
but the overall experience was pretty great
i recommend you just killing every enemy you see because they really wanna see you dead
most enemies just chase you with a car in order too run you over so just be careful and you wont be as frustrated as most people who hate this game

there's a handful of very bad design choices that stop this from being the good to great far cry game. Seriously, all they really need to do is make stealth viable and and enemies less aggressive and the game would be legit pretty good.

As it is though, being constantly assaulted every time I step food outside a safe zone is not fun. Shame too as it's world is fun to explore.

Please bring this kind of Far Cry back. If they had just polished the mechanics and kept building onto this, Far Cry would be so fucking good. The lived-in war torn open world, fire physics, factions, buddy-system, and absolute feeling of danger make this my favorite Far Cry. It feels so much more visceral than all that came after. It's janky and has some egregiously annoying systems and pacing issues, but it really stands tall still.

This game tries too damn hard to be "realistic" but it fails. Love how realistic it is for me to crash my jeep into a tree and fix it by tightening a punk ass bolt in the engine. Love having malaria. Love guns jamming every other shot. Love enemies respawning as soon as I walk a few feet away. Man, fuck this piece of shit game. Jackal seemed cool but I'll never know because I'm not gonna bother with this shit game.

fascinating but frustrating

Games a weird amalgam of open world game elements that weren't fully fleshed out at the time. I liked it for what it was.

Shooter mechanics are awful, but this formula shows a lot of promise. They'd improve on it with later titles. Multiplayer is made great by a robust level editor.

Either you hate Far Cry 2, or are currently reinstalling Far Cry 2.

Suffering is a gameplay mechanic. Slow and methodical and quite frankly un-fun if you're not chasing its specific taste. Like the slow-burn pleasure of drinking a nice aged single-malt scotch, Far Cry 2 requires the player to be in a very specific mindset to enjoy. But if you're down to mull over its unique landscapes, rusty weapons and confused mercenaries then Far Cry 2 will gently envelop you in propagated fire.

Absolutely amazing from the artistic side, a fps that actually shows you how terrible war is witouth yelling what a piece of shit you are when they make you kill innocents. You're a mercenary, a death dealer, trying to make a buck killing other people, you get screwed by nature and the ever changing politics in a civil war, and now you must survive and try to get as much money out of the conflict as you can.
With mechanics like respawning enemies in territories you try and try to clear, in practice it lacks a more interesting story, but the feeling of desolation and hurt haven't been realized in any other game as of yet.
The gun play is pretty uninteresting, the rust in the weapons is a fun gimmick but gets boring pretty fast,.
A bitch to play in modern computers, but really worth it if you get it on cheap.
If it ever gets a remaster it will probably suck

My personal favorite in the series, Far Cry 2 is a lonely and unforgiving game. This is more of a driving simulator but god damn is it pretty to take in. I love the survival-lite features like the healing animations and being able to heal with food. It's also a bit buggy unless you cap the game at 60FPS. It's definitely a love it or hate it game, I have some friends that find it a drag to play and others who love it to death. IMO it's worth giving a shot, especially with how dirt cheap it goes on sale.

Wildly innovative as a FPS, certain mechanics aren't as charming as they used to be, first playthrough was my favorite.

Impressive game with hard as nails atmosphere. Really got me into the Far Cry series. Really like it, may or may not be nostalgia reasons

Shooty McShootface bastante genérico 2.

I know a lot of people don't like this game for all of the stuff that differs from the normal FPS game, but that's why I like it. It tries something different, and while not all of it sticks the landing, a lot of it does and it helps it stand out amongst all the other FPS's released around this time.

I'm not really feeling the game. The sorta repetitive gameplay loop wasn't doing it for me. I like the themes of the game, but I just don't have the energy to finish it. I got a little over half-way through.