Reviews from

in the past

The best Final Fantasy game in my opinion. Incredibly charming cast of characters, dramatic and compelling story, god tier soundtrack, all combine to make a game that really set the standard for the games to follow. Sorry Persona 4, but Cecil faced himself before it was cool. Elder God tier game

A product of infectious, childlike passion. FFIV implements the somewhat flawed but then-innovative ATB system, and unlike many of its successors actually feels designed around it. Bosses take far more advantage of the system's unique affordances than later games do. Party members and their "gimmicks" are well thought out and decently balanced.

The story feels like it was written by a child, but an exceptionally enthusiastic child with some great ideas. It frequently comes across as hokey, but at its heart carries splinters of meaningful maturity. It is the fertile garden from which FFVI would eventually bloom and supplant its progenitor in just about every way possible.

I always recommend that people play FFIV before FFVI if they have any intention of playing them all, because looking backward renders FFIV sophomoric and prototypical, but when its ideas are new, if not to the world than to the player, one can see how much of a revelation FFIV really was, and how much of the final form was already in this first draft.

Way too basic to be worth playing now. Was a groundbreaking foray into more cinematic storytelling at the time.

sets the ground work for what would become what we often consider final fantasy

cecil shoulda kept the dark armor

best classic (i haven't played 6)

So hey this game, the first Final Fantasy for the SNES and it uh...shows. Now by no means is FFIV a bad game, it just lacks polish since it was on a new platform and all that. It did have a pretty good story going for it and all which is always nice but personally play this one after you played other FFs. Also play the PSP port.

perfectly standard JRPG, it doesn't excel anywhere but it's not bad in any places either.

perfectly fine but dragon quest 5 was better lol

My first JRPG. it's pretty good!

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Almost a great game. That scene in Mt. Ordeals is still great to this day. The scene when Cecil tells Rosa and Rydia to stay behind before the final showdown leaves a very bitter aftertaste though. That, and that weird stint where you're forced to use the Cecil/Cid/Tellah/Yang for two dungeons, ugh.

This game got me into star wars

For a SNES JRPG, this game was seriously ahead of it's time

"Stay in the kitchen Rosa"

play it, its a good fucking game

Is it bad that I've basically memorized the entire script for the original US release of this game? Or that as a kid, I'd put VHS tapes into a VCR and record six hour increments of gameplay and then put them on to watch while eating dinner?

I might love this game too much.

De mis favoritos por razones de nostalgia. Sin embargo, la historia deja de ser interesante en cuanto Cecil se convierte en Paladín. A partir de ahí la trama se alarga innecesariamente repitiendo situaciones.

It was amazing back when it first came out, and it’s still amazing now.

great fun but completely invalidated by the psp remake

Cecil was the og best final fantasy protag. Truly a king of the ages. Anyways, as tradition of ff jrpgs it's fun to play. Though it had party members dropping from left and rigth and rejoining, ultimately in the end I liked that it constantly changed. I love the characters in this too.

have fun when you get to the moon

A bit more ambitious than its predecessors, Final Fantasy IV introduced gameplay elements that would become franchise staples. Some shaky storytelling aside (often through contrived excuses to swap out party members), the game holds up remarkably well.

Very basic for me. I don't like most of the dungeons, but the story is rad.

A bit rough but ultimately still worth time.

This is surely the first great Final Fantasy. Innovated in the character development, in the battle system with the ATB system. It still holds up for the today's standards gameplay-wise.
Any version of this game can't go wrong, I just prefer the PS1 and SNES because their difficulty is fair, unlike the DS version which is quite unbalanced. But then it's up to you how you want prefer to challenge yourself.

no aprovecha al máximo las capacidades de la snes

I first played it in 2009, 18 years after it first came out, and still had a good time. Despite showing its age in some ways, it has an epic timelessness to it and shows a lot of heart. I also loved that you started the game as a walking death dealer instead of a whiny kid or plucky unskilled adventurer.

I do have to pick on the story a bit though - the ridiculousness of some of the twists as well as the sheer number of fakeouts (avoiding spoilers but if you've played it you know) have to count against it, especially since FFV's storyline is panned for being bad and (imo) isn't half as ridiculous as this one!

Final Fantasy IV re-establishes the series once again by focusing on a tight cast of characters and a dramatic plot with dangerous stakes and Shakespearean tragedies. It is a landmark JRPG that set standards for storytelling at the time, but doesn't hold up so well thanks to the simplicity of its gameplay and storytelling. Starts out wonderfully, but loses my interest as it goes along.

The perfect balance between classic Final Fantasy (greater focus on menus and grinding) and PS and PS2 Final Fantasy (greater focus on characters, plot, and cinematics). New battle mechanics and challenges are introduced throughout, keeping things fresh. The characters develop emotionally as well as through stats. The plot would not be considered a great book or movie, but it makes for a stellar video game. If you're in a tight spot, remember the spoon.